My Swimming Lessons



  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited August 2016
    Swim yesterday was nice. Getting stronger. I started doing this exhale just before inhaling thing that now that I think about it, I might have read about it sometime back but thought it was impossible. I'm exhaling through my mouth in the water the whole time, but when I come up it's a quick and forceful, if you will, exhale and then inhale. Very helpful when the water is turbulent around me as it's apt to be (beginner swimmer) - the exhale kind of gets the water out of the way so I can then inhale

    I've done a few more successful flip turns just at the wall, and used to think the next step was doing a flip turn at the end of a pool length. But I could try it the other way first by flipping then doing a pool length. Just to play with the order since the actual turn is fairly physically or perhaps just mentally demanding.

    Nose clip search continues, none of them stay on my small nose and the price tag is up to a legit $30 now since I've bought about 4 or 5 clips now both in stores and online. Well one of them is not a nose clip, it's a nose plug. I got the large and already suspect it I probably should have gone smaller!

    Sinus Saver Nose Plugs
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    You make me smile. lol It's funny how much we think about swimming while swimming, eh? Is it because our heads are under water? When I bike, my mind drifts to so many other things, but when I swim, it's all about swimming. Maybe our brains do that so we don't drown. haha I think that's why I like it so much. I'm soooo impressed you're progressing on the flip turns! You're braver than I am!

    I just swam a kilometer in less than 45 mins! I'm so happy with that right now. By next summer I want to be able to swim 400 meters in less than 10 mins. I don't know if that's even possible. But I'm going to go for it!!

    I think a nose clip would drive me nuts. I like to breath out through my nose. I think I read somewhere to do that. I'll need a swim cap before the snow hits. Leaving the pool with soaked hair in -30C weather doesn't sound fun. Problem is I'm allergic to latex, so I'll likely have to pay a premium. Ugh. I also need a new bathing suit! Between loosing weight and swimming so much, mine is actually starting to sag. I better buy a good one this time. Problem is, I live in the middle of nowhere, and I'm not sure about buying one online. I mean it's a bathing suit... how will I know it'll fit? ffs
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited August 2016
    But hey, that's a great problem to have with the weight loss and everything, whoohoo! Congrats! I'd also wonder if you could have the current swim suit taken in, but then you wouldn't be able to use it while it was being altered. Last option would be to grab a needle and some thread and do some alterations yourself! If you want to do the online shopping, you may have to get well and familiar with return policies and hopefully it doesn't cost too much to return items that don't fit the way you want. A couple years ago my sister must have had an entire small store in the house, she bought so many clothes online at once with plans to return the ones that didn't work. She had us try some too in case we liked them and I snagged two tops that way :bigsmile: They weren't free, but beat the hell out of going to the store or ordering them online myself

    Congrats on your swim time! Sounds like you're progressing nicely towards your goals and setting some great new ones. Would love to be able to start counting the laps, too

    I actually started out exhaling through my nose, but couldn't get control of my breathing until I started exhaling through my mouth. I've played with the nose exhalation here and there but I can't seem to control it as well, and when I do both nose and mouth, I get exhausted so much faster. But again, even in my cardio and weight classes, I'm always stopping to blow my nose. Being in the water just takes it to a whole 'nother level where I'm doing the same at the end of every lap. It seems I could do so much more without that restriction

    Actually, during my swim yesterday I thought about lots of stuff that was stressing me out. It seems things flowed much better when I was distracted and didn't have time to not trust my body in the water. By the time I was done I had line of sight to fixing all my issues. Again another word of wisdom from the interwebs. A 15 year old kid had said whenever he had a problem he'd go into the pool and for sure he'd have a solution when he was done swimming! I don't necessarily want to think about problems all the time, but hey, great use for pool time sometimes!

