Why I think it's important to eat vegetables

Whenever I mention vegetables I keep remembering my childhood; my parents forced me to eat them because they didn`t look too yummy and I hated the taste of them, I think all children are like this, and I found it really funny.

Once we grow up, we starting realizing that they are healthy, and those monsters from the plate actually taste good (if you know how to cook them) and more and more people go vegan, there must be some serious reasons why people chose this lifestyle.

But first of all, let`s see what are vegetables and what vegetable categories are.

ROOT: beetroot, carrots (red, orange, yellow or purple. Personally I like the purple ones because they are sweet and good for diabetics), potatoes (sweet, yellow, red, pink), radish, salsify, etc.
LEAF or stem: as known as ‘salad leaves,' asparagus, cabbage (regular big ones or those tiny cute one's Brussels Sprouts), broccoli, kale, radicchio, spinach, rocket, spring greens, etc.
SEEDS, FLOWER, FRUIT: pepper, peas, cucumber, lentils, squashes, soya beans, tomatoes, artichoke, etc.

All of those plus more or their juice (with or without pulp) are considered vegetables, you can get them from your local farmer market or super market, raw, frozen, dried, mashed (and all kinds of canned – jars of pickles and just simply think how you can find tomatoes cans and you can see the variety of them).

I mentioned earlier that more and more people go vegan, here are some benefits which vegetables have:

They are rich in vitamins (all gamma of vitamins from A to Z) which are vital for the body`s maintenance, feeds your hair roots and brain, help with muscle development (including your heart`s muscles).
Fiber. Fibers are well known for helping your digestive system and cleaning the body from toxins.

Potassium and folic acid. They help in regenerating blood cells (the red cells).

The scientists discovered some vegetables considering being SUPERFOOD because they give more than the nutrients specified earlier:

Garlic (it`s my favorite of all, it has a big amount of selenium). It helps killing infection cells, helps with immunity, the best beauty treatment (applied at the hair`s root helps it regenerate and get it stronger). The selenium in it it`s an antioxidant which eliminates free radicals in the body (cleans you from inside out and gives you a great skin). Believe it or not, it is proven that it helps with reducing the risk of cancer.
Spinach (has a high amount of iron, vitamin C + A and fibers).

It helps you having a healthy vision; it`s has a significant amount of powerful antioxidants, helps with digestion and helps with muscle developments.

Broccoli (high amount of vitamin C). Rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, low calories as well, that`s enough for me to call it super! It has anti-cancer properties, also helps with the maintenance of the cells.
Tomatoes (great source of iron and vitamins). Very powerful antioxidant, lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease eliminates the free radicals from the body.

Tip: buy your vegetables from the local, trusted farmer. Companies usually grow them for a huge profit and they use chemicals and fertilizers on your veggies, and all you do is to slowly poison yourself.
Think green and love your food!