My 60 Day Results

Halleluiah! I made it to day 60 of the Les Mills Combat Program. Through back problems, a healing broken arm and knee pain ... I MADE IT! I lost a total of 7 lbs and 8 inches (My updated pics are on my profile). While I'm happy that I lost a few pounds and dropped a (clothing) size, I am most pleased with the lifestyle change that has occurred through committing to this program. I no longer think of myself as "dieting" or changing habits...getting up and working out everyday is automatic. By backing away from junk food for so long, I no longer crave it, so I no longer feel like a slave to bad eating! I feel like I not only made physical improvements, but I crossed a spiritual barrior/obstacle that was holding me hostage! I give all the glory to God for giving me the strength to get up and fight through all of my aches and pains and complete a workout everyday!

Now on to the next...I will be kicking off TurboFire full blown today! Looking forward to more amazing results!


  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Your results are Awesome! I am so happy for you for sticking with it. I am sure you will enjoy Turbo Fire! Keep me posted on how you like your new program.
  • amshumaker88
    amshumaker88 Posts: 47 Member
    Those are some awesome results! Keep up the awesome work, as I am sure now that you have worked through your barriers that your going to really excel at Turbo Fire! Good Luck with Turbo Fire and God Bless!
  • nickel_b
    nickel_b Posts: 12 Member
    That's so great! Awesome job! Have fun with TurboFire!