low-carb salad dressings

lpfasciano Posts: 15 Member
why don't people on keto diets eat regular low-carb salad dressings like blue cheese, creamy caesar, creamy greek, and so on?


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Most folks just don't like the individual ingredients, but it really just depends. I eat Caesar dressing. I am not a fan of most of the rest, like ranch and blue cheese. I like Italian, Caesar, and that's mostly it anymore. I was a French dressing addict in my previous life. I do Salsa as a salad topping, too. And I'll do a homemade type ranch, but it tastes nothing like storebought...

    I try to avoid anything with soy and anything with HFCS - so if it is low carb even having those things in small quantities, I try to avoid them.

    And I've not really heard of others trying to avoid dressings, in particular... What prompted this question? Just curious, as there may be another aspect of the issue I can address separately.
  • lpfasciano
    lpfasciano Posts: 15 Member
    I purchased and downloaded a 30 diet keto diet plan and it only uses olive oil as a salad dressing. I know I can add spices, in small quantities, to the oil but I want more flavor than that. Atkins encourages you to eat blue cheese dressing, which is why I began to like it. Why don't you eat anything with soy and what is HFCS?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    HFCS is high fructose corn syrup, which is basically GMO sugar. It's terrible for you and causes bad reactions in most folks.

    I don't do anything soy because it yanks your hormones around (soy can be used as an estrogen replacement), because certain types of soy give me gastro distress, and because generally if it has soy in it, it doesn't taste good without added crap I don't want in it.

    That being said, oil and vinegar can be an acquired taste. Look at this recipe for mayo... http://thehealthyfoodie.com/fail-proof-home-made-paleo-mayo-whole30-compliant/

    From it, there are recipes to make other dressings from it. If it is whole 30 compliant, and you don't use any non keto friendly items, I can't see why you wouldn't be able to use it, other than induction is trying to limit ingredients and do a sort of elimination diet... What site did you download the plan from, and I'll check to see if it is an induction thing or what. Many keto diet plans eliminate dairy, too, and that may be part of this...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Remember, too, that each keto blogger/website person has their own theory of what works best for keto. So you may have subscribed to one that doesn't believe in extras - whereas others will tell you to do what works for you and fits the macros, and all that...
  • lpfasciano
    lpfasciano Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks so much for all of the information! I've done Atkins off and on for years but I've only been on keto since July 1. You've been very helpful and thanks for the link, too!
  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    lpfasciano wrote: »
    why don't people on keto diets eat regular low-carb salad dressings like blue cheese, creamy caesar, creamy greek, and so on?

    I do....and I love all of those...especially Marzetti's Simply Dressed Caesar....it is awesome!!

  • lpfasciano
    lpfasciano Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for your post. It's good to know that you consume them and still lose weight!
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    lpfasciano wrote: »
    why don't people on keto diets eat regular low-carb salad dressings like blue cheese, creamy caesar, creamy greek, and so on?

    I am on a ketogenic diet (Atkins) and I do eat those dressings. Rarely though, unless I make them myself, because IMO almost all commercially-produced salad dressings suck, taste-wise, and because they are all made with GMO soy and/or canola oils, which have unfavorable omega-3 to omega-6 ratios. I like making my own ranch dressing, which is super easy. I often make a homemade vinaigrette with good quality EVOO and vinegar, mustard and spices and salt (oil to vinegar ratio 3:1), and I also love tahini dressing, which is also delicious for dipping veggies.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I eat ready made dressings but only in a pinch. Prior to losing weight I had high blood pressure and a need to minimize sodium so started making my own dressings because most commercial dressing are high in sodium. Now that my blood pressure is fine and especially since I'm keto and sodium is NEEDED, I could eat all the commercial dressings but no longer care for the taste of most. If you make your own you can include the ingredients you want such as olive oil versus vegetable oil (or whatever).
  • RainyDayBrunette
    RainyDayBrunette Posts: 59 Member
    edited July 2016
    I love a mixture of avacodo oil and olive oil with a splash of lemon. Himalayan Pink Sea salt and cracked pepper. Amazing!

    I use that because I want the good oils (no corn, canola, or veg oils)... that's a whole different discussion lol

    I always like Italian or vinaigrettes, but will eat a good blue cheese on a particular salad on occasion though!

    Edit: spelling
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    My new homemade fave is mixing real quality mayo* + ~2 tsp Balsamic vinegar (specially flavored with fig or cherry-amazing taste kick) and a little rice wine vinegar..both vinegars are worth 2-3 carbs for a huge salad.

    Replacing rice wine with lemon juice ,or COLD FRUIT TEA also works for flavor, and moisture...i eat far more 'coleslaw" salads, avocado, tomato, slivers almonds on hot days with this dressing.

    * every single mayo in any grocery is soybean-based, some add a bit olive oil to trick you as healthy, and maybe safflower oil based ( the worst of poly oils) MANY have NO eggs at all..that ISN"T MAYO!!!!...grrrr.. I buy Sir Kensington brand at HFS..pay more, because I dont want to make my own, and have it spoil cause I don't use enough to consume a 6 egg recipe fast enough. I laugh at the jars saying REAL mayo..all soybean..bah!
  • becwana
    becwana Posts: 157 Member
    I whizz up crumbled blue cheese, double cream and mayo for a blue cheese dressing - it's yum but a bit stinky!