LTL Friday 9-16-16

Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
Everyone says it, but just how do you do it? How do you take the guidelines of the WW program and turn them into a lifestyle you can live every day...from now on? That is what we are here to explore. Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion. Newbie? Join in! Veteran? Join in! Your thoughts may be just what someone else needs to hear.

Monday -- crewahl / Charlie
Tuesday --60in2017 / Millie
Wednesday -- minimyzeme / Kim
Thursday -- MICHGOLFER2 / Jane
Friday --Jimb376mfp / Jim

Topic: Your WL Journey Goals

This weeks WW weekly pamphlet is about setting goals that are right for you.

Here are three goal related subjects for GoaDies to discuss (pick one or more):

1. What goal(s) have you achieved on your WL Journey that you are most proud of?
2. What current goal are you working on in the short term?
3. What long term goal(s) do you have?

They say a goal without a plan is just a wish. It's not too early to start planning for 2017 goals.


  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    1. My early goals were to get below 300 then to lose 100#. After I achieved those I lived on my "accomplishments" but was still obese.
    2. Jan 2016 I decided to reboot with the 52# in 52 weeks challenge. I was doing great through week 35 but last two WIs have been up. So my short term goal is to close out 2016 on a positive note and see how close I can get to that 52 pound goal.
    3. Long term is get below 200 AND STAY below 200. I have not set a Lifetime goal weight yet but plan on doing so in 2017.

    Having very specific goals help me to stay focused day to day, week to week. Otherwise old bad habits can quickly appear and derail my efforts and all my past accomplishments.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    1 Goal
    2 176 lbs- the green zone
    3 bend over and touch my toes, play Pickleball w/o foot pain.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,180 Member
    1. Maintaining below my WW goal weight of 184 for more than seven years.
    2. Maintaining below my personal green line of 170.
    3. Ditto
    MICHGOLFER2 Posts: 197 Member
    1. My doctor took me off two of my blood pressure meds, and my A1c is 5.6.
    2. Tracking consistently - one meal at a time, one day at a time, one week at a time.
    3. Get to a healthy weight, probably 145-149.
  • 60in2017
    60in2017 Posts: 65 Member
    1. I haven't. The part about "being proud" is eluding me. Perhaps when I achieve #2.
    2. Get into the 150s - something I haven't seen in quite a few years. Hoping to make that by vacation in 3 weeks, just a couple more pounds to go.
    3. Maintenance somewhere in the 130s. Still haven't set a goal weight as I have upped my weight training efforts and I know the scale might not reflect a lower weight if my muscle to fat ratio changes. I'd rather be muscular and a little heavier than flabby and see a lower number on the scale.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    1. That I have been below goal since March 2012. This is the longest I've ever maintained in my entire life.
    2. I'm currently working to get back to my green zone of 163-165. I've been hovering in the red, 168-169 for too many weeks.
    3. To NEVER let work stress cause me to regain above goal. Work stress got me back to an obese BMI in 2011 which is when I finally gave WW at Work a try.
  • Kramti386
    Kramti386 Posts: 127 Member
    1. I was proud that I dropped 140 pounds to get back to my college wrestling weight.
    2. short term Goals, get back to a weight where I can ride a Segway and go ziplining
    3. Make LifeTime at WW so that I can do the activities and be qable to buy clothes in a "regular" store.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,175 Member

    1. What goal(s) have you achieved on your WL Journey that you are most proud of?
    Loss of 100 #'s
    2. What current goal are you working on in the short term?
    Stay below 300 # but more importantly loose 25#
    3. What long term goal(s) do you have?
    Loose to my most comfortable Adult weight.
    185 #.
  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    1. I'm proud of so many things ... getting out of morbidly obese and obese, arriving at Onederland, losing #25, #50, and #75. But what I'm most proud of is that I'm still here, striving to get to goal.

    2. I have two short term goals. One is to see a new number in the 10s place by Thanksgiving and the other is to get all of the weight I gained last fall off.

    3. Long term I want to lose #100 pounds, then a few more to get to goal!

    As for planning, I am getting back to planning more meals. I find it way easier to stay on program when I have healthy, yummy, 'real' and filling food in my frig. This weekend I'm making a beef roast with carrots, potatoes, and baked butternut squash, grilling shrimp with a side of cheesy spaghetti squash, and grilled turkey sandwiches. I have delicious leftover chicken w/ranch dressing mix and cream of chicken soup in my frig, so I will go into next week stocked and ready!
  • leeless511
    leeless511 Posts: 243 Member
    1. What goal(s) have you achieved on your WL Journey that you are most proud of? I started running and I still track points daily even while on maintenance. The tracking habit is a great way to maintain, and I don't mind doing it at all.
    2. What current goal are you working on in the short term? I have added muscle building to my workout mix. I am really happy with it right now...which is a first. The goal is to stick with it for the rest of the winter, then possibly join a boutique fitness studio in town.
    3. What long term goal(s) do you have? To stay within my goal weight range and remain healthy (to the level I control) and fit so I can enjoy retirement in an active way.
  • Johnkaz63
    Johnkaz63 Posts: 7 Member
    1. Not giving up that first couple weeks.... I mean a snack sized bag of cheezits is now 7 points? WT_? Used to be one of my go to snacks and now they're one point less than my week day breakfast! Yeah I know I need to let go of it!
    2. fitting into my winter sweaters without the muffin top.

    3. Goal weight in 2017.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    1. Well of course, losing the weight and getting to goal was big for me. But I'd have to say the bigger achievement was joining WW in the first place. For years, I had 'thought about' losing weight. Taking that from a passive idea (way in the back of my mind) to something I was actually doing was a proud achievement for me.

    2. I've been maintaining for a year now. My current short-term goal is to do it for another day. B)

    3. My long-term goal is to repeat my short-term goal every day for another year, and then do it another day. B)B)
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,148 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hmm lost my post??
    1. Sorta like Dave I am proudest of maintaining my 8 years at a healthy WW lifetime goal weight.
    2. &3. more of same ole same ole staying active and at a healthy weight.
  • susan092907
    susan092907 Posts: 364 Member
    1. Proudest achievement - maintaining below WW Lifetime goal weight for 5 1/2 years.

    2. Current short term goal - get back into my personal goal zone - but I've been working on this for about 2 years now.

    3. Long term goal - continue to maintain.

    Plan to get there - do the work that I need to do every day - or at least most days.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    1) Biggest accomplishment was giving up binge eating. It was the biggest contributor to my highest weight and it was a tough habit to stop
    2) Short Term Goal is 145 by Thanksgiving
    3) Long Term is ideally below 140 but realistically maintaining a healthy BMI and healthy habits for life
  • jbrack381us
    jbrack381us Posts: 345 Member
    edited September 2016
    1. Losing 100+# the first time and knowing what is possible.
    2. Getting back into the "skinnier" clothes in my closet. Projecting to be all the way there by the end of the year.
    3. Getting back into Twoterville for the first time since my late teens/early 20s and adding good muscle/staying active as I lose/maintain.