Shades of Brown Rules and Weekly Postings

**********THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP IS FRIDAY THE 19TH **************

Ok ladies the Shades of Brown Challenge will start july 22nd and last til the 31st of August (6 weeks) ! Heres what it will be.

1. We will have weekly weigh-in's . The chart which will be updated each weekand will have weight lost and % listed.
2. There will be weekly workout challenges.
3. Everyone will submit a before pic to me which will be compared to your after at the end of the challenge and posted.
4. The top three winners will get a gift pack mailed to them which will include
*Shades of Brown workout Tank top
*Spa day relaxation kit
5. The top team will get Tank tops (this will be decided by the % of weight lost as a team)

This thread will only be for you to keep track of the workouts and weekly postings of stats. This is not for members to write on.

Before July 22nd I need you to submit the following :
1. A before picture to be submitted to the following email:
***please make subject title (SHADES OF BROWN )
2. Your starting weight

Weekly submissions :
1. Each week I will post on this page a detailed workout and any material needed ( video's I will post on a seperate page , workouts with pics to explain moves.
2. Each week a new topic will be posted for fun and to encourage us all to communicate.
3. You'll need to check in with your BUDDY which will be assigned to you as extra support.
4. On friday you will submit your weigh-in to my inbox on myfitnesspal and on sat morning the results will be posted. Along with the ranking. (please submit detailed weight i.e. 207.6 not just 207)

***I will add to this as needed***
This discussion has been closed.