Weekly Post 03.07. - 09.07.16



  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Awesome job on 2 fast days during the week and it's just Thursday Sanjo & Oolou!! I might have botched mine today already...oops! :/ Well I didn't start the day too convinced anyway..tomorrow will be my 2nd then!

    Flossy: when you type your lunch, say tofu 2oz and a nectarine... In the same space you'd type in tofu, type in "intermittent fast". It will come up '1hour'...... adjust amount of time to correspond with the amount of time you've not eaten since the night before. (I'm just doing this for fun so some days, like today won't be that extraordinary). So for me today, I first ate at 11am, (a yogurt) so before I log my yogurt I'll figure out what time I ate last night...which was 7:30pm = 15.5 hrs. Now I'm going to add my yogurt in my menu logging but I'm going to add 'intermittent fast 15.5 hrs' first! This is only to amuse and entertain myself I think. I do feel better in my gut not stuffing myself so early in the day. I'm aware of the articles about this type of fasting (16:8 or 18:6) I think I'm better off not sticking to too many rules... So right now I'm just trying to record what I do or when I eat naturally and then see how I feel. I've been trying maintenance here and trying to weight train but I really can't do more than 3 times a week as I'm drained from it! I need to re think my weight training times as to how much & how often as I'm 56 and feeling it! ;) I have gained a wee bit of weight after my recent stint of 3months not logging accurately. This is my attempt at 'changing things up a bit', maybe I'm an intermittent faster and I don't even know it! Idk..... :s I'll fast tomorrow.... Who's with me?? o:)
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    I will be fasting tomorrow as well because I won't be fasting next week due to a camping trip with friends. Or maybe I can squeeze one fast day in next Friday, we'll see. Cheers all!
  • pepper176
    pepper176 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm new to 5:2 fasting - I just completed my second fast today! So far I'm feeling really good and I'm already less bloated and more energized. I'm curious to see what the scale says tomorrow. I know someone who has had great success with this method and I'm feeling very hopeful that it will work for me too!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Hi Pepper, great job so far! Regardless of what the scale says, 5:2 is a wonderful practice. Weighing yourself occasionally is fine and body measurements are another terrific way to measure results, plus general health. Best wishes to you and all the other folks focusing on getting and staying healthy!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks, Mama! I was able to do it. So the idea is just to track how many hours fasted, correct? I'm fasting with you and Sanjo, so if I eat at 6 tonight, that would be an 18 hour fast...not bad! I've been so sporadic with life. I like routine and the past few weeks have been anything but! My dance class was cancelled because of low turnout. That really threw me...much more than I thought it would. Im not sure what I'm going to do. I'm weighing my options. I agreed to volunteer (WHY?!?) with a triathlon my son is doing. It hasn't been that time consuming, but it still occupies my thoughts. Isn't it amazing how, when you really think about your day, most of our perception of busyness is in our minds? Some days I'm amazed at how little I sit down, so I know I'm busy. But then there are days when I realize I'm busy in my head...to the point of feeling overwhelmed. I have to write out my day, down to the time I'm going to do it just to see where my time goes. That said, I'm grateful for the ease of 5:2 because, honestly, I really don't have to think about it. I just do it and my weight just stays the same.
    Welcome, Pepper!! And great job ladies!!!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hold up Flossy ;) .....Start counting when you last finished eating last night, but if you finished eating food at midnight last night then yes, that would total 18 hours if you don't eat until 6pm today. I finished dinner last night by 7:30 and did not eat afterwards, just a cup of tea. Now today I always break up my 5:2 day because I need something in me by at least 2pm, (probs a yogurt or some almond milk & shreddies) so if I count from 7:30 pm last night until 2 pm today that totals 18.5 hrs.

    Welcome to all the new people!! What are your food choices on your 500 cal fast day?? Also, normally there is a weekly thread....it wasn't done this time but look for one Sunday.. Not sure when Flumi is home.

    On a different subject.... Does anyone do push ups? (Notice I made that plural)
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!! What are your food choices on your 500 cal fast day?? ... On a different subject.... Does anyone do push ups? (Notice I made that plural)

    Thanks Mamainthekitchen ^^

    I'm choosing to eat all my calories in the evening on a FD and I'm keeping it simple by having what I would ordinarily have but in smaller portions. So on Thursday I had grilled chicken, baked beans and mashed potato, followed by a sliced banana and cereal. I'm able to hit the 500 pretty accurately as the amount of cereal I have depends on how many calories I've got left. On Monday I had 25g of cereal, but on Thursday I had 35g.

    And ... um ... nope, I don't do push ups :smile:
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Good idea with the cereal Oolou!
    I'm thinking of grilled salmon and a veggie salad tonight but the fam isn't in agreement.... :s
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,538 Member
    I'm thinking of grilled salmon and a veggie salad tonight but the fam isn't in agreement.... :s

    We had griled chicken and a salad, the rest of them had macaroni and cheese, too. They got no choice, tonight!
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    Hahaha I can't blame them. Sometimes you just gotta be in the mood for fish :p
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hahaha I can't blame them. Sometimes you just gotta be in the mood for fish :p

    Geez I'm out numbered everywhere! I'm now grilling balsamic chicken.... but mac & cheese is also on the menu for the son! :#
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    Mac and cheese with cut up hotdogs and broccoli is a secret guilty pleasure of mine lol
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    @mamainthekitchen I did push ups regularly for quite awhile. Keep trying to get back to them. They are awesome for upper body and core strength / stability.
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    Apparently a good strength goal for ladies to aim for is to be able to do 10 good form standard push-ups. I can do about 3 now :D
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    I did a push-up challenge at the urging of a super fit friend a while back and now I do 20 standard push ups 3 times per week. I used to barely eek out 10 so even though those 30-day challenges are not my thing, it was effective. Now I'm afraid to stop because it would be hard to regain the ability. I am not successful in doing pull-ups yet although I try. I use an assist strap to do 10 assisted pull-ups and 5 assisted chin-ups. Now I'm heading out until Friday. Have a great week everyone!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hey im mighty impressed by the push-ups you ladies are doing... Special shout out to you Sanjo! I'm not one of those challenge people either but I'm thinking about checking out how to do them properly and I do NOT want to ask the husband to watch me!! Pinterest & YouTube is where I get my non judgmental help from ;)

    Yesterday's fast ended a little over in cals but that's ok... I still plan on having wine tonight!! Yippee!! Happy sat night people!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited July 2016
    Do that. Form is key. Only do as many as you can do with good form. I use a mirror to make sure my plank is a plank and not a 'roof'. Started at 3 and went up to 3*20 in 1-2 months when I was doing them every morning. As with everything, it's a question of doing them....

    My trainer at the time said, stay in full plank push ups and make them easier if need be by starting on a step or even against the wall. I would think, the full plank push ups give you more for your money than 'lady' push ups, because you are planking while pushing ;)

    And if you get bored....there are always travelling push ups and other lovely variations :p
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Good info Flumi!! Thankyou :)
    (Traveling ? K I'm googling that one!)