Just the Basics: July: Week 2 (7/8-7/14)



  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    edited July 2016
    tnevin225 wrote: »
    SW-295,CW-274,GW-180. I have lost 22lbs the in 6 weeks, I only weigh every other friday at my local clinic. I was a little disappointed at my last weigh in, only lost 4lbs but i been home alot and work has been slow. I should probly get off my butt and spend less time on here.

    I wouldn't be disappointed losing 4 pounds in 2 weeks. I haven't lost 4 pounds in 6 weeks! I have lost like 2 pounds total. I didn't even have the initial water loss like most people. But, I do have some NSV in that I am losing inches (well, more like 1/4 & 1/2 inches) and I feel better!
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    @PamamaJane I like that you are so well prepared! I need to follow suit and do something similar. However, this will have to happen after we finish the house we're working on and get moved to our new house. In the meantime, I'll just take it one day at a time
  • saltysailors
    saltysailors Posts: 101 Member
    The past couple of days have been going well. I have managed to stay on target.
    Logged -yep
    Carbs-yep still keeping them under 25 for the most part....occasionally go over to 30
    Calories-yep, except for one day I was like 40 over
    Electrolytes- better. I got some bouillon cubes and that is helping
    I have been doing this for 6 weeks. I believe I am keto adapted (never bought the keto strips, cuz the store was out of them) I do feel a lot less hungry overall, although I still have some days that I'm hungrier.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    3 days carb-sober. Feeling great!!

    SW: 153.4
    CW: 135.4 (lost 2.4 lbs in the past few days; not bad!)
    Goal range for maintenance that I'm trying to get back to: 129-133
    Cals: under
    Carbs: 33 total/30 net
    Exercise: Graduated from physical therapy today after 30 sessions! So I did about 50 mins PT plus around 11k steps total.
    Sleep: Only 5.5 hrs last night. Oops! But energy is good considering; could be being back in ketosis!
    Hydration: Great
    Sodium: Good
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Stayed on track yesterday in spite of wanting to eat the world for no good reason!Started a Fat Fast for the next 3 days. Here's a link if you're curious. http://ketodietapp.com/Blog/post/2014/08/14/Complete-Guide-to-Fat-Fast
    Just have to work on moving my butt a bit more :)

    Interesting! Let me know how it goes.

    Though what's driving me kinda crazy is I remember someone posting some research on here that showed fasting is bad for people with certain diagnosis or symptoms and I totally can't remember what. I just remember thinking it applied to me and "Good to know! Guess I shouldn't fast then!" but I haven't been able to figure out what it was and I don't remember if it was something that applied only temporarily or long-term.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    For 7/8-7/11
    Vitamins - 3 out 4 days
    Increased water - 2/4
    Carbs<80 - 3/4
    Cal<1500 - 4/4
    Activity - 3/4 walking and bicycling

    Yesterday I ate more carbs than I have I a few months. I don't feel any worse for wear today but am back to better meal planning. Going out to dinner with a friend tonight but being as hot and humid as the forecast says, can't imagine I'll eat more than a salad with steak or chicken and drink plenty of water.
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member

    calories - under
    carbs - under
    water - over
    exercise - no
    logging - yes

    Had just about as perfect a day yesterday than ever and this morning my weight jumped UP 4lbs. Hmmm... must have lost too must water with all the alcohol consumption over the weekend and yesterday my body decided to hang on it :) Not gonna stress. (that would just make me gain more, right?!?!) Feeling good today!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Checking in. I haven't done so in a little while.
    Diet has been on point-
    Water, no sweat.
    Exercise- Ok but could be better.
    Weight- well, not moving, and I'm not happy about it.
    My birthday was Saturday, there were a few beers over the weekend. Made a low carb chocolate cheesecake as my birthday cake. >:)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    SW: 153.4
    CW: 135.4
    Goal range for maintenance that I'm trying to get back to: 129-133
    Cals: 1489 (Went a bit over my 1350 goal but I was HUNGRY and on those days I let myself go over a bit but just try to stay under maintenance and keep carbs low.)
    Carbs: 43 net
    Exercise: No
    Sleep: Over 11 hrs!! Caught up on sleep! :)
    Hydration: Good
    Sodium: Good
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    I blew through my calories and, worse yet, blew through my carb limit yesterday. It's going to be tough today, too, but the very reason it will be tough is also the very reason this must be done.