    I did breathing on every sixth stroke yesterday. No flip turn attempts, as I was swimming alone and it was dark. There actually wasn't a huge difference between pull buoy and not using it with the relaxed breathing every sixth pace. Breathing was just inhaling on the top, none of that exhale quickly business heheh. I noticed my legs were maybe dropping in the water without the pull buoy. I'd love to fix that, but I then start focusing too much on the legs, don't trust them, I get more frenzied swimming and tire out too fast. Yesterday though, I was less tired, and probably could have kept going but I've mostly been doing a half hour and letting myself get the H out for the day/night.

    My nose plugs should arrive today.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Been back twice since

    Nose plugs were crap. Too big, too sharp, hurt my nose.

    So today I actually incorporated exhaling through the nose as well and it wasn't so bad. And yeah, now I realize I do think a LOT about swimming while swimming, you called it, spring913!

    Bought some more swim wear from Walmart. They were mostly 5 bucks but one pair of boys shorts didn't have a tag and I wanted it. By the time the clerk helped me manually get it in I saw it was 9 bucks :angry: I have plenty of bottoms and would have let that one go if I knew in advance. Oh well. Wore it swimming today :bigsmile:

    Still stopping at the end of every length - thinking it might be time to change that or learn an additional stroke. Yesterday's swim was actually just stress relief. They laid off so many employees at work all in the same day, the most ever I can think of. I woke up from my after work nap shivering in the fetal position (okay it was cold), and decided screw this I'm going for a swim. Felt much better afterwards. I think one of the nice regulars kind of motioned like he was gonna say hello or chat for a bit but I ducked right back under. Just a bad *kitten* day, but I'd say the swimming's helped out a lot to take my mind off things or at least process them.

    Today's swim was just about whether or not I could do it at all since I was a bit tired. But the pool is so close to my place that I literally just drive there on auto pilot and then figure out the motivation and other details once I get there
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    That's one of the main reasons I swim. It's just so damn stress relieving. Sorry to hear about work. We just had a major sorta lay off in May (it's complicated). It was devastating for everyone. I'm the chief union steward, so stress levels were super high. Swimming kept me sane.

    I don't think I could do a nose plug. Too constricting for me.

    As for stopping at the end of the lengths. I just decided one day not to. I think we stop because there's a wall. It's a physical barrier that causes a mental barrier. I truly believe you can do it. Do a couple warm up lengths, then say to yourself "ok, this time I'm turning around and coming back without stopping at the wall". What's the worst that can happen? You stop and put your feet down. Oh well. Still went farther than one length!

    I think you'd like backstroke. Being able to breath freely is pretty great. It's a fairly simple stroke to learn, unlike breaststroke that can be rather complicated. The hardest part is knowing when you're getting close to the wall! lol
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Ha-HA! That's what that was! So I watched a number of breaststroke videos and decided I liked this one:

    Couple minutes into my practice this morning I'm like, this isn't a nice relaxing stroke, there's a LOT of effort involved here! Maybe it's relaxing once people become good at it?? Good news is I was able to get half way down the pool and breathing before completely tiring out. The thing he said about "you just push the arms out in front of you" I noticed really takes a lot of power, which I just couldn't maintain. So instead I used a pull buoy and kept the arm strokes relaxing for now. After about ten minutes of that I was kinda done and went back free styling. Couple flip turn tries to round it out and I was done for the day.

    Seems like nose plugs for you are like ear plugs for me. I just don't need ear plugs but I've read of a few people going a bit nuts without them. One nose plug review did say you could breathe out with it, but not in. Just have to get the right fit that works first!!!
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    I like that guy!! I enjoy breaststroke, I like going under the water, it's fun! I'm nowhere near good at it, but I often do it at the end of my swim to relax. I don't even care that I look like a fool while doing it. lol You don't really have to push your arms out that forcefully if you're just swimming to relax. I'm going to watch him a couple more times before I swim on Tuesday, see if I can improve my stroke.
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    I didn't go swimming today. My body has been indicating to me for a couple weeks that I'm overdoing the exercising. I've decided to take a week off then change my routine to include 1 full day off and 1 day with only stretching and walking. So, I stayed home tonight... sighs
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited August 2016
    So I went back practiced some flip turns but mostly open turns. Getting a bit lazy with the swimming, as I'm only doing one lap without the pull buoy and then switching to use the pull buoy.

