The Last 10: Action Plan (no complaints!)



  • PenguinGirl1234
    PenguinGirl1234 Posts: 16 Member
    ivylyon wrote: »

    I've been looking into intermittent fasting. I don't like breakfast and I tend to lean towards bigger meals.

    Anyone else doing this?

    I do a kind of fasting (a bit like the 5:2 diet) where I have a fast day, (500-600 calories) once or twice a week. I find it helps to 'reset' my appetite, so when I go back to 1200 calories I feel like it's a lot of food, and I don't feel deprived.

    Skipping breakfast was always a big diet no-no, but people now are doing it as part of IF 16:8 where you fast for 16 hours (overnight and skip breakfast) and eat over 8 hours.

    Experiment and see what works for you.

    I've done IF. It is amazing! I actually did 5:2 and LOVED IT. However, I took a break from it and it's been hard getting back on. I'm now trying out 16:8, and so far that's been alright. Besides the weight loss, there are actually lots of different health benefits to IF which I think makes it really worthwhile. People have this misconception that it'll slow metabolism or send you into starvation mode or result in binge eating when the fast time is up, but that hasn't been the case at all for me (and many others who've tried this). Obviously, you need to be disciplined during the eating times, but I've found IF really allows me to have a balanced lifestyle AND get the weight loss results I want. :)
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    I am 116-117 pounds and 5'1". I want to be down to 105 pounds by September 21.
  • MzKrystle
    MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
    Hi! I"m 5'7 and I would like to get down to 135lbs to start (seems impossible) and eventually to my goal weight of 130lbs. I was 128lbs once.. got that way after a bad breakup but WOW did I look good. :) My friends thought I was too skinny but whatever, I liked it. Anyway currently 138lbs but this is where I start to get in trouble and slack. Next thing I know I'm back up to 145lbs. My body loves being at that weigh and fights it's way back and wins. SO....going to put in the good fight. One thing I like to do that helps is plan my meals and log them the day before on MFP. Helps keep me on track. Feel free to add me!
  • MzKrystle
    MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
    Some of you have mentioned intermittent fasting. I've heard this a good thing to do. I think I will do it next Monday. 500's going to be tough.
  • Nicole_Trippler
    Nicole_Trippler Posts: 7 Member
    I'm currently at abot 110 pounds and want to go down to 105. I'm 5.18ft - and I'm supposed to stay at 1.2 / a day. It's a bit rough. I've started yesterday and did a run so according to the internet I burned about 300 calories. I had a total + of 100, I'll try to stay below the 1.2 in the future.

    Today, I had protein shake for breakfast and now I've already stuffed my daily calories into my system and the day isn't even half over yet. I can drink another protein shake in the evening and that's it. Going to be so hard~ but I really want to loose those 5 pounds and get to the weight I'm most comfortable with while building up some muscles!

    Feel free to add me so we can keep each other motivated!
  • Silveya
    Silveya Posts: 77 Member
    Nicole_Trippler: Some things that help me personally: Planning my meals the day before. So I am not rushing to find healthy things to eat when I am hungry. I attempt to spread my calories out over the day. I give myself snacks to help between meals. I attempt to leave a small surplus of calories for the very end of the day. That's when I am most likely to sabotage all my awesome self control, up until that point. I don't always succeed in staying under my goals. However, these things help me, so I thought I would share them here. :)
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    MzKrystle wrote: »
    Hi! I"m 5'7 and I would like to get down to 135lbs to start (seems impossible) and eventually to my goal weight of 130lbs. I was 128lbs once.. got that way after a bad breakup but WOW did I look good. :) My friends thought I was too skinny but whatever, I liked it. Anyway currently 138lbs but this is where I start to get in trouble and slack. Next thing I know I'm back up to 145lbs. My body loves being at that weigh and fights it's way back and wins. SO....going to put in the good fight. One thing I like to do that helps is plan my meals and log them the day before on MFP. Helps keep me on track. Feel free to add me!

    My body does the same thing. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a tug of war battle with my body. I wish it would agree with me and cooperate! Lol.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited July 2016
    Silveya wrote: »
    Nicole_Trippler: Some things that help me personally: Planning my meals the day before. So I am not rushing to find healthy things to eat when I am hungry... :)

    This suggestion makes a huge difference for me. I tend to get hungry suddenly. If I have things measured out and prepared ahead of time (while I'm not hungry), then I will reach for them rather than something else convenient when the hungry times come.

