Need advice please...



  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    Not sure about the iodine. Read about supplementing with Kelp. Best source of iodine. Hands cold just typing this!!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    My hands and feet used to be freezing all the time when I wasn't eating enough.
    So much warmer now I am eating the correct amount. It's one of the first signs that a lot of people notice when they are repairing their metabolism. Warmer hands and feet and more energy.
    Team EM2WL
  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    So this is interesting Since last Thursday I lost .40 lbs and I only went to the gym once. All due to the wind storm last week and snow storm this week. Didn't eat very well; In fact Fitbit said my TDEE was 1977 for this timeframe but MFP food entries I ate 2242 average per day.
    Even if my Fitbit says I burn 2400 on a great day especially in the summer should I be eating way more?? This is all so confusing to me. Afraid of eating above 2100 even working out 5 days per week.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    1 week isn't enough time frame to discern anything useful, especially for a woman whose BMR literally changes through the month.

    If you in reality did indeed have a 250 surplus daily - it would take 2 weeks to show a 1 lb gain - and water weight fluctuations could easily wipe that out.

    Water weight goes both weighs though.
  • kcmsmith0405
    kcmsmith0405 Posts: 259 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    Water weight goes both weighs though.

    I see what you did there! hehe
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Consistency is key to finding out information.
    You need to be eating the same calorie amount over weeks with pretty much the same activity level throughout too.
    A few days here and there and very slight ups and downs on the scale isn't consistent enough to see patterns.
    Why are you afraid of eating over 2100?
    Team EM2WL
  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    Consistency is key to finding out information.
    You need to be eating the same calorie amount over weeks with pretty much the same activity level throughout too.
    A few days here and there and very slight ups and downs on the scale isn't consistent enough to see patterns.
    Why are you afraid of eating over 2100?
    Team EM2WL

    Since I already gained 10 plus lbs the first time I am so afraid of it going up and up. Gonna shoot for 2200 this next couple of weeks! Pretty much maintaining these past few weeks.
  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    I am in 4 weeks and started out at 154.2 first week
    1. Burned 2348 Ate 2094
    2. Burned 2375 Ate 2151
    3. Burned 2285 Ate 2091
    4. Burned 1876 Ate 2400 Windstorm knocked power, following week snowstorm horrible week with less gym time and eating more.
    5. Ends tomorrow.... as of right now I am B 2234 A 2122

    As of this past Thursday I weighed in at 153.2
    So should I try and bump to 2200 for a few weeks to a month and see what happens?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Looks like you still arent eating where you should be. Based on these numbers, your averaging about 2300 Definitely eat right now at your comfort level and work on increasing the cals. Some people like to stay a little lower on cals and work on macros.. some people like to get the cals up then work on macros. My opinion?... rip the bandaid and jump your cals up.

    I understand the fear involved in eating more and not wanting to see a gain on the scale.. so If this is crippling your ability to get your cals up to where they need to be, then put the scale away. Get away from the mentality that the scale numbers mean you are succeeding or not, because its all bunk... Your goal is to reset, which means having to get your calories up to your TDEE.. if you aren't ready to get there yet, thats perfectly fine. But you have to understand that it means your body is not fueled properly and you will not progress forward in the fashion you are wanting it to. The scale does not control you at all, so stop letting it. You are worth far more than the scale number

    Team EM2WL
  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    Raynn1 wrote: »
    Looks like you still arent eating where you should be. Based on these numbers, your averaging about 2300 Definitely eat right now at your comfort level and work on increasing the cals. Some people like to stay a little lower on cals and work on macros.. some people like to get the cals up then work on macros. My opinion?... rip the bandaid and jump your cals up.

    I understand the fear involved in eating more and not wanting to see a gain on the scale.. so If this is crippling your ability to get your cals up to where they need to be, then put the scale away. Get away from the mentality that the scale numbers mean you are succeeding or not, because its all bunk... Your goal is to reset, which means having to get your calories up to your TDEE.. if you aren't ready to get there yet, thats perfectly fine. But you have to understand that it means your body is not fueled properly and you will not progress forward in the fashion you are wanting it to. The scale does not control you at all, so stop letting it. You are worth far more than the scale number

    Team EM2WL

    You are definitely right about the scale. I feel like when I know that number and its higher than I think it should be my pants feel tighter and I think its all mental. when I didn't weigh in for two weeks mentally felt better. Measurements were taken weekly. Going to go up this week.. Hopefully I will be successful!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    It's hard not to be ruled by the scale.
    If it's affecting how you react to things or your mood, it might be better just to leave it right now.
    How would you feel about doing that?
    Looks like 2100 is a big mental hurdle to get over. You can do it! 2200 here we come!
    Team EM2WL
  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    It's hard not to be ruled by the scale.
    If it's affecting how you react to things or your mood, it might be better just to leave it right now.
    How would you feel about doing that?
    Looks like 2100 is a big mental hurdle to get over. You can do it! 2200 here we come!
    Team EM2WL

    Leaving the scale untouched is working better than expected. I may take weekly measurements tomorrow or I might skip it this week altogether.. I have increased this week and today definitely ate more. Friday night is my take out night at home and we had a baby shower at work and I had a yummy chocolate cupcake someone made.
    You all are making this a lot easier this time around! Thanks for all the support!
  • kcmsmith0405
    kcmsmith0405 Posts: 259 Member
    You are doing great!!
  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    Naturalnut wrote: »
    You are doing great!!

    Thanks for encouragement!! You are doing awesome too and I am so glad I have your journey on here to follow. It makes me feel 10 times better about eating more....
    Feeling pretty good!!! Stayed off the scale this morning. Did take measurements and seem to be slowly going down. So no complaints there. Did a little cardio this morning at the gym; elliptical and stationary bike. I think I need to figure out what works best to get rid of these darn saddlebags I carry around with's the worst part of myself! If I could knock some inches off that part of me....then who cares what the scale says!!!
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    Your doing great Faith!!! You can do this!!! I gained about 10 with my reset. Once I got up to 2300 a day, weight gain leveled off. I have been holding steady for awhile. I was also able to increase weights with my workout so some of that gain was muscle. I didnt notice any changes, then almost over night, holy cow I have muscles. I can't see them very well but I can feel them. I can do my job easier. I can pick up my son easier. There are days the DM kicks back in and I panic. It just happened over the weekend. But I stop and think about what I have accomplished so far. And ask for help off that ledge of going back to old habits.
  • FaithSevio
    FaithSevio Posts: 31 Member
    @brileylmt thank you for the reassurance! feeling really good about things.lately. no problem hitting 2100 if not more this week. No scale since Thursday. My weight is the same as I started 6 weeks ago so no complaints there. Just up the 12 from September's first attempt.
    Thinking about inquiring about kick boxing classes at a martial arts center near my home. Want to get rid of my saddle bags!!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    FaithSevio wrote: »

    Leaving the scale untouched is working better than expected. I may take weekly measurements tomorrow or I might skip it this week altogether.. I have increased this week and today definitely ate more. Friday night is my take out night at home and we had a baby shower at work and I had a yummy chocolate cupcake someone made.
    You all are making this a lot easier this time around! Thanks for all the support!

    This is music to my ears! Just having less stress and less cortisol will be doing you so much good too! You are doing an amazing job.
    And so are all the wonderful ladies supporting you every step of the way!
    I love the EM2WL fam!
    Team EM2WL