What have I been doing with my life?

tribal351 Posts: 72 Member
I grew up in a margarine world. Oleo was what we called it. Butter bad, oleo good.
Got into my 20"s and shifted to non stick cooking spray because healthy, right?
For years I have eaten the same thing for breakfast. 3 eggs, and something else. When I was counting calories but not carbs it was three eggs and grits with hot sauce. Since starting HFLC it became 3 eggs and a smoked sausage, or bacon. All cooked with non stick or coconut oil.
Today I tossed butter in the pan. No special reason, but I haven't eaten actual butter since I was a child.
Almost 50 years old, and had no idea that real butter with my eggs would be so delicious...


  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    LOL. I feel the same way. Lied to. I wish President Eisenhower hadn't had that heart attack or at least had a different cardiologist. I've read that was the beginning of the "low fat" era. I think it was in the book "The Big Fat Lie".
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    How about bacon fat AND butter....double down on the delicious. I've never done that, but probably would....


  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Add a tbsp of heavy whipping cream to the scrambled eggs too, then cook in the butter (hey, bacon grease is yummy too! )! Oh my, that's a goodness that sticks to your ribs for hours!!

    And yes, the big fat lie has harmed a countless number of people! Will continue until "they" change the verbiage! I'm glad I finally learned!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    edited August 2016
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Add a tbsp of heavy whipping cream to the scrambled eggs too, then cook in the butter (hey, bacon grease is yummy too! )! Oh my, that's a goodness that sticks to your ribs for hours!!

    And yes, the big fat lie has harmed a countless number of people! Will continue until "they" change the verbiage! I'm glad I finally learned!

    Yes I wish "they" would get their noses out of everybody's business "they" do much more harm than good.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Everybody chant: "If you think it's butter but it's not, It's Chiffon. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature". or "Everything's better with Blue Bonnet on it".
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Ne'er more shall I consort with the cheap spread.
  • Aquawave
    Aquawave Posts: 260 Member
    We have been eating butter for years. Margarine is yellow colored Crisco. Oreo filling is Crisco also. Love Love Love the fats I am eating now. More butter! More Olive Oil! More Bacon!!!!!Bring it on!!!!
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    A friend just got blood results that showed her glucose was high. Doctor told her she was pre-diabetic and gave her a pamphlet outlining the diet she should follow. It includes a fruit and a starch at every meal. She so whole-heartedly believes that is the correct way to proceed that I just shut my mouth. I did, however, she get her blood re-checked in 6 months. Doctor never even suggested that!!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    daylitemag wrote: »
    I've lost 90lbs eating: butter, bacon, pork rinds, well "marbled" steaks, regular ground beef, chicken legs/thighs with skin. And my blood test results have never been better. I will never believe what "they" tell me ever again. I trust the advice of the regular folks on this forum more than any government agency or food corp.

    AMEN TO THAT!!!!
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    supergal3 wrote: »
    A friend just got blood results that showed her glucose was high. Doctor told her she was pre-diabetic and gave her a pamphlet outlining the diet she should follow. It includes a fruit and a starch at every meal.

    A relic from the Dark Ages! Or maybe that skanky pamphlet was published with the generous support of our friends at Kellogg or General Mills....

    My guarded response when I hear that sort of news from a (rational) friend is too say, "YMMV blah blah, the only way to know if you're a Prius or a Durango is to keep track of your mileage blah blah blah, I test 5-10x per day and am still constantly surprised blah, blah ..." then offer to give them a cheap, reliable glucose meter and some test strips (Bayer Contour Next via Amazon as low as $5, soon-expiring test strips as low as $.10 each).

    The few who've taken me up on it are not likely to eat a banana in a hot dog bun with every meal....
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    I posted not long ago about a conversation with someone who was proud of her new daily breakfast routine, although she was puzzled why her weight wasn't going down. She described a fruit packed smoothie that on my own I later estimated at around 150 carb grams.

    What I forgot to include in that post was the punch line. She asked me if I knew a good way to keep half an avocado from going brown. She only adds half an avocado to each smoothie, because as everyone knows "Avocados are very fattening."