What is your normal training schedule like?

coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
Here is mine:
I lift 3 days a week. Monday I focus on legs = Squats (f&B), Leg press, Ham curls, calf raises and Treadmill (45 min). Wednesday I focus on arms = Push press, OHP, Hang cleans, curls and Elliptical (45 mins). Friday I focus on my back = Deadlift, back extensions, rowing and Farmer Walks or Kettlebell (I am thinking of adding some Sled time). Saturday I walk/jog 2 miles outside. I am working toward a Half-Marathon in March of 2014 so I have a bit more "cardio" on my schedule than I have in the past.


  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    I do Crossfit 3 times a week.

    And chase small children the rest of the time. :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    2 lower body days like that is great for putting 2 slow runs in the day after, allow for repair from the lifting so you truly benefit from that workout, and train the aerobic fat-burning system which you'll need a great base in for marathon, so-called fat-burning HR zone, better called for longer the Active Recovery HR zone.

    Make one longer than the other, your long slow run that keeps getting longer and longer. The other one keep short, you want to train your body to go in to the fat-burning mode quickly.

    Pick whichever lower body day seems best, Tue looks like short run day, so change treadmill to spin bike for non-weight bearing.
    Sat looks like log run day.
    Wed with upper body would be a great day for hill sprints outside, or intervals. That allows Thu recovery from them before lifting on Fri again.