Healthy Food..

_amjad93 Posts: 87 Member
i am a celibate person and its hard to me to prepare healthy food :D any advices here ??


  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,991 Member
    Recipes are your friend! Get your hands on some good recipes for the types of foods you like. Do some searches on Google, etc. and print them out, make some notes. If you can get your hands on a crock pot, you can do wonders with that - healthy crock pot recipes come in all different types of cuisine. Soups, chicken, casseroles, etc. The crock pot does the work when you just put the ingredients in and turn it on. Then you have salads. Those are always healthy. A simple piece of fish steamed with some vegetables makes a nice dinner. Good luck.
  • _amjad93
    _amjad93 Posts: 87 Member
    Well saying, i'll try it

    Thanks alot and i appreciate that.