September Challenge?

baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
Step-It-Up September?
A better idea?
I'm all ears.


  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I like it. I've been working to get 20k steps a day for a while now. Finally did the whole work week last well but I need to keep pushing myself.

    Step it up could mean anything to though, so it could be applied to anything thou feel you're slacking on.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I like it too! Count me in. I love the monthly challenges.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    Maybe it will get me moving again; I'm so wishy washy with moving....Let's do it!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I like it. I've been working to get 20k steps a day for a while now. Finally did the whole work week last well but I need to keep pushing myself.

    Step it up could mean anything to though, so it could be applied to anything thou feel you're slacking on.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I like it. I've been working to get 20k steps a day for a while now. Finally did the whole work week last well but I need to keep pushing myself.

    Step it up could mean anything to though, so it could be applied to anything thou feel you're slacking on.


    Oh and my phone likes to use the old english vernacular, thou, it's just more fun that way. I swear it changes it after I submit it

    I got a kick out of that. :wink:
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    Bring it on! Sounds good to me. I've been maintaining my loss all summer, which I'm happy with, but I'm only halfway to my goal, so it's definitely time for me to step it up!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,596 Member
    I did not participate in the August challenge a much as Jun/Jul and my scale/clothes are my mirror of truth. Down 2 lbs instead of the 4 that I planned. I could use a step it up challenge of any variety.
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    im in!
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    I'm so ready for this challenge. I want to lose 8-10 pounds.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Sigh....I guess I better dust off my tennis... :D
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Definitely in, I have a bunch of fit bit friends that are whopping my *kitten*!!
  • jmd543
    jmd543 Posts: 174 Member
    A good one now that it's cooling off a little, thank the heavens.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    jmd543 wrote: »
    A good one now that it's cooling off a little, thank the heavens.

    you are so right, I walked all summer on my lunch break, when its 90 and 90% humidity ugh omg its no fun coming back to the office stinking like a sweaty monster
  • GlitterRayne
    GlitterRayne Posts: 103 Member
    I'm in.
  • maksp4
    maksp4 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    I'm in as well. I am a very slow loser and if I could shed 2 lbs in Sept. I'd be happy. I am 7 lbs away from goal and just sitting there, interminably. I think 2 is doable for me.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I just joined this group..count me in :)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I could up my steps. Of course, I need to find my fitbit charger. It got lost in the move, and it is only a matter of time before it dies. Should be tonight or tomorrow. :(
  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    I like this idea! Count me in. :)