What made you



  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Pleased to meet you! I'm going through the tanking part, as well....
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited August 2016
    Pleased to meet you! I'm going through the tanking part, as well....

    It's no fun!
    I had my blood work done a few months ago. Doc said she wasn't hoping for reproductive levels of progesterone (25), but rather post menopausal (10). With supplementation? Mine was 1. ONE!
    My estrogen that same day was 135 (with references of 400 in reproductive years and 50 post during the same "phase" of a "cycle").
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    Dumb *kitten* luck.
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    Truthfully, what made me was a heart scare earlier this month.

    I've known low carb was the way to go since 1981 ish, when my dad did Atkins to get rid of his belly. But I ignored what I knew cuz Carbs!

    I actually started carb nite last year and lost 30ish pounds. Then went off over the holidays and in January my son was diagnosed T1 and I was so focused on him, I just kept sending my husband out for fast food. I put back on 20 and had just restarted low carb when my left arm started hurting.

    Anyway...they did tons of tests and while my lipid profile isn't great, it isn't horrible either. One of the follow up tests my doc did was my A1c it was 6.5, putting me in the diabetic range.

    And, I just sit here thinking what a dumb*kitten* I am because it's not like I don't KNOW.

    So now, I'm in it for the long haul. I'm less worried about the number on the scale than I am about my FBG every morning. It shocks me how much glucose has to be running around in my blood for the number to still be 103 (which it was this morning) after 3 weeks in ketosis.

    That's my goal...get healthy on purpose, and hot by accident/side effect.

    @SuperCarLori I'm with you. I'm a dancer that can't dance because of my weight. I miss being graceful, limber and lithe. Although, I don't really count that as a vanity, more of my self-identity really.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Dumb *kitten* luck.

    A perfect *kitten* description. (Even snuck by MFP's dirty-word goalie....)

    I'm guessing almost all of us here have been dealt some sort of DAL along the way, some much worse than others :(.
    The variety of DAL cards is just staggering. "How can I mess with thee? Let me count the ways," seems to be Mother Nature's motto at times. (Me, I've lost count....)

    "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.
    Doom, despair, and agony on me!
    (From Hee-Haw, ca. 1970)
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Needed to lose weight or have a gastric bypass because of uncontrollable T2D. Remembered that I did well with Atkins and started again. I love this way of eating. Later found that I have many food sensitivities, thyroid problems, digestive problems that this WOE alleviates.

    I'm at 0 carbs now. Fat, meat, fish, poultry, salt, water. Eating anything else hurts my gut.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    About a year ago I decided it was finally time to work on the baby weight so I started counting calories, which had always worked for me in the past. It worked to an extent, but I was having a lot of issues with cravings and such--so I would lose 10 lbs, gain 5 and so on. I managed to lose about 15 lbs between September and March. Went in to refill my synthroid prescription and my doctor suggested looking up Tim Noakes.

    I was a bit skeptical (because I'm a skeptic in general and I've noticed a lot of woo floats around any alternative type of eating), but I decided to give it a shot anyway because I really need to get into a healthy weight & activity range to avoid T2D (I had gestational diabetes last pregnancy, likely had a mild case that went undiagnosed in my first pregnancy (baby over 9 lbs is indicative of at least some impaired glucose tolerance), and my mother is an insulin-dependent T2D. Several of her brothers are either diabetic or insulin resistant as well. My own brother hasn't had a T2D diagnosis yet, but I am guessing he is around 400 lbs and he's having a ton of vascular issues. I don't want to go down that path--I was insulin dependent while pregnant and I hated it.

    So anyway, here I am and I'm finding it's easier to stick to my calorie goals while low carb. Weight is coming off--another ~2.5 lbs and I will be at 50 lbs from where I was last September, 35 lbs of that since March 28. Only ~70 lbs to go...
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    LCHF was just an accident in my case when I cut out sugar and all grains hoping for joint pain relief. That worked in just 30 days so still at it 2 years later. It has given me my life back.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Vanity for me too, lol. I was wearing my husband's 32" waist jeans.... because my 26's didn't fit any more. (Slow 4 year weight gain due to chronic illness) I had already been gluten free and never ate many sweets so it wasn't a big deal.
  • karebear5891
    karebear5891 Posts: 141 Member
    After multiple diets and constant failed attempts to lose weight only to regain a lot of weight, my best friend got me into it. She had mentioned it before, but then I had gallbladder surgery and thought the fat would do me in (and it probably would have for the first few months at least). I basically got sick and tired of not having any control of the number on the scale despite not being an over eater. I decided I had nothing less to lose. I was never small, but I was always more energetic and fit through my teens and early twenties. So here I am. I'm not on a diet, I've made a lifestyle change and I couldn't be happier with it.