Hi I'm new. Marissa converted me. Thank you Marissa!

I recently lost 20 lbs doing the WW smart points program for 12 weeks. June 16, 2016 - September 13, 2016. Total loss was 23 lbs, but then I plateaued and began to gain weight back while doing the program. Plus I felt so hungry. Not just the mental hungry because of dieting, but my stomach burned and gnawed at me. I felt I was on the edge of a binge. I have dumped WW and joined MFP as of Tuesday. Marissa is in another group with me and she mentioned EMTWL. I've since looked into it and it really seems right up my alley. Plus, I've already lost 1.5 lbs since Tuesday. I literally switched from a plateau/gaining phase back to a losing phase just like that in two days of eating more food. I averaged 1700 calories a day on WW. I'm 5'10" and I currently weigh 273.5 down from 275 on Tuesday. Upping my calories on MFP to 2230 for a weekly .5 loss yielded that immediate weight loss.

I think just adding some fat back into my day helped a lot. WW reduces fat intake so much that I began to crave fat. I'm looking forward to returning to whole foods. Whole eggs, whole milk (gonna try the Fairlife brand) will be welcome because I'm craving it.

I look forward to sharing my results. I've taken my measurements. I'm tracking. I'll be slowly adding cardio/lifting into my plan as I can handle it. I have old injuries that limit my mobility when combined with this obesity. And I've been sedentary for so long. The last time I did an exercise program was in 2011.

I need friends and lots of support. Please add me.

Any advice for someone in my situation is very welcome. All of your tips and tricks too. Anything you want to share. Think of me as a sponge ready to absorb the education.


  • MarissaTriesAgain
    MarissaTriesAgain Posts: 766 Member
    This made me so happy popping on this board and seeing you post!!!!

    I'm only a few weeks in, so I'm learning with you. I will be honest, hitting 30% of your daily intake bwing from protein is HARD. The science behind this makes sense, and for people with longer journeys like us, more sustainable.

    Let's do this together!
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    You two are an inspiration and I can see what a great support you have been for each other.
  • jvezzsb01
    jvezzsb01 Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome, you have a great attitude toward it all. You will enjoy lifting!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Hi @Whoniverse_Lover Welcome to the group.
    So glad to hear you are eating more already!
    The people in this forum are SO supportive, it's a great place to be.
    Have you checked out any of the workouts on our website for when you are ready to start lifting?
    Looking forward to your updates.
    EM2WL Ambassador and moderator
  • Whoniverse_Lover
    Whoniverse_Lover Posts: 34 Member
    Hi @Whoniverse_Lover Welcome to the group.
    So glad to hear you are eating more already!
    The people in this forum are SO supportive, it's a great place to be.
    Have you checked out any of the workouts on our website for when you are ready to start lifting?
    Looking forward to your updates.
    EM2WL Ambassador and moderator

    Sure, I'm ready to start lifting, but only my limbs. LoL. Just getting up and moving about is a big deal for me just yet. I will add weights to my my exercise when I'm physically ready/able. I'm able to do Leslie Sansone's walk away the pounds 1 mile walk now. I couldn't get through it 20 lbs ago. So that is some progress. I completed a mile or the equivalent of 20 minutes of movement anyway. It was quite painful and a great deal of exertion for my obese body. I've been extremely sedentary for years. Don't worry, I'll get there. One thing about me is that I heal quickly. I bounce back quickly. My body responds positively when I take care of it.

    I've lifted weights in the past. Seems like many eons ago now. I'm not unfamiliar with losing large amounts of weight and exercising/weight training to get it off. The whole EMTWL is new to me though. What a pleasant change to have a glass of wine with dinner and eat more food throughout the day and still lose weight. I'm so glad Marissa spoke up about this method.

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member

    Welcome to the group I'm very new too, only one week in. I hope it will be good for you, I am just slowly increasing my calories and protein, I am doing some strengthening with resistence bands too.
    All the best Carol
  • scaryann1
    scaryann1 Posts: 259 Member

    I've been lifting since sometime this Spring. I am on SSI due to hEDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome hyper-mobility type), so I can't afford a gym membership or home equipment and I can only do very light weights, in fact I started with two pounds and am now up to four pounds. I've learned what may be heavy for you will be light for someone else. So go ahead and start with what YOU can handle, even if it's your limbs or a can of soup. I can honestly say that since I started lifting my shoulders don't sublux as bad as they use to! I do have to be careful not to lift too heavy or too often because it does cause my elbows, wrists, and fingers to go out more, but I'm hoping when I get the muscles built up more they will start staying in better too.
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    I am pretty new to this also. It feels weird to be eating SO many calories but i'm sure I will get used to it. Actually, last night I had to edit my food a bit so I wouldn't go over! My calorie intake is currently set at a 15% cut with moderate activity. My macros before were always pretty fat heavy (I LOVE avocado) but now that I am working to hit that 30% protein it helps balance it out quite a bit.
  • Whoniverse_Lover
    Whoniverse_Lover Posts: 34 Member
    I am pretty new to this also. It feels weird to be eating SO many calories but i'm sure I will get used to it. Actually, last night I had to edit my food a bit so I wouldn't go over! My calorie intake is currently set at a 15% cut with moderate activity. My macros before were always pretty fat heavy (I LOVE avocado) but now that I am working to hit that 30% protein it helps balance it out quite a bit.

    Yes, it does feel weird. I agree. I'm not hitting my calorie or protein goals either, but I have just started EMTWL. I'm giving myself some learning time. I'm allowing myself to not be perfect as I delve into this new way of eating and living. It's just so nice not to be starving all day anymore. It's such a relief to be satisfied after a meal because the meal is balanced with carbs/protein/fat/fiber instead of one being severely reduced or a food group cut out in order to lose weight. This is the most doable program for me. I LOVE AVOCADO TOO! Avocados grow in peoples yards on trees where I'm from in California. Oranges too. One of my favorite salads doesn't even require a salad dressing. Just put spinach leaves, diced avocado, diced orange together and try to get all of the juice of the orange on the salad by cutting the orange over the greens. It's lovely.
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    I LOVE AVOCADO TOO! Avocados grow in peoples yards on trees where I'm from in California. Oranges too. One of my favorite salads doesn't even require a salad dressing. Just put spinach leaves, diced avocado, diced orange together and try to get all of the juice of the orange on the salad by cutting the orange over the greens. It's lovely.

    I just had some avocado on a piece of toast for "breakfast". It is easier for me to have fatty things earlier in the day so I have the rest of the day to work on my macros. Either that, or pre-log it for later in the day so I know where I stand. I am basically JUST starting EM2WL. Marissa and I started at the same time (she is my girlfriend). At first I just upped my calories a little and still ate back my exercise calories but this week I upped them to the 15% cut and don't eat back the exercise calories unless it is a day I burn A LOT! This morning the scale budged a little, finally!

    I don't eat salads too often and I've never tried fruit in my salads. The thought of it always seemed a little weird but maybe I should give it a shot.