


  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 8/22
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 8/17

    My work schedule has been hectic. I'll get some exercise in tomorrow.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited July 2016
    7/10 - green and gym (swimming, but I went)
    7/11 - red, no gym - i was truly hungry so i ate
    7/12 - green, no gym
    7/13 - green, no gym

    9/25 and 4/15

    I am hoping to get to the gym tonight. We'll see.
    @Laughter_Girl - great job listening to your body and giving it water instead of calories.
    @bbinoa glad you are recovering well

    Son2 is wearing a 30 day heart monitor until August 12. 30 days has never seemed like such a long time. I hate waiting for answers, but this is the only way to get the necessary information. Ugh....I also think I would take this better if it were me and not my kid.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 9/22
    Exercise: Yes
    Goal: 9/17

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins I pray these 30 days go by fast. I can't imagine how helpless you must feel. How's your son coping? If he's anything like most kids, he's probably not too phased. Generally, kids are quite resilient. Keep your head up!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    @Laughter_Girl not happy that he can't swim and that I won't let him drive. He's taking it in stride otherwise.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: No
    Goal: 9/22
    Exercise: Yes
    Goal: 10/17

    My body was being greedy tonight for dinner. :-)

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins Well, not swimming during the summer and not driving could be a big deal to a teenager. Glad he's taking it all in stride.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    7-16 & 7-17
    Green: No & No (I simply ate for pleasure.)
    Goal: 9/22
    Exercise: Yes & No
    Goal: 11/17

    So, if I eat within my caloric range everyday until the end of the month, I can reach my Green goal. I'm going for it. Tomorrow is the start of a new day.

    How are you ladies doing?
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 10/22
    Exercise: Yes
    Goal: 12/17

    Great day!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 11/22
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 12/17

    I hope everyone is doing okay. Thinking of you.
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Yes, I disappeared! Hope everyone is doing great! I'm still on crutches. Go back on Monday so I'm hoping get to be off those and able to do a little more. I haven't worked out in 2 weeks, and my food choices have been less than stellar! My husband has been helping by grocery shopping and "cooking" which means my diet is mostly pizza. On the plus side, I realize working out is now a part of my life. I miss it a LOT! I've even been having dreams I'm running or in the gym. Also, I'm really not freaking out over the sorry state of my diet. My stuff still fits ok, I can't weigh myself bc my foot looks like a mummy's and won't fit on a scale, but I'm fine. I haven't logged stuff but I really feel ok with it, which is huge for me! In the past I'd either be way off the eating/exercise wagon, or obsessively freaking out and trying count calories. Right now I know it's a temporary blip and I'll be back to normal soon. I'm liking it!

    @Laughter_Girl how are you feeling? Hope your summer is going great, and you're back to talking! Have you been running?
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins hoping they figure everything out with your son soon!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I swear that tried to post my days on Sunday, but it's not here so here's my catch up.
    7/14, 15 & 16 - green, no gym
    7/17 - red and gym.
    7/18 - green, no gym
    7/19 - green and gym

    14/25 and 6/15

    I didn't actually log anything on 7/15, but I had a migraine and I didn't eat enough, much less go over.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    7-20 & 7-21
    Green: No & Yes
    Goal: 12/22
    Exercise: No & Yes
    Goal: 13/17

    @bbinoa It's amazing how we can change mentally. The fact that you miss working out is huge. It'll happen soon though. In the meantime, continue to get better, and enjoy being pampered by your hubby. I love pizza. He could "cook" for me any day. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

    I'm feeling a lot better these days, and yes I'm taking. I actually did a run today. It wasn't bad at all. Considering today was my first run in a while, I was happy I survived it.

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins I hope the migraine lifted.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    7/20 green, no gym
    7/21 Chevy green, gym (99 calories over)
    16/25 and 7/15

    @Laughter_Girl it took until Saturday morning for it to completely fade. Stressed out over the kid and his heart condition and the rapidly increasing amount of money I owe my employer. (actually, I could raid my savings account to pay it off, but they'll let me make payments so that's what I am doing.)
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 13/22
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 13/17

    I wished I could have exercised today, but I just didn't have the energy for it. I'll try again tomorrow. Maybe it's the heat?

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins I'm glad the migraine eventually went away. I'm sorry you're stressing though. It can really take a toil on one's health. I'll be praying for some peace so that you can rest. Hang in there.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 14/22
    Exercise: Yes
    Goal: 14/17

    My tummy hurts. I ate too much for dinner. It'll be a light day tomorrow.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 15/22
    Exercise: Yes
    Goal: 15/17

    Much better day today!
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Guess who got rid of crutches today? Woohoo! Had my first follow-up this morning. They said I'm doing great. I'm wearing one of those walking boots for a few days to get used to weight bearing, but I'm allowed to transition to a real shoe whenever it feels okay. I'm also allowed to walk, workout, swim, shower etc. Just no running/jumping/squats w/heavy weights etc. yet. I promptly hobbled home after the appointment and washed my foot! It's been 2 plus weeks without getting it wet and we've had nothing but 90 degree days. Ick. It's sore, but I'm feeling pretty good right now just to be off crutches. Also very happy I can swim- we have a pool and the weather is definitely calling for it. I go back in 6 more weeks so I assume I'll get the okay to do everything at that point. Yippee! Oh, and apparently it wasn't going to heal w/o the surgery. My Dr. said there was a lot of scar tissue around the nerve so I did the right thing. I'm finally feeling like I'm getting back to normal.

    How's everyone doing??

    @Laughter_Girl how is the eating stuff going?

    @MelissaPhippsFeagins I hate migraines... I go through times in my life when I get them and they're the worst. Really knock you down.

  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 16/22
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 15/17

    I have a busy few days ahead of me. I'm working in the kitchen preparing meals for kids in our Vacation Bible School at church. It's very exhausting. Two days down and three more to go. I'm happy to be helping out though.

    @bbinoa That's wonderful news!!! I'm so very happy for you. You'll be a fitter and stronger you in no time.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: No
    Goal: 16/22
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 15/17

    It was a long day.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Goal: 17/22
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 15/17

    One more day until vacation bible school comes to an end. Woohoo! I'm in need of some normalcy.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    7-28 & 7-29
    Green: Yes & No
    Goal: 18/22
    Exercise: No
    Goal: 15/17

    We'll, I survived VBS. Now I'm headed to Ohio to do the Wendy's Frosty 5k. Looking forward to crossing the finish line and eating a Frosty. :)