A new challenge

0ysterboy Posts: 192 Member
I joined WW in Jan 2007, I did it with my DW and started at 250. I got as low as 207 but I have to say I hovered in the 215-220 range for several years and I was OK with that, I feel really good below 215. Those of you that know me know that I got into triathlon a number of years ago (1st race was in Sept of 2010), have done numerous tri and 3 half marathons over the years. I enjoy the exercise and it helped keep the weight off. Then comes last fall when I injured myself in a race in Nov. Didn't hurt myself in the race per se, but some rough course conditions combined with nagging and untreated injuries resulted in a very painful SI joint over-rotation. I didn't exercise for 2-3 months and I gained 20-15 lbs. Not exactly a unique story.

I'm now fully committed to getting back to 215 (or lower) but I am finding 2 big challenges: 1) My metabolism has really slowed down. Being on MFP keeps me in touch with calorie consumption and I know even with the exercise I will gain weight unless I eat under 1700-1800 cal/day. I am 57, maybe this is usual? 2) I quit smoking in 2008.and while I damn well guarantee there is no way I'm going back to smoking, I'm just wondering if this, and my molasses metabolism, may pose some unforeseen challenges.