Cara's OMAD journey

caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
Hey ho

I see most people are doing their own threads so thought I'd do mine as well.

Today marks one week since I started IF and 3 days since I started OMAD. It's also my first splurge day and I've felt gross all day, I don't like the feeling of being full, it's fine post dinner on OMAD days because I just chill out and watch TV or read then go to bed, but when I actually have to do stuff during the day and I feel heavy, can't believe I lived like this all my life!

I've dropped around 1.5kg this week, took measurements for the first time yesterday so I'll keep them updated as well. But I do feel smaller, definitely.

Weight 103.9 kg
Arm 16.5 inches
Waist 38 inches
Thighs/bum 51 inches

My arms and thighs are my big problem areas but as you can't spot reduce and my body like to loose weight from my proportionately tiny waist first, I'm just going to have to plug away!

I'm starting convict conditioning this week to help boost my lean muscle mass so that I primarily loose fat.

I have Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility type, I've been in severe joint pain for over a decade now and the excess weight is causing huge problems for me. Between losing weight and building muscle I'm hoping to put an end to that pain.


  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    Get ready for some great changes and good things coming into your life. Omad is fabulous. I've tried so many things in the past and nothing worked for me. Omad is so second nature to me now, I love it and you will too.

    Also, thanks for all of your encouragement too!
  • Abm4n
    Abm4n Posts: 529 Member
    Good luck and keep posting!
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    I'm so hungry today! Today is the first day that it's been hard to not eat. I have a lovely Prawn stir fry planned for dinner and I'm drinking coke zero and black coffee to get me through till then! Only five more hours till dinner!
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    This afternoon was actually easier, and now I get to eat my stir fry which looks amazing!
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    Keep at it, sister!!
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    Made a mistake on Mfp, I changed my goal to 1kg loss a week rather than 0.5kg. But I was already losing 1kg a week anyway, now I'm a lot more hungry and losing at a much faster rate than I'm comfortable with, I've lost 1.5kg since Tuesday. Think I'm going to change it back and eat a bit more and lose a bit slower otherwise I'm likely to burn out!

    In other news I'm on holiday these next two weeks, so I'm going to do my best to eat on plan but maybe have two splurge days a week instead of one if I feel it's necessary. We'll see how that goes!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    While on Holiday, if you find yourself in a situation that you think you need to eat to be sociable (or just want to eat), you can mitigate the extra calories some by what you eat. Eat sweets only with a meal and not by itself (won't spike insulin as much and insulin stores fat and keeps you from burning fat). Also can load up on salads which shouldn't hurt you! Good luck and have fun!
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    End of week 2 results:

    Weight 102.8 kg - 1.1 kg down
    Arm 16 inches - half an inch down
    Waist 36 inches - 2 inches down
    Thighs/bum 51 inches - No change

    Its typical that I'm losing from my waist, it's the smallest part of my body. Convict Conditioning is going well, it's only two days a week which eases me into it and also means I don't maintain too much weight from a new exercise regime.

    Another splurge day today, feels weird to eat during the day now.

    I should be alright in holiday as most of the time it will be just me and the small one, but a couple of days my friend will be there and alcohol is a must, so I'm going to consider that evening a write off straight away and hope that it balances over the week and I only maintain rather than gain!
  • Fumpydink
    Fumpydink Posts: 49 Member
    I'm like you on the weight distribution thing, my arms and bum/thighs is where I seem to carry loads of the extra, makes clothes shopping interesting. Well done on the loss!! I posted a moan thread and reading this has helped me feel a bit more positive, thank you!!
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    End of week 2 results:

    Weight 102.8 kg - 1.1 kg down
    Arm 16 inches - half an inch down
    Waist 36 inches - 2 inches down
    Thighs/bum 51 inches - No change

    Its typical that I'm losing from my waist, it's the smallest part of my body. Convict Conditioning is going well, it's only two days a week which eases me into it and also means I don't maintain too much weight from a new exercise regime.

    Another splurge day today, feels weird to eat during the day now.

    I should be alright in holiday as most of the time it will be just me and the small one, but a couple of days my friend will be there and alcohol is a must, so I'm going to consider that evening a write off straight away and hope that it balances over the week and I only maintain rather than gain!

    What a terrific 2nd week! It's going to take time for us to learn what works best for us. I really love how we can do what feels right for us on Omad and not be judged or scorned! keep up the great work!
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    I know this group has considerably more men than women so look away now if you don't like discussion of "women" things!

