introducing myself

Hi my name is Marie, I am 42 and a mom of 5 with varying ages (22-3). I have done low carb before with success but didn't stick with it long enough. This my 2nd try at MFP I had a bad experience prior with very negative and down right rude people. I'm always hearing rave reviews about MFP so I figured I'd give it one more try and hopefully this time around I'll find all those great people I've heard about . I restarted my low carb plan 3 months ago and I am very excited to participate and share this journey with you all. :bigsmile:

Start weight 300lbs. (3 months ago)

Current weight 275 (as of Friday)


  • sickandfat
    sickandfat Posts: 69 Member
    I have posted and posted on MFP and no one every post back. I think that is rude also. You think that you will get a lot of support, only to find out that people have their own friends and post there only most of the time. Don't give up. There are people out there that hear you.
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    Sorry this happen sick and fat want a new friend?