BG finally dropping...

celestep2k1 Posts: 55 Member
I'm almost 2-months into this since diagnosis. I've learned a lot. Testing frequently and logging what goes into my face have been helpful tools, especially in the last four days.

I'm on Metformin/850mg 2x per day, but my levels were still spikey and haven't even close to healthy levels. Four days ago, I started taking a daily dose of Zinc, Tri-Chromium and CoQ10. Three days ago, I began making myself eat every three hours, plus a snack by the bedside if I wake up at 4am, to keep my fasting level in check. I'm finally getting down to 125 numbers, both before and after meals.

I still have a way to go with the numbers, but this is the first significant results I've experienced since this all began.

A special thank you to all you who keep your food diaries open. They are sure fun to browse through for ideas!



  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Go TEAM BETA!!!

    Sounds like you're well on your way... :drinker: I'm not quite 3 months into dx, (mid April) so I feel your roller coaster ride. About the 2 month mark, I gave in & decided to try as many supplements I could get my little hands on.

    I'm taking Chromium GTF, Biotin, Konjac, Bitter Melon, Multi Vit, Vit D (levels were low)

    I've found that coQ10 didn't have any effect on my so I stopped taking it, the GTF made the biggest difference for me, giving me very low numbers compared to what I had been seeing only the day before &they stayed that way consistently.

    When I saw that, I added the Konjac, Biotin & Bitter Melon just for good measure :laugh: It's hard not to be superstitious :blushing:

    It gets better. I'd been told that but it was really challenging for me to be patient & wrap my head around the fact that it takes time even when you are doing *all* the right things....annnnnd it's more about the trend than the actual numbers until you've been actively trying to influence them for several weeks in a row. Think big picture. :drinker:
  • mclgo
    mclgo Posts: 147 Member
    Celeste - love your name! I'm reading "Galileo's Daughter" right now, and that name is a heavy theme.

    Anyway, isn't it amazing the things we learn too late? Such as "why did I wait for this DX before doing something about my health and lard-y behind?". Guess better late than never.

    Mine have dropped nice and low. Everyone is different - I'm no doctor - just sharing what seems to be working for me:
    I stopped eating wheat - read "Wheat Belly" by William Davis. Instead eating cheese, nuts, fruits, vegs, and meat.
    Dr. has me taking Magnesium, Calcium, B6, and high doses of Vit D
    Before the DX I was also taking fish oil - that continues
    Metformin, 250mg twice a day
    Walking or biking for exercise

    Last night I went to a movie and ate popcorn and 2 squares of dark chocolate, and my BG was 94 this morning!
    Too bad the movie was stupid.

    Best wishes - we're all in this together!
  • celestep2k1
    celestep2k1 Posts: 55 Member
    Oh Hookilau, now I have more research to do on additional supplements! Thanks for sharing what's working for you.

    Before this dx, I was a bread freak, Margaret.

    Before dx, I was taking Vitamin D, Chromium Picolinate (kidney support) and a Multi-vitamin daily. When I read about the Tri-Chromium, Zinc and CoQ10, I knew I had to try adding them. I got a 3-mo supply of each, which will be my 'trial' period. At that point, I'll have my first A1C since dx (Sept13).

    Between all y'all and me, I think what's helping my levels the most is not fasting. I was one of those eaters who never ate breakfast, ate my one big meal a day at lunch and had a snack for dinner with a dessert of some kind . This not fasting is a huge deal in changing my habits.

    Regarding the movie, popcorn and chocolate, Margaret, that's not overeating at all. I'm glad your BG showed you that it's okay to live a little!!!

    Thanks, ladies!