    My period started today and I haven't gained any weight! I've been a bit bloated in the tummy which now makes sense, but as I've also continued to lose at a good pace it means I haven't a tally gained! Pretty sure that OMADing has meant not bowing to cravings because I found it much harder in splurge day yesterday to not eat all the food!
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    I know this group has considerably more men than women so look away now if you don't like discussion of "women" things!

    My period started today and I haven't gained any weight! I've been a bit bloated in the tummy which now makes sense, but as I've also continued to lose at a good pace it means I haven't a tally gained! Pretty sure that OMADing has meant not bowing to cravings because I found it much harder in splurge day yesterday to not eat all the food!

    You are doing marvelously! Isn't it amazing how "omading" as you say, really helps us understand that snacking and cravings will come and just because they call, doesn't mean we have to answer..."at that time". We can always have
    that snack/craving when WE say so, at our mealtime and not before or after. Such control is truly empowering.

    We've got to also no longer "worship" the scale and understand that our bodies go thru things (like periods, etc.) and not get freaked out if the scale goes higher or not during that time. Looking at it like I'm committed to this way of life and come what may, I'm going to stick to it.
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    It really is awesome to be in control, I had some chocolate this evening after my dinner. It's nice to have kicked the mindless eating habit.

    I fully expect to gain at this time of the month, in fact it was a bit out of the blue because I was looking out for some weight gain and it didn't happen!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
  • Fumpydink
    Fumpydink Posts: 49 Member
    I know this group has considerably more men than women so look away now if you don't like discussion of "women" things!

    My period started today and I haven't gained any weight! I've been a bit bloated in the tummy which now makes sense, but as I've also continued to lose at a good pace it means I haven't a tally gained! Pretty sure that OMADing has meant not bowing to cravings because I found it much harder in splurge day yesterday to not eat all the food!

    Thats great! Weightloss always grinds to a halt the week of my period and ovulation. Something to look out for!
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    Just had an amazing moment! You know those food videos you get on FB, and there's ones where they get a big loaf of bread and stick cheese in the middle and cook it and have yummy bread and cheese loveliness? Well I always watch them and think, yeah but the calories though, and now I've realised that actually I could have that for dinner one night!!
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    edited August 2016
    Just had an amazing moment! You know those food videos you get on FB, and there's ones where they get a big loaf of bread and stick cheese in the middle and cook it and have yummy bread and cheese loveliness? Well I always watch them and think, yeah but the calories though, and now I've realised that actually I could have that for dinner one night!! Joe always says "you can have it...just not now" (in other words, at your "feeding time" you may have it!) I love that! Also, what I'm finding amazing is the longer I'm "omading" as you say, the more and more healthier choice I desire. I love that too!
  • Fumpydink
    Fumpydink Posts: 49 Member
    Just had an amazing moment! You know those food videos you get on FB, and there's ones where they get a big loaf of bread and stick cheese in the middle and cook it and have yummy bread and cheese loveliness? Well I always watch them and think, yeah but the calories though, and now I've realised that actually I could have that for dinner one night!!

    You are giving me ideas.....
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    There is something very freeing about knowing I can have whatever I want.
  • OMADing1
    OMADing1 Posts: 337 Member
    There is something very freeing about knowing I can have whatever I want.

    So freeing and at the same time, empowering too! Makes me free responsible and not so undisciplined too!
  • Fumpydink
    Fumpydink Posts: 49 Member
    There is something very freeing about knowing I can have whatever I want.

    Goodness yeah it is!!
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    My dad just saw the size of my meal, then realised I had garlic bread for on the side "I had to get my calories up!" I said, it's actually a very veg based meal hence it being so low calorie, even with garlic bread and a curly wurly for afters I'm under my calorie allowance. My son's teeny tiny bowl of cheesy pasta looked quite pathetic by comparison.
  • Fumpydink
    Fumpydink Posts: 49 Member
    LOL the idea of trying to get my calories up is soooooo alien to me, its a nice feeling. I'm making my DH do me mac and cheese tomorrow.
  • Abm4n
    Abm4n Posts: 529 Member
    You're doing great!
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    I'm back! Sorry it's been a while, I've been on holiday where I managed to gain a bit of weight, not a lot it wiped out a week.


    Weight - 101.7 - 1.1kg down
    Arm - 16inches - no change
    Waist - 34inches - 2 inches down
    Bum and thighs - 50 inches - 1inch down, finally!