Seeking Suggestions & Support / Clean Eating Plan

Good morning, everyone! I was diagnosed with Celiac and Lactose intolerance this year. Needless to say, what an overwhelming change! I already have an allergy to Soy and am now adding Gluten and Dairy to the list.
So, I am reaching out, asking for support & suggestions with Clean Eating. I have found very little support in my local area and have just started seeing a nutritionist.
Has anyone had success, found a clean eating food program to follow, or have tips that may make the day to day more manageable? I'm also finding, going out and socializing is difficult. Thank you for the time and I hope everyone is having a great weekend. :smile:


  • theconstantplanck
    theconstantplanck Posts: 2 Member
    I know what you mean about going out and socialising - I work in a very sociable office and trying to eat clean is difficult enough for me, and I don't have any intolerances.
    I saw a dietician a year ago for a while which was an invaluable reference point for me. Maybe be aware that nutritionists and dieticians are different - dieticians require a scientific qualification to practice, and so are more in line with a doctor's advice. Nutritionists' advice can vary a lot.
    Good luck with finding out what works for you :)
  • cometca
    cometca Posts: 1 Member
    I have found that eating cleaner is definitely making me feel better. Although I don't have the issues you do, I found this site which seems to be a pretty well researched blog that may have some ideas for you. Just a suggestion, I have zero expertise.