    Got my membership extended to match the end of my lease here, September 14! They said since I already paid for a summer membership I could just keep coming no problem. Turns out the membership normally would have ended September 6, so the membership director said she didn't want to Nickle and dime me for what would likely be just a couple days of gym membership. Something about one week normally costs $45...

    Anyway. With all the stuff going on at work, there was a temporary modification of my duties but I just felt it was time to do something different. So I left and am right now in the middle of the slowest, laziest moving plans I've ever done :). Here goes nothing
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    spring913 wrote: »
    I didn't go swimming today. My body has been indicating to me for a couple weeks that I'm overdoing the exercising. I've decided to take a week off then change my routine to include 1 full day off and 1 day with only stretching and walking. So, I stayed home tonight... sighs

    Hope this has been working well! For some reason, when I first read this, I thought you just weren't going to exercise anymore. Heh, a rest day and one take it easy day, that's more than I do for the most part. I mostly did three or four days exercise and the rest were off. Only with swimming was I doing about a half hour swimming most days. Sounds like you're still getting great workouts the way you want!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I really enjoyed my swim this morning. The old ladies kept bumping me to the next lane over lol. Well the good thing is the lane I ended up finally was the cleanest! No bugs, nothing. I was also very relaxed today, hoping for more swims just like this.

    Had some thoughts or an epiphany, if you will about turning in the water. I've been trying to learn flip turns and open turns, etc. They usually begin those videos saying well most people turn sloppily like this but you can be much quicker and much more efficient if you graduate to this better style! Well maybe what I should have learned was the sloppy easy one lol. I just want a style I can pick up that doesn't exhaust me too much so I can continue swimming.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Those nose plugs really were a game changer. I did purchase the medium size since the large was way too huge. Fits much better, although sometimes I still feel it's a bit big when the edge almost feels like it's cutting into my nostril. Anyway I'm working with various insertion angles and last night's swim for instance felt much more comfortable. It basically sits angled where the tip of my nose side is higher than the lip side

    Yesterday I swam about ten minutes without the pull buoy. It felt pretty much like with the pull buoy, but I started to feel very tired at the end of each lap, plus the water started to feel very very warm. The pull buoy took some of the work out of it for the remainder of the session. But I kinda like that strategy - do as many laps without the pull buoy then switch over.

    Pausing, almost to the point of letting my entire body go limp on every stroke with my arm stretched out is also changing refining the relaxing process. Also I may or may not being doing a two beat kick :tongue: I worry about attempting flip or open turns with a pull buoy between my legs, but coming to think of it, the turns don't really require separating the legs, so I'll give it a legit shot next time...
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Did a boat load of flip turns this morning. Honestly it was almost easier without stopping, and the main stop was happening when I'd execute one incorrectly and the pull buoy came out from between my thighs. I still start out thinking I can't do it, and it takes me a while to build my confidence to actually start doing it. I think I already mentioned, but when I do the flip turns, I breathe every fourth as against every six, since the oxygen demand is higher. The exhaustion is way lower, since I breathe right up until just before the turn if I have to, and right after. It was actually someone with a YouTube video that helped me - I asked why I was getting so exhausted after the turns and he mentioned oxygen, and the rest is history. I'm still practicing a five part flip turn learning sequence from GoSwim on YouTube, but by golly I can't get past stage 1. This morning I couldn't even do the standing sommersault holding a noodle. Like my abs were just done, or something. I couldn't get over and kept rocking back. They say it'll help us get better at flip turns even if we can already do it, and I still feel like I've done a couple dozen flukes, so I'm very much into trying!

    But. :)

    For the most part, I feel like I have indeed learned how to swim. I may take some water treading lessons and also try to really learn the other strokes, but at this point it's just a matter of getting better. Whoohoo!!! Yay, Summer 2016!!! And thanks everyone for helping encouraging and contributing, even those of you out there with helpful articles and videos created years and years ago, very helpful!