    Exercise is a no go until this heat wave breaks.
    Calories will be easy today provided I leave out the beer and wine.
    I've been using my 'puter problems as an excuse not to log, so I've put a pen and paper on the kitchen counter and I WILL LOG there if need be and add to MFP as possible.
    Water is a no problem for me lately.
    Sodium and potassium is also a no problem since I've gotten into salted bouillon. I drink that stuff because I love that stuff.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    For 7/12 My friend cancelled dinner plans, was disappointing and I overindulged on fresh coconut. I feel like crap today. Stayed within my goals though.

    Vitamins - yes
    Increased water- almost
    Carbs<80 - yes
    Cal<1500 - yes
    Activity - rest day
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    PamamaJane wrote: »
    I blew through my calories and, worse yet, blew through my carb limit yesterday. It's going to be tough today, too, but the very reason it will be tough is also the very reason this must be done.

    Think there must have been something in the water yesterday - I know of quite a few that had trouble with going way over yesterday (me included LOL)
  • LCChris2016
    LCChris2016 Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning:) Today is Day 3 of Fat Fast. Was going to stop today but I will follow through. I just feel like I have the Flu all over again. Been sucking down the salt water but it goes through me so fast. Haven't lost much of any weight which is fine.Just experimenting is all :) Stay Calm and Keto on!
  • Cyndi146
    Cyndi146 Posts: 411 Member
    calories - under
    carbs - <20
    water - 150oz
    exercise - 35min
    logging - yes

    Weight is still up and I can feel and see the water retention in my legs. Ankles and shins are usually very bony and they're pretty squishy right now. Not getting discouraged... just observing.
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    Day 13

    Carbs o:)
    Cals o:)
    Water o:)
    Exercise >:)
    Logging o:)

    well after an awful day of binging yesterday I am totally back on track again today - was much easier to get back on track than usual - think I learnt some important lessons yesterday - although things may look good, they just don't do me any good at all. Have some pain and discomfort back today, my body is not feeling happy at all, so need to keep on track and eat only the foods that make me feel good - I may start to see if there are any things I can add back in at some point but for now, just sticking to Meat, Fish, Cheese and water - I may allow myself a small amount of heavy cream too, as that seemed to keep me satisfied without any problems
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    SW: 153.4
    CW: 135.8
    Goal range for maintenance that I'm trying to get back to: 129-133
    Cals: Thankfully I earned over 400 extra calories today through exercise so I ate back most of those. ;) Around 1600 total.
    Carbs: 40 net
    Exercise: close to 11k steps. Lots of running around today.
    Sleep: A little under goal.
    Hydration: Good
    Sodium: Good
  • CrispyStars3
    CrispyStars3 Posts: 199 Member
    SW: 212
    CW: 198.8

    Still plugging along with my Keto/Low-Iodine diet. (I will resume logging when done with Low-Iodine chore.) I have been feeling kinda weak the last few days. Making sure to drink lots of liquids, but definitely not enough sodium intake. In great need of some Magnesium and Potassium too! My Radioiodine ablation is today, received shots of Thyrogen the last two days. A little worried of the impact this stuff will have on my body (health-wise): however, quite impressed with its ability to recover from trauma quickly. I have a strong gut feeling a positive mind set plays a powerful roll in that too. All in all I believe my goals for this week were pretty good...

    Carbs: almost non-existent
    Fats: high
    Protein: low --> due to low-iodine
    Sodium: could do better...
    Water intake: very good
    Exercise: still waiting (house completely in disarray- drywall work, painting, and new carpet... craziness!)

  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    No more than 30-50 total carbs daily--- Check
    Exercise 4x a week at least---Check
    Try a couple new recipes---Check
    Make an effort to get up a little earlier---FAIL
    Organize my house better---Not so much this week...

    My weight was a bit up all week I think from a gluten mishap I had the week before. It's finally almost back to my lowest now. Also I messed up my good shoulder over this week but it too is on the mend. I met my exercise goal but had to work around the shoulder which was a frustration.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    For 7/13
    Vitamins - yes
    Increased water - yes
    Carbs<80 - yes
    Cal<1500 - yes
    Activity - Elliptical 30 min

    Felt great all around!
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    Day 13

    Carbs o:)
    Cals o:)
    Water o:)
    Exercise >:)
    Logging o:)

    Another good day - feeling good, apart from a slight stomach ache, tried to add HWC back in as was missing coffee but think that it is causing me the pain so going to stop it again and see if it goes away