Anyone else hungrier after upping calories?

ferocityturbine Posts: 110 Member
I've recently increased my calories by 250 a day, but have found it much harder to be strict with this new, higher allowance. I keep making poor food choices and adding sneaky snacks (all logged, but still putting me 50-100 over each day).

My question is, has anyone else found it harder to stick to an allowance that is less strict?

I suppose when you're eating at a large deficit you try really hard to make each calorie count and find the most satiating foods to consume, but with more room to play a few too many of the old favourites seem to be sneaking in...

Has anyone else found it difficult to maintain a level of eating that falls somewhere in between what they have always considered a 'diet allowance' and maintenance?


  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    YES! It's like I could have written this!

    Then, because I get slack off, I lower my calories so I can keep myself in line. but then all i Think about is how i'm depriving my body by having lower calories, so I up them again and then I slack off and start the whole cycle over. It's been VERY hard for me to find my balance. and now I've been completely stuck since January. It's awful.
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    Yup! But it goes away. And I don't think it's because of bad choices. At least not in my case. I've been upping 100 a week and eati g just as good as I did before. All the same food except adding in more. Sweet potatoes and beans and avocado. Eating pretty much the same just more! But yeah it's somehow harder to control myself at 2300 then 1700. And it's not mental either. Actual physical hunger ... Odd.
  • photojunkie28
    I find it easier to eat 1500 calories than to eat the 2600 that I should to cut. That happy medium is a B****! I personally think its due to metabolism repair. Your body is excited by the fuel and keeps demanding more. I think if you are eating hte right foods and you feel hunger its a good thing. Feed your body and keep plugging away!
  • disintegratedgirl
    disintegratedgirl Posts: 22 Member
    I'm two and a half weeks into my first ever reset and I found myself ravenous 4 days in. Every 2/ 2.5 hours my body would DEMAND food in a very loud and insistent way which i found really odd given that never happened when i was eating far less. Reading around on here it sounds like its a rarely normal part of your metabolism waking up and for me it only lasted for about 5 days. I get hungrier than I used to when eating much lower calories now but its manageable again.

    I think the point about how you make every calorie count when you are on a lower allowance is an important one. Its obviously up to personal choice and seems like people on here get results with some quite different approaches but just because you are eating more calories doesn't mean you shouldn't be making the same sort of healthy choices designed to keep you fullest longest.
  • PudgycatDoll
    Wait...did I write this?

    LOL, yeah, it's hard to do and your body is like, "MORE! MORE MORE!"
  • KatieDuvall612
    KatieDuvall612 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes! I could've written this myself also. The more I eat the more I want. I find it very hard to eat at a deficit these days or even just sticking to my TDEE. I'm tempted to go over my calories often (and usually do a couple times per week).
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    It is absolutely normal and a sign of your metabolism to get humming again
    It happens to most people doing a reset and I remember it very well, when I did mine.
    It is kinda irritating, because one would think, as you eat more, you should be less hungry.

    But it will slow down again. See it as something positive!