Weekly Post 31.07. - 06.08.16

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
The last 3.5 days I found myself between power tools, SUPing and BBQs as I am helping a bit with the renovation work of my sister's new (old) house at the lake....

My lazy day today consisted doing a bit of washing and going for a walk with a horse. We literally got washed today as we got caught in a very sudden and strong rain shower. Had to laugh as I saw the horse tuck it's head down to avoid the rain while walking home :D We both got soaked, but it's summer, so no big deal. I did pick 600g of wild black berries before the rain rolled over us so it was still a very successful walk.

One more week of vacation and tomorrow is a national holiday. As I have no real plans, I think I will go for a run and see what the day brings. Might be a fast day, might not. I can always do one on Tuesday. Probably only one fast this week and next week too. Off to the building site again on Wednesday afternoon until Friday, so not fasting then.

As of August 15th life will get back to normal and so will my fast days. I will also start logging my food daily again. Thinking of buying a vegan cook book, just to mix things up a bit and try something new. I don't think, I will go vegan, but I'm looking for some new ideas and impulses to get back on a better track food wise and lose the weight I have put on in the last 3/4 of a year.

Have a great week!


  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Nice national holiday today...26k on my bike, a swim in the Rhine, an Ice cream break along the way and 2kg of freshly picked wild black berries on the way home. ..now I will go make some jam B)
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    It really does sound like a wonderful holiday you're having :)

    Fast day for me today, just about to have my meal. I was going to bake some granola bars today for the rest of the week, but as I was literally salivating when I read the recipe again (after buying the ingredients) I think I'll make them tomorrow rather than today - just in case I'm tempted to scoff the whole batch in one go :blush:
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Ha ha! Yes I totally understand! Probably better to postpone baking to a non fast day ;)

    Jam is in the jar so to speak....3h from picking to jar...doesn't get any fresher. Fasting tomorrow, so I will wait to taste it until Wednesday :) Had a good day cal wise too as I did not eat any of my exercise cals back and am feeling quite satisfied. A high protein / low grain carb day...it's just what's best for me.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    edited August 2016
    Well you two sound quite domesticated! I'm also enjoying our Provincial holiday today as well as doing a fast day today! I've been picking blackberries too, however, I don't make jam... They're made into pies, crisps & coulis for cheesecake in the winter..yum! I would love to hear about your granola bar recipe Oolou, I make one but it's more like a candy bar!!! Maybe because I don't add any granola?? :p I mean well!

    I'm still feeling full today from all the food & goodies I devoured during the weekend, and no I did not log everything!! So, fast day today hopefully ends well with me being honest! I really wish I could just have a flat tummy and not loose any more weight everywhere else. Spot reducing apparently is a figment of our imagination!! Well hope everyone is having a successful day eating, fasting or working out!! Cheers! B)
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    But just imagine what the world would look like if we could spot reduce? There's already trends in how bodies look - the current love affair with the size of the bottom for example - but if we could spot reduce ... I imagine it could get very silly! :smiley:

    I'm going to be trying this granola bar recipe: http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/banana-bread-granola-bars/

    Never made it before but sounds delicious. I'll let you know if they turn out okay;) Also after putting it into the recipe builder here, the calories are closer to 150 each rather than 130, but that's with me converting cups to grams so I may be slightly out on the measurements.

    Blackberries in pies reminds me of an apple and blackberry pie my mum used to bake which we'd have with a scoop of vanilla icecream. Yum!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    Hey, all! It has been a busy week. We go back to school mid-month, so I have two weeks to get everything done that I wanted to get to this summer. We got all of our back to school shopping done today in one marathon shopping trip. I even got some new shirts in a slightly smaller size with the confidence that I am going to lose weight. I hope you all are having fantastic weeks!
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Hi all :) I was a part of this group a while ago and then drifted away from MFP. Continued 5:2 for a bit and lost about 20 lbs, then just kind of naturally took a "diet break" and have been maintaining for about 2 months. Looking to get back into the 5:2 lifestyle, not just for losing weight, but also because I feel better on it.

