Weekly Post 14.-20.08.2016

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
Well here I am....just came back from a 4k run. Very slow as I have not run since the beginning of summer. Felt good to run again.

Now off for a shower, breakfast and then off to the lake for some SUPing and relaxing before school starts tomorrow


  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    School starts here on Wednesday. I am looking forward to seeing all the students, but I could use a couple of days at home without MY kids here so I can get a couple of things done. :smile: I will get in a LOT more walking with the school year, but there are a lot of snacks to tempt me, too.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    How do you find fasting, when working a full day?
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Hi all! I'm back after taking a break. Vacations then jumping into my sons marching band camp just got the best of me. I've still been fasting, but not really paying much attention to tracking. I just don't like it. But I know I need to. Does anyone else need a 30 day tracking challenge to recreate the habit of entering everything into MFP? I think I might. This is the only online group I've ever stuck with. Maybe having a few compadres joining me will give me the swift kick in the butt I need.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    @oolou - Usually I prefer working all day on fast days, as if I cave, it's around 15h, when I am at home.... Not many snacks at work, so it's easier to stick to the fast and then eat an early dinner around 17-18h.

    @flossyruby1 - not in the challenge, but I do plan on tracking regularly. I don't track meals out though, but those should be limited in the next few weeks.
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Kids back in school today. House is nice and quiet. Started Cize this morning. Today is a fast day. I Have to say without the teenagers eating all around me it's been much easier. They are such bottomless pits! Lots of leftovers from out potluck yesterday so I don't even have to cook tonight. No sleep last night so I'm happy school bedtime back....because I'm already ready for.bed. here's hoping my T1 Daughter doesn't have lows from XC so I can sneak to bed early. Hope everyone is having an awesome day!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hey good luck to all you people with kids going back to school!! Here in Canada we have 3 more weeks left! Although this doesn't affect me anymore.....and, not sure whether I'm happy or sad about that..!!?

    Flossy welcome back, you've been missed!! :* I think I should be tracking & logging better! I've been goofing off all summer which I blame this seasonal weather for! I definitely could be one of your compadres!!! Good idea! Logging and measuring is really the only way to be accurate with calorie goals. I plan to go over my limit today (yes, plan) since it's a gorgeous Monday and all! :p wine and too much chocolate are on the menu!! I plan to get back to my tues & fri fd and use my kitchen scale again instead of 'winging it' and guessing. I will start officially tomorrow! Back to basics! Back to being accountable to myself! Cheers!!
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Hey Flossy, I already do tend to log on a regular daily basis but if you want someone to keep you company on a logging challenge, I'm happy to do so ^^

    Mama, good luck with your restart today! (and hope the chocolate/wine was awesome yesterday!)
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Long night with horrible lows with my daughter. I have such a love/hate relationship with XC. Good news is I didn't fall into my old bad habits and eat while I was up with her. Managed to finish a complete fast day yesterday.....not sure when I'll actually get to break my fast today. I think wine and chocolate need to be on my menu today
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Had my first successful FD yesterday, although you know the drive to eat is fierce when even blanched broccoli starts to look like an ambrosia to the gods :p I've got another day planned for Friday. Congrats to all of you who have started the week off on the right foot. And thanks, Mama, I've missed you too!!!

    I've never started a challenge before. I know I can just start a new thread, but what do you think? 30 days of tracking everything and everyone who is participating posts that they were successful at the end of the day? It seems simple enough. Does that work?

    Today I have a walk planned, followed by some strength training (props to you Mama...I've been consistently lifting weights thanks to you). And then working on pirouettes. I'm determined to do a double with all the grace and poise I can muster. Then I get to sneak in a dance class tonight (yippee). I'm going CRAZY right now being on a ballet break. My kids are getting sick of me doing my slow ballet walk all the time. And they really hate it when I do it in public!!!
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    mabearof6 well done for sticking to your food goals despite difficulties. Wine and chocolate are starting to sound good to me too by now :)

    flossy - a dedicated thread sounds like a plan for the daily logging challenge - I might check in the morning after a day of logging rather than at the end of the day.
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    I still haven't broken my fast from yesterday. Got busy and didnt even think about it till I was sitting here waiting on my daughter at XC practice. It's been a crazy day. I might be breaking my fast with wine and chocolate, though I should probably eat some real food....I'm on my own for dinner tonight between practices, team meals, meeting for hubby that involves dinner. Now to figure out sounds good!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    MaBear, I'm sorry for your worries about your daughter.... I have no idea what 'XC' is but I hope you & your daughter get the rest you're needing and she's better.

