Not hitting my minimum calories :(

Is that such a bad thing? I am just not motivated to eat more than I have been, and my calories for the day are 900. Probably due to drinking coffee with heavy cream again. I had a decent lunch (ham and spinach alfredo) and some strawberries. And a Daves single (no bun) for dinner, because we had stuff to do. Anyone have a comment?


  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    If you aren't hungry, I won't worry. That is, unless it is a continuous thing. Some times I am hungry and go over some and sometimes I am not and go under some. As long as I am not under all the time, I don't worry. I think it balances out. Like nutrition targets like calcium. If you miss now and again, no biggie. If you are chronically short, it can be an issue.
  • maezombiegirl
    maezombiegirl Posts: 21 Member
    well i purposefully grabbed a giant latte with heavy cream from starbucks this morning and I ate my lunch and snacks. No chance of not hitting the calories today! I also came in at 900 calories yesterday, and I woke up hungry. First time since June :(