
bigred01 Posts: 45 Member
When you start out on a low carb diet, you will run into some negative input from friends and family--saying it is not healthy, or you will never be able to do it. It is very important to stand firm on what you have chosen to do, and give it a chance. Things will get easier every week you are on this diet. Make sure you are doing it healthy...eating a lot of vegetables and fiber. If you are doing Atkins style of low carb it is important not to stay on the induction phase too long. Add back a few carbs at a time when it is appropriate...otherwise you will start binge eating later on--I know this from experience :) . Everyone is different on their carb percentage, so you have to find what works for you. The important thing is to get support where ever you can...especially from those of us doing it low carb too. This is a great place to get advice or share obstacles that get in your way.


  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    I agree Red! I am doing this for me because it's what works for me. Phase 1 is only 2 weeks long and Im going to stick to it! Everyone has to do what eating plan works for them and just because it's right for one it may not be for another. One of the girls that I work with is doing great on weight watchers. She doesnt push me to do hers and I dont push her to do my diet:smile: