Introduce yourself!

cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
Hi everyone!

I've just finished 30 Day Shred and I'm moving on to Ripped in 30 tomorrow (June 10th)
I lost 122lbs on my own (no programs of dvds) in 2.5 years! going from 263lbs to 141lbs.
Although, I didn't really do all of it the correct way, So naturally, I gained about 37 of those back :(
BUT I'm back and doing things the right way! I'm posting my 30DS results tomorrow morning, so until then, I cant really give a start weight! But here are my other stats! ( PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT focusing on my weight right now. Too much focus on my weight sent me down the wrong path, and I don't want to go down it again...currently weighing once a month...weigh whenever you like, I just choose not to because its just not the right thing for me to be doing)

Did 30DS...gained 7lbs and 2.5 inches around waist and hips :(
HIGHEST weight: 263lbs
RI30 Start weight: 177lbs
5'8.5ft tall
18yrs old
Pear shape
I try to exercise at least 6 days a week.

Looking forward to meeting each of you, please introduce yourselves! Happy ripping :bigsmile:


  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    I will finish 30DS on July 15th and than started Ripped in 15. There is not so much weight to loose but my muscles are flabby :/
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    Heeyy!! With the kind invitation of my friend cm1458, im here to get ripped with y'all! I'm currently on Day 3/ Week 3 of Ripped in 30 right now. I felt it didn't get any easier until today, and im so happy im at least a tad bit more comfortable with the moves now! Let's do this thing!
  • Hey, I've started today a diet (since it's Ramadan now it'll be easier). I dont need to loose much weight but i would like to fit in a size 8 and work on my legs and abs. So i hope we can encourage each other.
    I used to be 148 lb and now i am 127 lb and my height is 5'4.2ft . my main exercise is walking but now i am trying to include swimming more often.
  • msnwalsh
    msnwalsh Posts: 9
    finishing up 30DS on saturday and then start Ri30 on monday. i want o tone up more especially after two kids my stomach is not what it used to be. going on vacay next week but plan on working out while on vacay, no excuses!!
  • gunnyfuy
    gunnyfuy Posts: 16 Member
    I've started doing Ripped in 30, 30ds, and Jillian's Yoga Meltdown every day a couple days ago. I'm only on Day 2 of Ri30, so I'm really glad I found this group :) I really want to tone up and hopefully lose a couple of inches, especially in my stomach and thighs.
  • kejw08
    kejw08 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey, just joined MFP today. I lost a 60 lbs a few years ago with the help pf 30 DS but have since gained about 40 lbs back. Looking to get back on track and loss 75 lbs before I turn 30 (April 2015--would like to sooner but I am willing to give myself plenty of time). Hopefully RI 30 and the accountability of the group will help!
  • Matsuai
    Matsuai Posts: 1
    Hello, I'm 33 years old, 5'2 and 144lb.
    I was doing Ripped in 30 level 2 but I quieted for 2 weeks.
    So I'm thinking to go back level 1 from today.
    My goal is to lose weight 34lb and become 110lb by next year.
    I'm so glad to see someone is also doing the DVD. :happy:
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    Welcome, everyone! You all are so awesome! I know we can achieve great things!
    It wont be easy, but It will be worth it!!!
    Everyone please keep posting within the group. feel free to post anything you like and please post updates!
    Thank you all for joining the group, please invite any of your friends who are also doing/going to do RI30! :glasses:
    Have a fantastic day, Happy Ripping!
  • mdivamuffin
    mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
    Hi, I've been looking for a group to join so thanks for starting one :-) I'm about half way through ri30 and that's where I always lose motivation. I really love it though it's much better than 30ds because each exercise is 30 secs and there are 4 levels. So you don't really have long enough at each level to get bored.
    I don't have that much weight to lose but really need to tone, especially my belly!
    My stats when I started were:

    Weight: 148
    Boobs: 39.5
    Under boobs: 32.5
    Waist: 31
    Belly: 37
    Hips: 38
    Thigh: 22

    I haven't measured since then but will do at the end of the programme. I'm on Week 3, Day 3.
  • whitneysmomma
    whitneysmomma Posts: 34 Member
    Hey everybody!! What a perfect group for me!! I'm starting Ripped in 30 tomorrow along with Hip Hop Abs :) So excited to have a group for this. Yay!!

    So I'm 31 years old from Indianapolis, IN. My name is Josie. I have a 3 year old little girl. I work as a Health Coach for WebMD, and i'm in school for my masters degree in Public Health. I should be finished with that in about 15 months!!
  • CCNYE63
    CCNYE63 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi All!

    I am 50 years old, 5'8", and about 138 pounds. I joined MFP 4 months ago when I turned 50 as I noticed my metabolism had really slowed down and my weight was creeping up! Also, I have an irregular heart beat that kept me from doing any exercise for about 6 months, and my cardiologist wanted me to start working out more once we got it under control. I am working on maintaining my weight, and firming up a little more.

    I work full time, and have a 15 year old son, so have little time to exercise. I like these shorter workout tapes that I can pop in when I have 30 minutes to spare.

    I finished 30DS a couple of weeks ago, and started RI30 shortly after. I just started level 3, and it's tough! I'm using 3 pound weights for now.

    Good luck everyone!
  • mariahays
    mariahays Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! :smile:
    I think I have finally hit that point... I am sure many of you know what I mean, I started doing the JM RI30. I truly don't have much to loose, I believe with me it's mind over matter at this point. My husband keeps telling me that I look perfect, which I love him for that... but then I look at that box that I packed up that contains my favorite Levis and just cannot understand how I could let myself gain 25 lbs. Now granted this happened over a period of 2 years, but its frustrating all the same. So here I am, need a place where I can find others who do understand... and we can help each other. I have been down that avenue of WW x 2... the first time I was successful and that is when my Levis and I became the best of friends

    Definitely looking for encouragement, "workout buddies", anything and everything to keep me motiviated ! :flowerforyou:

    Happy to find this board! Have a great day everyone
  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    I am on day 4 week 1....I wanted a group likd this for motivation.....thanks guys.....Please keep updating about each week's workout.....