1 year and 1 month = "Overweight" YEAH!!!

JudiMoving2 Posts: 77 Member
edited July 2016 in Social Groups
At my one year from surgery appointment I learned that I am finally in the overweight category with a BMI of 29! Hurrah!! That is great no longer am I considered Obese. Many of my closest people tell me I look good and should not lose any more weight. Even the NP stated that I am at a good weight. Although I think another 20 pounds wouldn't hurt. I have stayed at this weight, 185, now for about three months. My total weight loss is at 130 pounds. I went from a size 24 and now wearing a size 12.

The new me is doing things I haven't done for years like picking from the local fields for food, climbing rocks, running up flights of stairs, etc. I am so happy. It has not been an easy journey. I still have many things to work on, but I do not regret a thing.

Old me below:

New me below:

Another Old Me:

Another New Me:


  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    Awesome! I'm 18 months post op, down 150 pounds to roughly what I weighed playing high school football (I'm now 56). While I think I could lose another 10-20 pounds, and I'm still "overweight" according to my BMI, I'm thrilled to be where I am. I never weighed less at my current height.
  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    Congratulations! You look great and I'm happy you feel great.
  • Keikix3
    Keikix3 Posts: 42 Member
    Wow, your photos are amazing! Congratulations from me too! Where is your loose skin hiding and no bat wings, how did you manage that??

  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Way to go, Judi! Fantastic success! Keep it going and even if you want to end up lower, be happy with where you are at every weight!
  • Mandy_1982
    Mandy_1982 Posts: 160 Member
    Amazing transformation!
  • SmokeRising
    SmokeRising Posts: 34 Member
    That is awesome progress. You look great!