    I'm going to try to be a little more flexible this time around. I can be a bit rigid sometimes and have to remind myself that I don't need to be perfect and that I've lost weight without being too regimented. Haha, it's a little bit of my personality, but I'm getting better at going with the flow which helps my mental state ;)

    Blackberry jam sounds wonderful! When I lived closer to my grandmother, I used to pick blackberries at her place and she would make jam. I did it once myself and it turned out okay, but hers was always better - probably because she added more of the real sugar haha :)
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Cool that you've returned and also to hear that you've maintained the previous weight loss on your diet break. That's where I fall down - in the past after the diet ends, I've put the fat back on. Hoping to break that cycle this time around :)
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Crazy with back to school prep, drs. Appt. And my Type 1 DD has had 3 pod failures and now we are struggling to get her blood sugar back down. I find I thrive in the craziness. If things are too calm I find myself eating out of boredom.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    On my second fast this week. Yesterday my sister and I drove to the beach and back, and during our adventure we ate out at three different places - all delicious but no doubt the calories were high. Risotto for lunch, sorbet for a treat (with toppings!), and a black bean burrito bowl for dinner. We only had a short walk on the beach since we were visiting while we were there so no significant calories burned either. This is why I love the 5:2 approach . . . :)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Thanks @oolou for the recipe link! It sounds yummy and I may try substituting dried prunes in for the dates as I love them in baking...

    I did absolutely nothing yesterday! No exercise!! My fast day turned into a 900 calorie half hearted attempt! Some days are just going to be enjoyed like that!! And enjoy I did!

    I think I'll have a regular day today and fast tomorrow instead... B)

  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    I'll try the dried prunes next time, @mamainthekitchen . This time I substituted dried cranberries for the dates and it turned out well :)
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Had my first fast day yesterday restarting - it went better than I thought it would. I remember struggling when I first started 5:2 a little over a year ago, but yesterday wasn't too bad - maybe it's easier the second time around :) Had some hunger a couple of times during the day but hot tea did the trick and I'm not even very hungry this morning. I think the fact that I did a 30 min walk/run in the middle of the day yesterday helped - cardio tends to have a appetite depressing effect for me personally.

    That will be my only fast day this week, but next week I'm planning on having 2 fast days :)
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Got through another fast day yesterday. Felt hungry about mid day but a big thing of water and hot tea and I felt fine. Even though I had to be up multiple times a night for my Type 1 daughter I woke up feel more rested then I have in a long time. Go figure ☺
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    oolou wrote: »
    I'll try the dried prunes next time, @mamainthekitchen . This time I substituted dried cranberries for the dates and it turned out well :)

    Oh yum dried cranberries would be awesome! Hey well now that I think about it, you could add just about anything as I love most dried fruits... but you could add a couple of almonds or other seeds too....adds to the calories, but it's all good ingredients. I'm going to try making this on the weekend, I let you know how it turned out.

    welcome to ACSL3 & mabear of 6!! wow! :# It's great to hear how you're coming along. I think we all go thru stages of doing well and a little struggle, such is life. Today is a fast day for me, but this may change depending on family needs.. is the older kid home for dinner? (she's the needy one) so this all factors into what I'm making for meals. So far today, I've been taking my own advice and have chugged down 4 glasses of water already and it's not even noon! I've gone for a beautiful walk on the *kitten* over looking the bay and soon I'll take our dog out for her walk at the park. Some cleaning will get done and maybe I'll through in a few planks & push-ups too! These really help supress my appetite! and I'm getting better at them too!

    Hope every who's fasting today does well... :D cheers everyone! And Sanjo, your day with your sister sounded lovely!! I miss mine~! :'(
  • RoxianneM
    RoxianneM Posts: 17 Member
    My husband and i had our first fast day yesterday, and it went pretty well. It probably helped that we were busy all day painting our living room. I am in back to school mode, too, and am wondering how to handle fast days at school. Plus, using a TDEE calculator, I learned that I should be eating 1800 calories on non-fast days, and my husband should be eating at least 2700. One calculator put him 3300! How on the world will we be able to do that when we're in class all day?
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Wow I did not mean to say kitten....?? I said d y k e but guessing that is not allowed?? :s
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    @RoxianneM I don't have trouble during the school year. It is easier in some ways. Best of luck!
    @mamainthekitchen LOL I guess you aren't supposed to walk there?!
  • RoxianneM
    RoxianneM Posts: 17 Member
    @KateNkognito Thanks. I'm just picturing us carrying around food all day to try and reach our calorie goals. Since my husband will be an aide in pre-K this year, I don't think that would be a good idea!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    @RoxianneM - not all people count on non fast days. You can try eating as you wish (within reason). If you lose and feel good doing it, then that's perfect. Don't stress too much about the actual number. See how you feel how you look take measurements along with weigh ins.

    I have to count on non fast days as 1600 cals are eaten quickly by by foodies like myself :p When I do 5:2 without counting on nfds, I gain slowly....