    Special thanks to my pal @spring913 , I hope life's treating you exceptionally well!
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    @JaneiR36 So are you done swimming for now? I've been off since the pool is closed for 6-8 weeks for upgrades. I can't wait until October to get back at it! I'm scared though, lol. I bet I'll have lost all my conditioning.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    spring913 wrote: »
    @JaneiR36 So are you done swimming for now? I've been off since the pool is closed for 6-8 weeks for upgrades. I can't wait until October to get back at it! I'm scared though, lol. I bet I'll have lost all my conditioning.

    Hahha nope. I went to check out LA Fitness and a local park here because they both had swimming. LA fitness had too many intrusive questions, plus I couldn't get past their sign up fee and expensive pay per visit cost - $15 compared to $3 for the park. So I've already swum once at the park pool, and even though they had a swim team practice that no one told me about (so pool availability for public lap swimming might be spotty), I think I'll stick with them for a while especially since I kinda like their month to month format ($30!). It's also indoors, so no closure due to bad weather like I used to experience, I don't think!

    So did you swim right up until both pools closed? 8 weeks, wow. If it's an indoor pool though, they'll be open for swimming all year
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    Back atter this coming Tuesday. The pool has reopened and I tried to go Thursday but ffs, could not find my goggles anywhere!! I know I put them someplace "safe" where I woudn't loose them. lmfao. So, off to buy new ones tomorrow. I'm a little scared getting back in, I'm sure I've lost all my conditioning, especially considering I broke my toe and haven't been biking either. It'll be like starting from scratch for me.

    Tagging you cause it's been too damn long since I've posted!!!!!! @JaneiR36
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    spring913 wrote: »
    Back atter this coming Tuesday. The pool has reopened and I tried to go Thursday but ffs, could not find my goggles anywhere!! I know I put them someplace "safe" where I woudn't loose them. lmfao. So, off to buy new ones tomorrow. I'm a little scared getting back in, I'm sure I've lost all my conditioning, especially considering I broke my toe and haven't been biking either. It'll be like starting from scratch for me.

    Tagging you cause it's been too damn long since I've posted!!!!!! @JaneiR36


    I hope you find your goggles! Whew! It seemed like forever, I'm just glad your pool(s) are back open now.

    Was actually checking out a new (to me) town today and one of the places I went was the pool. Heh. I couldn't actually see it, but the area is alright I guess.

    Heh. Conditioning. I'll have to answer to that pretty soon, myself. I haven't been as consistent as I was this summer for sure!
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    I'll know tomorrow night how it goes!

    I actually went and bought a new pair of goggles and broke down and bought a swim cap too. I don't like feeling confined so it might be interesting. But I don't want to leave the pool in the middle of winter when it's freezing cold with wet hair. So, it's worth a shot.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I've had excellent luck with goggles, none with caps yet so I hope you're doing better than I am! I know what you mean about feeling constrained, though lol. Some days it's not my muscles quitting but my face just getting a little sick of all the "stuff"!!

    So my month to month deal expires on the 21st. I haven't been out swimming in about a week, if not more. There's no contract here at all, so either way I'll just renew for another month next time I go. Been practicing butterfly and taking on some chlorine... The ever elusive breathing is the last part I need to get down!
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    Butterfly was my specialty when I was a kid. Emphasis on KID.... I haven't even attempted it since I was 12. lol You're braver than I. Youtube to the rescue?!?!?!

    The cap was a bust. Problem #1 - I'm allergic to latex, so I had to spend a lot on a silicone one. Probem #2 - It doesn't stay put. Problem #3 - the top fills with air and I look like a fool. Problem #4 - my hair was just as wet with it as without. One is arriving tomorrow in the mail, with my new suit. Hopefully both fit!

    Aside from equipment malfunctions (my bathing suit is waayyyy too big on me). Last night was friggin fantastic!! All that worry about my conditioning and reverting back to 6 months ago for nothing. I even did 10 lengths of back stroke without stopping!! I'm very happy.