I must be slightly driven

RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
So the family is going to Lake Tahoe for the week and we're getting all packed when my wife notices me packing the scale. "What are you doing" she says with a puzzed look. "We're going to be in Tahoe on Saturday, I weigh in on Saturdays". She just nodded and left the room.


  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    That's a big hell yeah, brother! I packed my workout dvd's when I went away for a weekend in June. Wife thought I was nuts, I told her that that kind of thinking got us to where we were, my new attitude will get me to where I want to be.

    Keep at it!
  • RyanKnight71
    RyanKnight71 Posts: 34 Member
    Sooo. Starting with the bad news, didn't log my food very well that last couple days we were in Tahoe. Saturday and Sunday dont think I logged anything at all. Had 2 nights where we went to the casinos and drank fairly heavily (tons of calories). But the good news is that I didnt completely blow it. I still maintained self control even while at the multiple family bbqs. Only bad decisions were with the drinking and I figure it was a total blast and had a lot of fun with family that I dont get to see all that often. Plus when I weighed in on Saturday I was 292.3. Down 5.5 for the week, unbelievable really. But I feel like I set the deck against myself for this upcoming week so im gonna have to make sure im super strict with myself. Had some fun and let loose a little so now its time to get back up and get to work. I got pounds to lose
  • dactonaw
    dactonaw Posts: 14 Member
    That is awesome, we all did the days where we over ate believe me, I did it a lot. At least you had a vacation reason.... I just gave into the temptation of Chinese buffet