    Accessibility in the moment is helpful. That is why I enjoy things like home made soup in a crock pot. I can put stuff in and in a few hours voila it is waiting for me! If I have a salad cut up and prepared I will eat that instead. Another thing I will do is make multiple portions of things like grilled chicken, roast turkey, etc and freeze extras in portion sized freefer zip bags. Then all I have to do is thaw in the refrigerator or microwave and heat.

    Also it helps me to write out meal plans and log in a notebook what I eat. If I have to write it down and be accountable it makes me think twice about food choices. Most importantly, I don't keep trigger foods and processed sweet or salty "junk" foods in the house.

  • aly_sweig
    aly_sweig Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm super excited to have found a group of women with similar goals! I have been using myfitnesspal on and off for two years now with some success in the past, but have come to a total plateau. I am 5'4 130 lbs and want to be down to 120. I am going to Australia for 4 months in January and want to be bikini ready!! I try to work out for 2 hours a day and eat 1200 calories, but I am not seeing the results I want. This past winter I was in the best shape I have been in in about 3 years, but gained it all back in once I was back at school. My main goal is to slim down and tone my stomach. Also, for some reason my stomach is more round than it ever has been and I feel like it noticeably sticks out (looks & feels like I am really full/bloated all the time). My family will tell me that I look good, but I am still not reaching my goals. Hopefully posting about any progress and seeing what everyone else is doing will help me to find success!
  • carlydevi
    carlydevi Posts: 68 Member

    I've also been on MFP for ages (since 2012, which is slightly embarrassing considering I've only lost 20 lbs during those four years).

    Losing these last 10/15 lbs is so damn hard. Since I have a desk job and sit all day, my calorie goal is 1200. That's fine, I don't burn that much when I'm sitting around and as long as I spread my meals evenly I'm never hungry.

    BUT I don't move enough. I don't work out, I don't take walks, I always sit down instead of standing. I'm unreasonably lazy. That's what's keeping me from achieving anything. At the moment I'm losing weight at a rate of about 0,25 lbs/week despite not going over my calorie goal. That's hardly any progress and very unmotivating.

    So I hope reading what you're all doing is going to motivate me to get up and just MOVE a little. Nice to meet everyone. :blush:
  • kschramm7
    kschramm7 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm also struggling with those last 10 or so pounds. I've lost 76.2 lbs so far (using weight watchers), but since their program change in January, 2016, I've struggled to just maintain, and have actually gained a few pounds! I joined MFP a week ago, and so far, so good. My goal is 1/2 pound a week, so it put me at 1430 calories a day. So far I'm finding that very easy to work with.

    I also joined a gym last month, try to take 3-4 cardio classes a week, and just started working out with a trainer once a week.

    I just celebrated my 50th birthday (in April). It was my first birthday as an adult that I was at a healthy weight. I'd like to be in even better shape for my 51st.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    I've also switched down to 0.5 pounds a week as a weight loss goal because dropping 500 calories a day in order to lose a pound is a lot off of my TDEE requirements. I was way too hungry on 1250 a day but can manage 1500 calories a day without lowing my mind. My TDEE is 1750.
  • Nicole_Trippler
    Nicole_Trippler Posts: 7 Member
    aly_sweig wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    I'm super excited to have found a group of women with similar goals! I have been using myfitnesspal on and off for two years now with some success in the past, but have come to a total plateau. I am 5'4 130 lbs and want to be down to 120. I am going to Australia for 4 months in January and want to be bikini ready!! I try to work out for 2 hours a day and eat 1200 calories, but I am not seeing the results I want. This past winter I was in the best shape I have been in in about 3 years, but gained it all back in once I was back at school. My main goal is to slim down and tone my stomach. Also, for some reason my stomach is more round than it ever has been and I feel like it noticeably sticks out (looks & feels like I am really full/bloated all the time). My family will tell me that I look good, but I am still not reaching my goals. Hopefully posting about any progress and seeing what everyone else is doing will help me to find success!

    If you work out that much, I recommend measuring your size instead of looking at you weight. Muscles weight MORE than fat - and you look quite slender already, so it's a possibility that your workout builds up more than it works off, which isn't a bad thing if you like to look muscular. (Depends on your kind of workout as well, of course!)

    Oh, and if you work out that, add the information to MFP and eat accordingly. That's important if you want to build up your muscles. They help keeping you in shape after all.

