Acting on Ketostix reading



  • Majcolorado
    Majcolorado Posts: 138 Member
    @Majcolorado Does this mean you are waking around 3 or 4 in the morning too and aren't feeling great? If so, how long has it been happening? I was really hoping it was an introductory phase thing that will pass.

    @RunRachelleRun This was happening to me before I went LCHF and was most definitely adrenal-related. I've "recovered" from that, and I've now learned that the afternoon lows are the canary in the coal mine that says I'm at my limit and I need to back off a notch for a few days with a little extra recovery time and sleep. If I start doing the 3am wake up thing again I know I'm way over my limit. Luckily I catch it these days and I can come back quickly.

    My experience has been that moving from a high carb to a low carb diet represents a massive equilibrium shift for the body as it tries to maintain homeostasis - including changing whatever (unidentified) extreme accommodations the body was making for the *kitten* stuff we were doing to it and feeding it. A change of that magnitude can expose problems that were unnoticed or completely hidden because the body is so amazing at adapting and surviving.

    That's also why supplementation and medications need to be taken so carefully. The good news is that with patience, time, and experimentation you will adapt successfully!

    Sorry for all the rambling. Do you have any history with adrenal issues? I'd be skeptical of a regular allopathic doc's ability to diagnose anything like that properly. An MD that is also a functional medicine doc will have a much higher chance of success.
  • Majcolorado
    Majcolorado Posts: 138 Member
    @KnitOrMiss It might be my confirmation bias talking, but the context of your story was really helpful and confirmed my theory. I was looking for another potential cause for my own issues, as usual, to make sure I had all my bases covered.

    I'm sorry for all your struggles, but I have to say you are an absolute inspiration and your knowledgeable posts have already helped me a ton. I hope you continue to improve your health rapidly!
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member

    My daughter actually went against the nurses advice and eats low carb anyway. She's the healthiest she's ever been. A1c went from over 14 to 7 in about 9 weeks. Most recent it was 6.9, it's been 6 months now, but she's been cheating by eating small amounts of pretzels and stuff like that. She's staying under 100g carbs a day, usually under 50, but 15-20 of those typically come from a snack that has grains. Even though A1c has still improved, I believe she could achieve very close to a non diabetic A1c even as a Type 1 Diabetic if she kept eating like she did the first few months. But I'm not complaining.

    Dr. Berstein's Diabetes Solution (he is a type 1 diabetic) talks about using low carb to keep the amount of insulin needed at a minimum. It was one of the first books I read as my fbs had been going up due to high doses of steroids (MS) the last 2 to 3 years. Just an FYI since your daughter has T1D.

    I'm a medical technologist (aka clinical laboratory scientist). Morning urines for almost all urine testing were preferred due to it being the most concentrated urine of the day. I'm amazed at people getting positive Ketostix throughout the day. (Green with envy here). Even testing now in the moderate range in the morning, once I start taking in fluids for the day, Ketostix are negative. So to save money, I only test myself in the morning.

    The situation is much different for diabetics, especially T1D's.

    Not sure if I did the quote thing right cause I deleted parts. Sorry if this is messed up RE names and message.

  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @Majcolorado , I suspected adrenal issues a few years back from stress and overwork. I work really long days about 6 months of the year (with only a couple days off during that time). My family doc and I talked about it briefly and she ran the standard tests, but nothing stood out. I have seen there are other tests for cortisol, but with my gallbladder, then heart issues, those have stolen my focus the last few years. I find with my doctor, I can only bring her one problem at a time if I want any kind of results. It's hard to choose sometimes lol.

    You are spot on and I can feel my body is experiencing a pretty massive shift that it is resisting. I hope I survive :) and adapt quickly! Thanks for the reply!
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @KnitOrMiss The rosin and nickel were on a separate patch test that I wore on my arm for 24 hours. There were ten in total I think. My allergist suspected something contact because I had skin issues, which is why those were done in addition to the standards you mention. Well, at least you know you are pretty clear as far as the major food allergens go, so that's good news. Hacking our own bodies is a great way to put it!
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @suzqtme Thanks for the info!

    I have only tested for two days but am getting trace in the day/evenings, moderate in the morning. In your experience, does this mean I can likely safely handle moderate carbs (50-80 range) since I have reached some level of ketosis despite not eating near the low 20-30 g some are? Can I increase them a little each day and still see results as long as I am getting moderate (or even low?) in the morning? I'm trying to understand how best to use the results?
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    I think the main thing to consider is the difference between being in ketosis and being fat adapted. Everyone will be in ketosis from time to time after a period of sleeping at night. Even high carb eaters. However unless you are in prolonged state of ketosis your body won't adapt to where it prefers to burn ketones and gets efficient at it.

    Do you want to be fat adapted even? You can lose weight just being low carb and not at the keto level. Most people who want to be in ketosis want to be fat adapted and usually for a medical reason like decreasing inflammation, epilepsy, or it's needed for better control of diabetes.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    Someone posted this in a thread the other's a good read!
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @anglyn1 Thanks for the link. It was a good read.

    Yes, I want to be fat-adapted for insulin resistance (which I have not been diagnosed with but believe is likely) and aerobic endurance and still be able to consume the maximum amount of carbs possible to maintain this state. I am having a few physical concerns with this induction phase (the eating part seems easier than the CICO I was doing before - hunger is much reduced, digestion is so much better than I had anticipated) and I am looking for ways to make the transition more manageable. I feel good during the day, other than the edema I got yesterday and have again today. But between 3(ish) a.m. to 9(ish) a.m., I'm feeling sick enough to quit altogether.

    I understood that becoming fat-adapted could take a few weeks. I didn't start out caring about ketosis, but after reading so much about it, I thought this might be a good way to tell that I am on my way to becoming fat-adapted.

    It is possible I am already somewhat fat-adapted (if that's possible). I have been doing fasted workouts for years and only added carbs a couple months ago. But I'd likely be thinner if I were fat-adapted so. . . . there's that.

    I wish things could be simple: "Get this result, now do this." That would be so much easier!
  • Majcolorado
    Majcolorado Posts: 138 Member
    You can be fat adapted without going keto; I am.

    Why do you want to "maximize" the numbers of carbs you're eating? For pleasure, or some other reason?
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    Pleasure. And carbs generally give me good energy (when I eat the right ones). I think I'll stick to this style of eating better over the long-term if I can average 80-100 a day when I'm active.
  • Majcolorado
    Majcolorado Posts: 138 Member
    edited August 2016
    That's easily doable at your goal weight and activity level! B)

    If your activity falls your carbs should too, however. Day to day, ideally.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    That's great advice. I have naturally been changing it by feel each day, but it would be more sensible to be structured about it. Thanks!