Living the Lifestyle - Monday, August 29th

gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
Everyone says it, but just how do you do it? How do you take the guidelines of the WW program and turn them into a lifestyle you can live every day...from now on? That is what we are here to explore. Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Newbie? Join in! Veteran? Join in! Your thoughts may be just what someone else needs to hear.

Monday -- GadgetGirlIL (Regina)
Tuesday -- goldenfrisbee (Chris)
Wednesday -- Rachel0778 (Rachel)
Thursday -- misterhub (Greg)
Friday -- Jbrack381us (Joe)

Topic: What's your plan for the remainder of the year?

Many of us view this week as the last week of summer. What plans do you have for the remainder of the year as it does include the Bermuda Triangle of holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas)? I'm sure my local stores are already stocking Halloween candy which always seems silly to me this far out from the actual holiday, but I guess they have to fill that seasonal aisle with something.


  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    My plan for these next few months is to get my average weight back into my green zone. Changes have been made regarding my workload for the fall semester. My work stress level should be significantly reduced after these first couple of weeks of the new semester as the adjunct faculty we hired come up to speed.

    Other plans for the coming months include 2 marathons as well as completing hiking the remaining segments of the Ice Age Trail in Waukesha County.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,088 Member
    Now that I'm back to tracking (using MFP), I'd like to take off about 10 pounds and get back down to my personal goal weight. Part of this is tracking, part of this is minimizing alcohol intake during the week, and part of this is to be more consistent in my exercise.

    Thankfully, Halloween candy isn't a major issue for me, and I treat Thanksgiving dinner as a one-time-only event.

    A slightly bigger issue is the Jewish holidays coming up. While Yom Kippur is a fast day, I'll have to be careful not to overdo the break-the-fast. The community we moved to is incredibly interactive, and what that means from a food perspective is that we get a lot of invites to meals through the holidays. I have been finding that even with strong portion-control, it is tricky to keep my intake down!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,180 Member
    I have no long-range plans. I live day-to-day. Of course we have a calendar and schedule things like trips, but, from a weight management standpoint, I try to do the best I can each day. String together a bunch of winning days, and you have success. It works for me.
  • 60in2017
    60in2017 Posts: 65 Member
    Long range plans on weight loss are I'd like to get to goal by the end of the year. Of course, I've had that goal for about 40 years! Sort of kidding on that, but I agree with David, this time through, I'm just taking it a day/pound at a time. The number of pounds to lose is getting smaller however - only 25 or so more to go.

    As far as holiday plans and what I need to look out for: Halloween - my trick is to buy candy the day we're giving it out and then take the rest to the community center. Haven't had problems with it since I started doing that. Thanksgiving - not sure, last year was out of town to relatives, so probably stay in town with relatives this year. That means I can do some of the cooking and fit it within my plan. Christmas - we're going to Palm Springs for a week, followed by a relative visit. That week will probably cause me the most trouble, but we plan on hiking as much as possible in Palm Springs. If I can just avoid those darn date shakes and other date items at the date shop, I should be golden.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    My plan is to continue what I'm doing for the most part. My theory is that holidays only derail us if we let them.

    We'll probably have a few party invites around Halloween but that only involves a few extra drinks which are pretty easy to fit in. I always have a daily treat, so I usually sub in a piece or two of my favorite Halloween candy around this time of year (or a glass or two of wine!).

    For Thanksgiving and Christmas, I always go up on the scale after holiday visits with my SO's family, but I know they're temporary gains and will go away as soon as I'm back home in my routine. I just do the best I can and don't stress.
  • goldenfrisbee
    goldenfrisbee Posts: 1,640 Member
    Since this is a lifestyle I'm trying to maintain, I don't plan on making any changes. For Thanksgiving and Christmas I plan to eating all my favorites but just one helping (as opposed to 3) tracking what I eat and moving on. My only goal for the rest of the year is to continue what I'm doing and not backslide in to old habits of mindless eating.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,518 Member
    Plan to get down some. Was down to a low of226#, at home, now bouncing as high as 255#, so reigning it back and trying to work the plan. Would like to see 230# be New Years.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    edited August 2016
    I realized in my caffeine deprived state that I didn't say how I was going to get my average weight back into range. Mostly by sticking with the basics: 1) Sticking with my calorie budget; 2) Being more consistent with my weight training (not for calorie burn but it helps my body deal with the endurance activities I love); and 3) Trying a new recipe once a week (being in a food rut has led to some not so good choices).
  • Kramti386
    Kramti386 Posts: 127 Member
    My plans revolve around getting back to the basics of the plan. What I did when I started on the GOAD board. I am 5 days in a row now for eating and and one day for activity. I have to prevent myself from going back to my old ways
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,148 Member
    Uh the whole year is filled with holidays and eat-a-thon excuses in my world. OK maybe a bit harsh but birthdays, graduations, holidays, and much more occur every month for me.