    The round stomach might just be because of certain food. Again, I recommend to measure it's size. Our brain does a lot of **** when we look at ourselves in the mirror. Sometimes, I could swear that I'm fatter than another woman my age, but when I see us on fotos right next to each other, I realize how slim I actually am in comparison.
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    I am finally down to <10 pounds to lose (hopefully no fluctuations will change that; it is *that* time of the month so there are water retention issues). But, I am not really going to have a specific plan other than to set my calorie goal from losing 1 pound per week to losing 0.5 pounds per week because I am just constantly hungry. I will keep my exercise the same for now. Goal is currently 120 (I am 5'5") but I have a small frame and could probably go 5 pounds under that and it would be more appropriate. We will see.
  • lisabrick201
    lisabrick201 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm struggling because for me it's not about losing weight as much as losing body fat. Has anyone been successful tweaking their nutrition to accomplish this? I'm eating 1400-1500cal a day and it has been suggested I go to 1200 by multiple coaches but honestly I feel like I'm going to fall down! I work out 5/days per week consistently
  • veronicasmom1
    veronicasmom1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my comfortable weight is between 117 and 120. Somehow I seem to have gotten up to 130. People think it isn't a lot, but when your clothes no longer fit or cut into your skin then it is a problem. I refuse to go buy bigger clothes and that would be super expensive. I am down to 1 pair of workout pants that I can wear and I wash them every night. I teach so going back to work in September, I need to fit into my clothes. I am 48 and going to see the dr. tonight to make sure it isn't a medical issue. I am thinking it is hormones being out of balance. I have been walking for 25 minutes at a pretty quick clip each day (sometimes 2x a day) for 2 1/2 weeks and I have only lost a pound. Calories at 1200 a day and I keep a little below that. Trying to keep my calories very low carb, high in protein and healthy fats like avocado and coconut oil. Fat seems to have settled from my upper thighs to below my chest. I guess I may need to up my exercise?
  • veronicasmom1
    veronicasmom1 Posts: 2 Member
    Just returned from dr. visit and he is ordering bloodwork. Probably nothing serious but I explained I am concerned about weight gain and a few other issues. He stated that if a woman is per-menapausal she could have an excess of estrogen which creates havoc with her weight among other health issues. I am at that stage so I am going to research how to combat this. I'll share info once I find it.
  • courtliv3
    courtliv3 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey ladies!

    Love the great posts and positivity here! Sending all of you lots of good vibes and healthy thoughts!

    Here's my deal: After about a year of working out with weights 4x/week, not really watching my diet, and still consistently losing weight, I've been pushing myself harder to continue the progress, and it seems harder than ever! I've upped my workouts, decreased my calories, experimented with my macros, and am eating more cleanly than ever (check out my diary if you like, it's public), but these last pounds are STUBBORN!

    That said, I like to remind myself: I feel HEALTHY! Sure, the fitness life means less time socializing at happy hour, and every day my self-control is tested by baked goodies at the office, but when I'm diligent, I sleep better, I have more energy, and after living with gastrointestinal issues since the age of 13, my doc has basically said there's no sign of any of those problems now.

    Remember to be proud of yourself! Even if the progress is slow, you're still moving miles ahead just by trying!

    Feel free to add me -- I don't have a lot of very health-conscious friends, so I've decided to give the social aspect of MFP a go! Wish you all the best! xx
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    It has been a couple weeks and I lost a pound! My goal is to lose .5 pound a week. I can hardly believe it but the scale number is starting to slowly go down. Thanks for the accountability and for a place to check in.
  • MissMarlyIc
    MissMarlyIc Posts: 5 Member
    The last few are tricky. Forget the scale. Its hardly going down but I'm losing fat and gaining muscle. For me, my body is changing so much, its getting leaner and last bit of fat around my thighs is disappearing. I do intense weight training and cardio 100 mins/600-800 calorie burn per workout, 4-5 days a week and I eat around 1600-1900 calories per day depending on workouts. I think the key is to, change up your macros during the week. In general mine are 35% carbs, 30% fat, 35% protein. But twice a week I up my carbs, lower my fat, protein always high. Other once or twice a week, I lower my carbs, up my fat. This seems to work, progress is not superfast but its great progress. And none of this is planned, I just feel hungry for carbs so I eat them then, when I don't, I decide its low carb day. Consistency and patience, yeah had to learn that. Hope this helps, it works for me and after losing 16lbs originally on a low calorie diet and intense cardio, some weights, my body requires different calorie intake/macros now and there's no way I can eat less. I tried and would only end up binging on junk and feel crap about myself.