    I aggree with Oolou, Flossy... maybe a seperate thread for daily affirmation. I check at odd times, when I have time, when I think about it etc.

    I'm on a Fast day today and I'm drinking almond milk right out of a measuring glass!! haha... I also have re-measured myself today to set a little goal in my head and today I will start listening to the original podcast that I started last Oct. called 5:2 with Kate Harrison. She's English and has a lovely calm voice that I like to listen to while out for my walk. Episode 2 is a great first starter, so I look forward to pretending I'm starting this all over.

    Off to do my strenth training... Flossy you're doing awesome, so glad you have stuck with it! it's great for the bones as we age!! Wish I had've started years ago! Better late than never I suppose.

    Pretty sure I'm going to have a coleslaw salad with peanut sauce dressing and a bit of chicken for dinner! And just so everyone knows, I enjoyed my mint chocolate cadbury bar to the fullest, actually savoured it slowly knowing I'm not going to endulge in an entire bar for a while. I also had Rolos :s and the wine was mixed with tap water and ice!! :# Took me a few months to get used to that, but now it's almost too strong if I have wine straight! I'm now a cheap date! ha~!
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    MaBear, I'm sorry for your worries about your daughter.... I have no idea what 'XC' is but I hope you & your daughter get the rest you're needing and she's better

    XC is Cross Country running
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,555 Member
    @oolou I find it easier to fast when I am working and moving all day. Since I am at school, I can't just wander into the cabinets and snack. I have my lunch there and no other option. :)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    My fast ended perfectly at 500 cals! Tea helped after dinner!! o:) Looking forward to a fasted walk in the morning!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Looks like everybody is getting back to work and back to fasting ;-) Great job!

    With 11 new apprentices in the lab, my head spins all day and I have no time to think about what treats I could eat. Even have to make sure I drink enough water inbetween!

    I also feel better since last week. Really think my mind set is back to where I need it to be to lose the regained weight. Had a good fast on Monday. The weekend didn't do much damage and the last two days have been easy to stick a little under maintainance. Fast planned for tomorrow.

    Wishing everyone a good second half!
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Yesterday was such a weird day. It was the day after a fast day and I barely ate 300 calories. I forced the soup on myself and just felt awful after eating and fell asleep. Since I do a complete fast on my fast Days I think I'm going to skip a 2nd fast day this week. Is it bedtime yet?!?!
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Hey @mabearof6 sorry to hear you had a bad day. May I ask how much water did you drink during your fast day?
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    mabearof6 wrote: »
    MaBear, I'm sorry for your worries about your daughter.... I have no idea what 'XC' is but I hope you & your daughter get the rest you're needing and she's better

    XC is Cross Country running

    ^^^ooohh! That's not at all what I thought... Silly me!

    Yo Flossy.... I logged every bite today! How 'bout you??? :p

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Well an almost successful fast around 600cals. All is good.

    Had quite a scare today. Had to call the ambulance for an apprentice this morning. She suddenly keeled over and even lost consciousness for a moment....turns out she has been operated on twice for a heart condition and little old me knew nothing about it. Anyway all seems to be OK. She is home from the hospital and wants to come to work tomorrow. Hope she doesn't have any repeat performances....for her and my sake :#

    Had the afternoon off and as my adrenaline faded, I needed a nap an a small piece of chocolate with my espresso B) I also cooked 4kg of my favorite fast day chicken veggie chilli. It is portioned and ready for the freezer, so next few fast menus are prepared.