    Makes it easier in the sense that I mostly treat them with some sense of moderation. Thanksgiving is the only "official" eating holiday for me and I do that in more moderation than the past. Thanksgiving is also only one meal and not more than that for me.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,148 Member
    We didn't do halloween last year but might buy a little bit for kids this year. we'll see. Not so many local young kids these days.
  • leeless511
    leeless511 Posts: 243 Member
    I am changing up a few things, some seasonal related and some based on observation.
    1. Joining a fitness place (Orange Theory) for winter activity, based on the fact that winter impacts my activity in a negative way.
    2. Reduce my zero point food portion sizes and focus more on veggie vs. fruit consumption (or more balanced between the two.)
    3. Beginning my first series of exercise videos tonight and will go for 60 days (2) 30 day programs, then switch to the fitness center.
    4. I no longer multi task. I do one thing at a time and focus on it exclusively then move on to the next priority.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,175 Member
    I'm still in the losing mode and really need to step it up. My fiscal year is from July to July and while I lost some last year it was not even close to near enough. The positive side to that is I didn't gain any either.

    So my plans are to cut back on portions and eat more veggies, salad, perhaps more proteins less sugar. That was working and I drifted away the last few weeks. That's my plan so now got go for it.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    I consider the non-holiday times to be pre-season training. Like some of the others, my strategy is one day at a time. The holiday gatherings are far less about food for me than they used to be. I try to make conscious choices before I eat. Of course, I may choose something absolutely decadent but that's an informed decision instead of a disgruntled reaction after the fact.

    I plan to just keep on doing what I've been doing from here 'til the end of the year. I have a few hobbies, some of which could increase my exercise / activity. Bumping that up between now and the end of the year would be a good thing.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Timely. The wheels are coming off my WW bus. Lost nearly 8 lbs over winter in Key West. Now back in Chicago 1 month & up 4 lbs as of this morning.

    Moving in 2 directions. Be more mindful of my intake. Find new pursuits to get me off the couch. Not so much to burn calories but to get away from the kitchen. Also don't want to be back at fitness square 1 when I get back to Key West. Thankfully this should be my last stint in Chi.

    If current trend does not reverse soon- going back to full bore tracking. Will mean learning the new program for real.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    & Btw for the "there is no finish line" folks- I'm coming up on 10 yr lifetime anniversary in a few weeks. There really is no finish line.
  • GavinFlynn1
    GavinFlynn1 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Only short term plans right now. 1- make tracking a habit. 2- make exercise a habit again. That's enough to work on.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Now that I'm back to tracking (using MFP), I'd like to take off about 10 pounds and get back down to my personal goal weight.

    What he said. ;-)

    I had a bit of momentum going but let that slip away last week. Owning it and moving on. This week will be better.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    I've had a good year (-35#) and plan to finish 2016 strong. In 2015 I lost -16# total, sorta coasted on my success of losing 100+. I embraced BTS and SPs and joined the 52 pounds in 52 weeks challenge over on the old GDT Bull Board.
    I have been on target with a pound a week average and have 18 WIs left in 2016. I'm at 233 and with a strong finish I should be in 215 range.
    Thanksgiving is our family's annual get together and it's more about family for me than eating.
    THEN next year I plan to get out of obese BMI range, get below 200 and if possible I would like to get to 188#, that would be exactly half my starting weight of 376 in Jan 2013!
    It's been one hell of a journey and I'm curious to see where it ends!
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Some great progress, insights and strategies here!