Whey protein

MiamiDawn Posts: 90 Member
I was listening to the 2 Keto dudes podcast on Protein, and about 24 minutes in they mention that Whey protein increases insulin almost as much as glucose. Has anyone here have any experiences with effects of whey protein on a LCHF or Keto diet ? I was looking at these Primal Bars because they only have 1 net carb ( http://amzn.to/2dsmu9l ) and are all natural non-gmo ingredients but they do contain whey protein. Thoughts on this ? I am diabetic w/insulin resistance and my personal goal is to keep my insulin response to foods low. I'm not sure if there is a significant amount of whey protein in these bars to have an effect, or if whey protein derived from grass fed beef is "better" than regular whey protein.


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I've heard that before and generally think no counting net carbs only applies to leafy green vegetables. Though some people find that other things have zero effect on blood sugar, though that doesn't mean they have zero response of insulin... so they subtract all fibers and even sugar alcohols.
    I think counting the total carb on your bars would be the safer way to go.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I'm in between - I would not subtract sugar alcohols unless you know they don't spike your BG. (Many sugar alcohols do affect T2Ds.)

    On the other hand, I'm not sure I see a point in counting fiber, as it does not seem to affect BG (per Phinney and Volek, as well as personal experience). Since it does not have a glycemic effect, wouldn't if follow that it doesn't trigger glucagon to move glucose into your bloodstream? And if that's the case, doesn't it follow that if there's no uptick in glucagon, there's no uptick in insulin?