Anybody starting INSANITY on 15th july?



  • gretchygirl32
    gretchygirl32 Posts: 48 Member
    I started on the 15th! Today's workout kicked my butt. I was ready to rest during the warm-up! Still, I dug deeper and am hoping to stick with it for the whole program.
  • renwicker
    renwicker Posts: 158 Member
    My gym membership ran out and I was looking at joining another. In the meantime, my girlfriend and I just started INSANITY on the 15th as well. It's kicking my *kitten*. haha
  • cyhwang
    cyhwang Posts: 4
    I just started july 15th as well--looking forward to getting fit!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Hi there, I did 17 days then became ill so have had over a week off. Because of that I plan to start again in a couple of days. I found a few friends who are going to start it too which is great as we can stay motivated better as a group.

    Anyone else starting around now is welcome to add me. :o)
  • evilchild86
    Insanity Day 3 - Completed whole video.
    Legs hurt this morning, thigh, calf and quads. Did a bit of research and decided to crack on and push through.
    I got through the whole video but could not complete every set of exercises.

    Legs no longer hurt !!!
  • bizzlesfate
    Hi All,

    I started Insanity on the 15th too, iv'e got my 3rd workout today when i get home from work :)

    feeling it a little today to be honest, day 2 def took it out of me, got through it but had to stop a couple of times!

    Saying that though im using Maxifuel recovery max, i feel alot better than i thought i did and yeh my muscles are achin but not as much as they were yesterday!

    good to know other people are starting on the same day and know how this feels lol!

    Heres to completing it :)
  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    I just started on the 15th too! I finished a round of P90X had to take 6 weeks off because of surgery on my shoulder area but am back at it! Feel more than free to add me!!
  • mainesm
    mainesm Posts: 107 Member
    I started Tuesday because I got the DVDs Tuesday. I am already thinking of doubling up one day so I can be on track as if I started Monday the 15th. Feel free to add me.
  • ukaggirl
    ukaggirl Posts: 70 Member
    I started on July 8th so I'm close. :) It's been tough but totally worth it! I did the Plyo Cardio today for the 3rd time and can already see a difference in the amount I am able to do. So happy tomorrow is cardio recovery! :D I'm excited for next Monday for the 2nd fit test so I can see if I've made any progress.

    I'm so happy to find this group so we can all suffer together!
  • renwicker
    renwicker Posts: 158 Member
    Looks like I'm taking a few days off. I pulled or strained my left gluteal muscle and it is a very sharp pain, even when walking. I noticed it being a little sore and cramped after the 3rd day, and I should have listened to my body. Now I'm going to be resting for several days to ensure it heals. Crud.

    I really hate that this program does not stretch until 10 minutes in to the workout, and also that he doesnt address some of the muscle groups used in the stretching. Still going to carry on once I'm all healed up and will be stretching on my own before hand from now on.

  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    No good on a pulled muscle but at least your recognized it, stopped and are giving it time to heal up. I couldn't agree more about the stretching. There isn't enough. Period. I did P90X before I started this so I use a lot of those stretches before I start or in place of a few of the ones on Insanity. I could tell after the 3rd day my knees were hurting (meaning I needed to stretch my quads better)... I'm sure you already know of this stretch, but it's a great one! I quickly looked it up online and here's a link... the few here (starts at about 1 min in) really should help! :)

    Hope you feel better and get back with it soon! :)
    Looks like I'm taking a few days off. I pulled or strained my left gluteal muscle and it is a very sharp pain, even when walking. I noticed it being a little sore and cramped after the 3rd day, and I should have listened to my body. Now I'm going to be resting for several days to ensure it heals. Crud.

    I really hate that this program does not stretch until 10 minutes in to the workout, and also that he doesnt address some of the muscle groups used in the stretching. Still going to carry on once I'm all healed up and will be stretching on my own before hand from now on.