Rainbow OMAD Thread



  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    ARGHHHHHHHH. I am so frustrated with my weight! My weight has come up to 202.4, despite eating at a larger calorie deficit yesterday. Ever since I came home my weight has slowly been crawling up. I haven't been eating bad, in fact, I have been eating better. Same portions, less sugar. I have also worked out 4 times this week. Yesterday I only ate about 1,000 calories. I was satisfied with the calories I ate, but was very discouraged to see my weight didn't just stay where it was. In fact it went up! I am trying to keep faith in the process, but it is disheartening to see my weight slowly go up when the only difference is eating healthier, and being home. Those are two variables I'm sure I'm going to need to hold onto as I continue this journey.

    3 months ago I went to the doctor telling her I was concerned about how quickly I had put on weight. Yes, I knew I was eating worse than I had been, but the nearly 30 pounds came on in 4 months. I was basically told if I can't follow a diet I have something wrong with my psychologically that I would need to speak to a therapist about. I nearly accepted that theory, except I knew I had lost weight last year even with all my "psychological problems". I had a suspicion I may have something physically going on, such as PCOS. I had read up on the symptoms and I exeperienced many of them. I would have to go back to my doctors office for blood work to get the official say-so. I'm nervous of that because what if I get put on medication?

    I knew even if I have PCOS, many symptoms can be alleviated by losing weight. I hit 210 pounds and that was my breaking point, my no more! Ah Ha! point. That's when I re-commited to OMAD, and dropped weight like a crazy person. I knew I would stall since I had lost quickly, but now it seems its going up when I legitimately feel like I should at least be maintaining. Frustrated! Sad! Trying not to let it ruin my day, but my mood took at hit.

    I bent to the peer pressure of a muffin this morning, but have held the beast off for any other snacking today. I will eat my meal tonight, and get back up on the horse (scale) tomorrow. Wish me luck people.
  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    edited July 2016
    So I just read the "The Truth About Exercise at a Calorie Deficit" thread.
    The truth about exercise is that when you are big, you release the stress hormone called cortisol much easier with the same amount of exercise that a smaller person would have little or no trouble doing. Look at how much easier a smaller person can run upstairs compared to a bigger person, or how much further a smaller man or woman can run than a bigger person. Because of this strain on your body, a body can go into shock. Bodies react differently. Not all exercise is the same, but this is due to your body's inability to handle the stress more than anything else. What is good for one person can be bad for another, and what saves one life can end another.
    Why is this the case? Because, as stated, being big has you taxing your body severely at a calorie deficit. It is already hard enough on your body as you maneuver your weight around. This produces stress, which impedes weight-loss, and in fact, puts your body into fat-building mode since it starts to "freak out" and seek ways to store fat for hard times ahead.

    I think I may have found my issue. It's so strange to think I need to NOT exercise as much. However, when I was house-sitting, admittedly I wasn't exercising as much. Giving this a try.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    You'll be fine. It will take six weeks to really evaluate where you're at. And yes, sometimes you won't lose or the scale will go up. And yes, PCOS does complicate the weight loss process, but you'll tear right through it.

  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    Scale is still at 202.4. I went a little crazy yesterday with dinner, having a cookie and a half over what I meant to, and drinking a glass of soda. I am so busy this week I will try to update.
  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    201.6 today.

    I had Mexican food with my mom yesterday, a few pieces of candy, and half a banana muffin that wasn't satisfying so I threw it away. These are stressful days leading to my vacation. I have another exam for my class, work is so swamped I usually don't have time to go to the bathroom or take lunch. I leave for California in 2 days! I hope I have time to get everything done.
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    Good luck on your exams, and great news on the banana muffin!!
  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    201.4 today. I had a binge episode last night. I am being pushed to my mental limits these days with an overwhelming amount of work. It has been a very difficult week, but yesterday was the only day I let go of the control and had a binge episode. I waited until 6 pm to eat dinner. I was at my parents house studying so I had a few items, and a cookie. Then another cookie, and a s'more. I knew my boyfriend had made BBQ chicken so I went to his place and ate some chicken, chips, and half a glass of soda, trying to squeeze it in before 7. Around 9 I gave in to more cookies. I didn't want to wake up this morning because this crippling stress will be here until tomorrow afternoon when I can leave. The positive note is that it has been several weeks since I've had a binge episode.
  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    200.8 today! Today is my last day of work, and then I go on vacation. My goal is to not go too crazy while on vacation. Since I am not hungry during the day usually I am hoping to stick to one large meal in the evenings which is my home routine. I may be eating more however because 1) I am on vacation 2) Birthday--cake is mandatory! 3) I will be walking around for 12-14 hours a day so I may need more fuel.

