Bullet Proof Coffee Question



  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member
    That's a good idea @ProCoffeenator - I might have to try this out myself. I'll let you know how it goes!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Has anyone added protein powder to their BPC? I'm like the idea of adding half a scoop of chocolate to make it mocha like. I'm just scared to waste a cup! Haha!

    I have done this actually. On rare weekends when my husband has to work or something and I'm home alone I'll make a bulletproof w/ protein powder for breakfast. It's good other than I don't really care for sweet coffee and the powder I have is too sweet. I could just cut down on the amount though...no idea why that didn't occur to me until now. lol
  • MarnieMawkin
    MarnieMawkin Posts: 4 Member
    I've have the BPC (BP Brain Octane, grass-fed butter, no-salt) most mornings and have occasionally added the Vega Vanilla protein powder. Not my favorite with the protein powder in it - but when I'm in a rush, it's a quick protein. I find the coffee has a more 'chemical' taste with the protein powder in it and it obviously has a thicker consistency. I love the BP coffee - just with the oil & butter. I wake up craving it!
    I've always drank my coffee black - so don't need the sweetener. I've tried it with heavy cream - and I prefer it without cream. I really hate eating food in the morning - but I love my coffee.
    I have an old braun hand blender and it works just fine.
    Have I noticed any energy difference? Hmmm - not really. I do notice I am less tired in the early evening, but I'm not sure if it's the Keto diet and/or the BPC.
    I do find I get very flushed for a good 4-6 hours after drinking BPC. Rosy cheeks, intermittent heat sensations - almost a replay of menopause (I'm 58) :/ . Not enough to worry me - but keeping an eye on it.
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    I do BPC first thing when I wake up and try to make it a few hours before eating anything, to prolong the 'fast'. Later in the afternoon sometime, I'll drink the rest of the coffee with a scoop of vanilla whey protein and either HWC or half and half.

    This may be a generational thing. Adding all kinds of flavoring to coffee and essentially turning it into a hot milkshake is new since about the 90s. Maybe the 80s a little bit...as a treat. Before that, when people asked how you wanted your coffee, you had only a few choices: black, cream (or milk), with sugar/sweetener, or without. I remember the first time I brewed coffee with ground cinnamon. It was like this, 'oh wow! look what I invented!' moment.

    Which is a long way to say, yes, I like the BPC. I use good coffee I order in from Greenwell Plantation in Hawaii. The butter and coconut oil enhance the cup. It took me a bit to get over the 'oil in my coffee'? horror when I first started this, but now, I prefer it. A few days ago I made my afternoon cup with the vanilla whey and it tasted strange. Then I remembered. Ah, I forgot the cream.

    My daughter will tell me she wants to go out for coffee. And I'm like, 'But there's a fresh pot right there.' And I realized, she can't drink it without all the flavorings and creamers.

    Kinda like popcorn. I mentioned to somebody a few years back. "I made popcorn." and they said, 'Oh, what flavor?'

    I was truly stymied by the question.
  • ThatUserNameIsntOriginal
    Drinking coffee with artificial sweeteners is a recipe for failure, the sweeteners will trigger cravings in your brain for carbs and sweets. If you just keep to a healthy keto diet long enough ALL cravings will be gone, and you will be completely satisfied with your keto friendly meals. Also coffee stresses your adrenals and messes with your hormones. I would recommend roasted dandelion root, as a delicious alternative, it helps to detox your liver and has a wonderful nutty flavor.

    I make bulletproof dandelion root tea using coconut oil and butter, i put it in a big mason jar and spin a whisk around until it gets nice and foamy. You have to keep the whisk in and give it a whirl everytime u sip so it can be a bit of a hassle but its delicious and healthy and well worth the effort imo.