Are peanuts a safe keto food??



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Guilty pleasure... I stopped at a local liquor store for some wine for dinner and they had warm roasted peanuts. Yeah, I bought them!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    I think your orig question was are the "keto safe" in tha regard any food is as long as you stay beneath 20 or 25g carb per day. I eat peAnuts regularly. Filling. Tasty. On a net basis not bad. I also eat about 1tbsp of pb most days.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    I eat them occasionally too but only if I have to work to shell them our I'd eat my weight in them. Sunflower seeds too
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Peanut butter is a drug to me. If you look at my diary today, you can see that's the only thing I ate for breakfast. Lol. I know it's a problem, I don't have the same crazy rush with almond butter and so we don't buy peanut butter. I do have powdered PB, however the carb count is microscopic and I have to work more with it to have something to enjoy.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    IIFYM = If it fits your macros! I do enjoy and allow myself to have peanut butter, even flavored peanut butters; however, I'm not a huge PB lover and I prefer PB over plain peanuts any day. In fact, I don't usually care for peanuts just as as straight nuts (legumes) by themselves at all so if given a choice I will always choose PB.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited September 2016
    I eat PB and peanuts at times. I'm also an IIFYM person within keto/LCHF and haven't noticed any problems. Right now I have a batch of almond butter I made recently so I've been eating that instead. I do really like almond butter but sometimes when the grocery budget's tight I go for peanuts/PB instead. (I'm also limited in terms of nuts I keep in the house since one of my sons is allergic to most tree nuts. Peanuts and almonds are the main ones we can have around.)
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    I love peanuts but save them as a treat. I bag up 2 oz when I go to the movies. Then I sneak in my bottled water in my "big" purse so $5.00 Tuesdays only costs me $5 rather than pay them almost another $5 for one of THEIR bottled waters. So I have my movie snack, feels like a treat and it fits my budget!

    I also eat almonds and brazil nuts. I gave up pecans since they gave me heartburn. I tried a macadamia nut for the first time the other night and it wasn't bad. Kinda tastes like a brazil nut but a funky aftertaste.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Speaking of macros: I am logging my food this month (not very common for me) and I logged 20 whole peanuts using an entry that said "whole foods roasted whole peanuts". I went on with my day. I looked at my diary later and saw this enormous carb count, so did some exploring. AHA whoever entered the peanuts made a "small" boo boo. 20 whole peanuts, according to that entry, had 26 grams of carbs. :o Needless to say, I found another entry, ha. B)
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    I've been buying the Planters "Nut-rition" mixed nuts, 1.5 ounces per package, 9 GR protein, 4 GR net carbs. That they're in individual packages is a plus. I can always open another package but that at least requires a conscious decision on my part. Those gigantamundo buckets of mixed nuts from Costco might as well be laced with heroin as far as my ability to limit serving size is concerned.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've been buying the Planters "Nut-rition" mixed nuts, 1.5 ounces per package, 9 GR protein, 4 GR net carbs. That they're in individual packages is a plus. I can always open another package but that at least requires a conscious decision on my part. Those gigantamundo buckets of mixed nuts from Costco might as well be laced with heroin as far as my ability to limit serving size is concerned.

    Heh. Hubs buys those. He throws a handful in his lunch salad. I look at that and want to crawl in.
  • BaconSan2
    BaconSan2 Posts: 260 Member
    Everyone knows macadamia nuts are poisonous for dogs right? So the moocher at your side can't have even one.
    But we are talking about peanuts - peanuts are a legume. That said they are my favourite and most addictive food and I always feels sick after eating them but couldn't NOT eat them before WOE. Since I have been on this diet I have had 3 in the shell peanuts but they were stale and gave me a righteous excuse to throw them out. But I LOVE them and won't eat them anymore.