    I don't think it will be too difficult because I will be kept busy and occupied during the day so I wont be thinking about food.

    Even though I didn't get what I desired, which was to be in the 199's range for vacation, I'm so close it still feels like a victory. Strangely, I am feeling anxious about not having a scale while I am gone to continue to monitor my progress. I know a lot of experts say don't weigh yourself every day, but I find I need to weigh myself every day because it keeps me on track. It's too easy to backslide if I'm not being careful, and stepping on that scale is a daily reminder that I am on a journey. I will be weighing myself first thing Sunday morning July 31, 2016.

    I started this journey Saturday June 25, 2016 at 210.4, and now Friday, July 22, 2016 I am at 200.8. That is 9.6 pounds lost in 4 weeks or 2.4 pounds per week. It works! And I'm learning to anticipate it working instead of being another failed attempt.
  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    This evening I went to my favorite pizza place in Phoenix. I was unable to eat both 16" slices that come with the meal which just a few short weeks ago I could have easily done. Two things I am aware of...1 I was tempted to drink soda. This is something I would like to avoid while on vacation. 2 The pizza tasted so good, so I had to slow down on the second slice to not eat until overly stuffed. Also I was full but wanting to continue eating because of the taste. My stomach is filling up on less but if I push it into a stretching point I am in the same state as when I put on weight.

    Today was a little bit of a cheat day since I ordered Starbucks this morning when I usually try to make it through the day on water only.

    If anyone is reading this, do you struggle with temptation from what your partner/spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend chooses to eat around you? Mine doesn't watch what he eats on a regular basis. I want to enjoy with him so I'm going to need to exercise extreme caution. Lol
  • thebobogrind
    thebobogrind Posts: 143 Member
    My husband lost 80 lbs a few years back (before I met him) on OMAD, and although I've posted a couple of times I was starting OMAD, it wasn't until last Friday that we BOTH decided to do it together and it has been a joy! I think I've had a hard time following though with my OMAD attempts because much of the weight that I have put on has been as a result of being married and eating alongside my husband. Now I'm not making excuses because yes I could have just said 'NO', but now that he is on the same page with me for real, we are sharing our daily struggles etc, I am confident this is for the long haul. So to answer your question, 'YES', I personally have found it difficult to stick to any 'diet' when my husband was not on board. Plus having someone close to do OMAD with is so fun!
  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    I am back!

    Vacation did not go well, decision wise. I gained weight. I ate things I had been trying to avoid. Even after coming back my body was used to consuming way too many calories. Yesterday I finally whipped myself back into some kind of shape and ate a snack around noon and then a meal at 5. Today is back on track.

    Since I hate running to the bathroom every 10 minutes while I'm working, I have started drinking 1-2 liters of water first thing in the morning so there is less pressure to get my water in during the day. I am aiming to get in at least 3 liters a day again. I think one of my biggest downfalls over vacation wasn't drinking enough water. Even though I was walking 12-14 hours a day I put on a lot of weight!

    So it's back to being careful. I am drawing inspiration from one of my friends who also 'discovered' OMAD around the same time I initially started doing it in November of last year. He is 60+ pounds down! I saw his updated pictures on Facebook and I just thought, if we both struggled for so many years and he's being successful, I can do this too! I need to take a note from him and STICK TO IT. So here I am; not giving up.
  • Abm4n
    Abm4n Posts: 529 Member
    I have found that drinking plenty of water is vital for my weight maintenance.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Welcome back!
  • Fumpydink
    Fumpydink Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome back!!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    A lot of the weight is food weight (not fat weight) and will be gone in a couple of days I bet. Good luck.
  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    edited August 2016
    I have been avoiding this thread because I was so ashamed. I never got back on track with OMAD after my vacation. Even though some of the weight did come off, I am not where I was before leaving for vacation. I struggled with deciding if I should go back to OMAD if I am just going to put on weight.

    I had a realization last night. I was going about things the wrong way. I wrestled with my decision about OMAD because I KNOW IT WORKS. I have had SUCCESS, even though it wasn't lasting because there was still something wrong with me. It started with a Google search of "I'm scared of eating" because I had felt an intense amount of fear once I got to 200 lbs. that anything I ate would sending me spiraling backwards. I found a YouTube video that was very profound and gave me insight into what I am doing wrong.

