Anyone gluten free?



  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Am I restricted by not allowing myself to smoke cigarettes? How restricted am I because I refuse to allow heroin into my life? Does it count as restriction when we avoid things that are bad for our health or well being?

    I'm not "gluten free" by any intentional design. It's a side effect of avoiding all plant foods. Still, is not consuming fiber a restriction? In a strict sense of the word, I guess it might be. But, the minor inconvenience of that restriction is more than made up by the quality of life increase. Much like my self-restriction when it comes to smoking. Sure, I miss out on some fantastic puff-puff-puffing, but my health and opportunities are much better because of it.
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    To OP, I also am gluten free just due to the nature of eating keto. Since going keto, I've lost a chunk of weight, I've lost a lot of my aches and pains, lost my foggy brain, T2D range fbs, and lost the chronic digestive issues I had.

    Favorite foods would be crustless pizza and ribeye steak fried in butter with a bit of broiled fresh asparagus on the side. Sometimes a nice pork roast with a couple carrots (if I have enough carbs left that day). Breakfast has become a relaxing time having a keto coffee (decaf with 2 TBL coconut oil and 2 TBL cream), a couple of pieces of bacon or 1 to 2 ounces of other protein (like leftover ribeye steak cooked in butter - YUM). I make my breakfast, retire to the patio (while it was warm) or my computer room and chill out with the dog.

    Tips? Read all you can about low carb and keto. Ask questions on anything. Someone will have had the same question in the past. If you feel this is too hard, wait awhile to make a decision and read some old threads, post your issues, talk to MFP people. They are the biggest help.
  • MiamiDawn
    MiamiDawn Posts: 90 Member
    I am not entirely gluten free only because I occasionally have an Atkins bar or shake.

    The one thing that cutting gluten did for me (or so I believe) is eliminate my Reflux. I was Keto for about 9 months, then stopped and as soon as I started with the carbs my reflux came back. I feel the best when I'm on Keto.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Gluten free wasn't even on my mind when I went Keto. I have seen what just a little exposure will do to me now, though. The abdominal bloat, headaches, runny nose, even return of fibro/neck pain (if it's a big exposure like breading in a crab cake, or three steak fries, which isn't that much!)) is not worth it! It's amazing when I think back on the daily pain I experienced, and it was from the food I consumed, not pathological at all! Which is why medical testing usually came back "normal"! Deemed to be "all in my head!"! When it turned out to be what I was choosing to put in my mouth! At least I was put in the place to see it, and get it figured out! I would still be living with the chronic pain, and in danger of unintentional overdose from the medications it took to tolerate the pain!

    Tips for the OP: Complete avoidance is best, imo! If something has the potential to affect your health in such negative ways where is the benefit in suffering the effects of that exposure! In my case I chose to give it a test, and eat the crab cake....mentioned above since it was my 24th wedding anniversary last Monday. It was good tasting, but the bloat came on before we had even made it to the car! I'm still suffering from more headaches than I have in a long time, but they will pass with continued avoidance. It's nice to know that!
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Since going gluten free my headaches has almost gone. My foggy brain is now clear. My bloating has dissapeared. My bones do no longer ache. Most of my rashes has dissapeared and no daily nausea and tummy cramps. Not to mention my insides are a lot better.

    I second complete avoidance once you go GF, personally I have found I react worse now than before if I accidentally ingest some.

    Also research and read all you can about both keto and LCHF and spend some hours reading the launch pad thread which has some excellent threads, lots of useful information and really is an excellent starting point to start educating yourself.
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    My motto was "real food" before I experimented with the gluten-free, so I typically avoided all the processed gluten-free replacement type foods anyway. Many of them don't taste great and if you need recipes, search out paleo ones because they don't use a tremendous amount of "weird stuff" in them! I remember my first weekend visit at my SO's parents house and sitting down for supper and being semi-lectured about how she wouldn't be able to serve me gluten-free because they just eat "normal food" as we dined on roast beef, potatoes & green beans.... I just grinned and indicated that the meal was perfect :)