Living the Lifestyle - Wednesday, 9/28/16



  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    PreWW I bought all my favorites as soon as stores started advertising it. I bought all the good deals! And we started eating it as soon as it came in the house.

    Then, the first years on WW, I bought it whenever I found a good price, opened it on the 31st, ate a few piece, and sent leftovers away. No problem.

    This year, I'll buy it the weekend before (when DH will be home and I won't be tempted to sneak any). Yes, right now, I'm pathetic. I need clean spaces or I get in trouble. But ... I'm winning just by knowing what I ca, or in this case can't, handle.

  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. There is practically no work involved on my part and I thoroughly enjoy seeing the kids and their costumes, and the parents and pets that accompany them. I even enjoy the older kids that come by later in the evening! I buy lots of candy, give as much out as possible, eat some (Almond Joys), and take what is left to work the next day. We tend to give our grandchildren toys and non-food items. Their parents have enough junk to deal with without us adding to the haul.

    I don't see Halloween as having that much to do with the obesity epidemic. It is one day, and, at least in our neighborhood, the kids are out walking and interacting with their community, which is a good thing.

    I agree with all of this! Esp love the holiday and when older kids participate! I'd much rather have them interacting politely with adults, asking them for candy, then doing destructive stuff. And I enjoy talking with them. They're usually lots of fun!
  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Halloween is not a problem at all for me.

    Here at the beach I've NEVER had any trick-or-treaters and, when I was still in Raleigh, it had been probably 6-7 years since I had anyone come to my door trick-or-treating so I just stopped buying it to have on hand "just in case".

    Most importantly, traditional "Halloween candy" doesn't appeal to me at all. Like some others, I'm kind of a candy snob. If I'm going to eat candy (aka chocolate because other candy doesn't count :) ), it's going to be GOOD candy.