    I am dealing with food obsession, or more specifically a sugar addiction. The video I watched was a female doctor describing some symptoms, some information about food dependencies, and a few steps to treat addiction. For food obsessed people, the main diets fail after a while because the person reverts back to 'normal' habits. They never treated what the underlying problem was, even if they were temporarily eating healthy. So treating weight loss with a diet is the wrong approach. It needs to be treated like addiction.

    It was very interesting too because it was only in 2008 that a study was able to finally PROVE that sugar is an addictive substance. That at certain levels it lights up the pleasure center of the brain 8x more than COCAINE. That companies have used science against the biology of our body. People who are addicted to food fall into 2 categories, sugar or fat. and being addicted to high sugar, fat & salt foods such as processed food and fast food is what is causing obesity in this country. Like a drug addiction it is chemically altering the body for dependency. Basically when people eat high sugar and fat foods it sets off the reward center of the body. Overusing those ingredients over stimulates us and healthier, simpler foods no longer appeals because it doesn't have the addictive ingredients our body craves. A craving is vastly different from being hungry or appetite. The doctor used a lot of comparisons to an alcoholic.

    1) You have to take it 1 day at a time. When you join AA you go in knowing that you can never touch the drug/alcohol/pill again. Not even one drink. Which most addicts cannot handle thinking about giving it up entirely for the rest of their lives all at once. So she said you need to tell yourself "it's just for today I'm giving this up. Just 24 hours"

    2) You have to know your triggers. Seeing alcohol can trigger intense cravings that can overtake the body (which I identify with for food. As I told you before sometimes I get something in my mind and my body shuts down until I consume that thing.. serious obsession).That triggers can come from emotional responses, or physically being near something that triggers that type of craving.

    For me many triggers exist at work. I have one coworker who goes out for fast food every day and often hands out free junk food to us. He takes a lot of offense if you don't participate or accept what he gives you. Another is a manager who leaves a bowl of candy sitting on his desk that I walk by 50 times a day. Adding to those pitfalls, I get so stressed at work I am often triggered to is the right thing to do. It helped curb a lot of the binge episodes, but I still needed to work on my emotional responses which was a lot of my weaknesses. That I needed to not let other people influence me because most people do not realize how serious it is for ME. That if you say "I am addicted to sugar" they will think oh it just means you like candy, not that you are slowly killing yourself with uncontrollable urges to consume poison.

    I've been so ashamed of failing these past few weeks, but the shame stops here.
  • thebobogrind
    thebobogrind Posts: 143 Member
    I'm with you here. I have been seriously struggling with food as I have using it to help me deal with feelings of sadness, frustration, and stress due to serious events happening in my life. Add to that, the thought that I have to lose weight to get my dream job, and everyday has been a struggle- some I have won, others I have not. I keep on trying to push forward and believe OMAD is the only way of eating that will help me push through even more. I come to read these forums daily, and I take what people share very seriously. So thank you for sharing these details and know your words have an audience... In my eyes anyway.

  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    I'm with you here. I have been seriously struggling with food as I have using it to help me deal with feelings of sadness, frustration, and stress due to serious events happening in my life. Add to that, the thought that I have to lose weight to get my dream job, and everyday has been a struggle- some I have won, others I have not. I keep on trying to push forward and believe OMAD is the only way of eating that will help me push through even more. I come to read these forums daily, and I take what people share very seriously. So thank you for sharing these details and know your words have an audience... In my eyes anyway.


    If I may ask, what is your dream job and why would you have to lose weight to get it?
  • rainbowvenus
    rainbowvenus Posts: 28 Member
    edited August 2016
    My one meal for yesterday was at a buffet. I also had a snack size bag of lays potato chips after the church service. Today I am more keenly aware of maintaining an addiction frame of mind. I know how slippery the slope is. I can't say I'm day one of abstaining since I did have dessert, but I walked away from some of it. I feel less preoccupied with food today. Since we are going out of town for the day I will be busy and fasting should be easy until dinner. The potential pitfalls of Saturday is popcorn we usually get at the movies. I have to not think about it until I get there and tell myself no until my boyfriend consumes it. Popcorn is my gateway drug to sugar (soda).
  • thebobogrind
    thebobogrind Posts: 143 Member
    I'm with you here. I have been seriously struggling with food as I have using it to help me deal with feelings of sadness, frustration, and stress due to serious events happening in my life. Add to that, the thought that I have to lose weight to get my dream job, and everyday has been a struggle- some I have won, others I have not. I keep on trying to push forward and believe OMAD is the only way of eating that will help me push through even more. I come to read these forums daily, and I take what people share very seriously. So thank you for sharing these details and know your words have an audience... In my eyes anyway.


    If I may ask, what is your dream job and why would you have to lose weight to get it?

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