Prepare Mind



  • mistyboggs
    mistyboggs Posts: 78 Member
    I forgot what it felt like to have a burn from a morning workout. It feels so good to be back. I did a video workout this morning, and am thinking about getting on the elliptical for maybe a little while just because it would be something to do productive with my time, but do not want to get too sore or I will not be able to work out tomorrow. Hope everyone is feeling just as good.
  • penelope76
    penelope76 Posts: 49 Member
    Also I was weighing 297 and now 277 as of yesterday I want to get under 200 , I am happy to be here with you all =)
    Sorry I forgot to mention my weight.
  • daisydesigner66
    daisydesigner66 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi I am Kris. I just joined this month. I need support. I weigh 211.8 now and will get to 150 a good weight for me. I live in florida with my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew, they do not eat healthy at all. Too much junk food. I walk by myself and eat my healthier meals by myself. I wish everyone luck and we all can do this! :smile:
  • mscountrygirl39456
    mscountrygirl39456 Posts: 113 Member
    I live in Mississippi
  • msjohnson13
    msjohnson13 Posts: 57 Member
    Sorry. I did forget to include my name. Melissa and nice to meet you all.
  • msjohnson13
    msjohnson13 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Liz..I know the struggles & lifestyle of military life. Routines are hard to stick by..but we can do it. I tend to do alot of fast food once the school year begins. Kids extra-curricular activity and husband changing schedules are what I try to control.
  • msjohnson13
    msjohnson13 Posts: 57 Member
    I've tried losing weight solo, but is not working out. I usually do the duo workouts with my husband but his schedules are not routine like mine and so I fall off the work out schedule and have a hard time getting back into it. I have 3 kids and have been working to get more active for my kids. The sluggish days and weekends find us more indoors than outside. I think I eat healthy or atleast try: :happy: My goal is to lose 30 pounds..seemed easy enough, but isn't working out. I'm at 167 and would like to be atleast 145 the end of this year..sooner, but if I lose inches, I will be just as happy.

    Since I am losing my work out partner (husband) for a couple months, I could use some support and encouragement. How will this work?

    You didn't list your name or where you live, but maybe you can find another workout partner through here. If nothing else, you will get encouragement.

    If you didn't see the earlier name is Melissa and I live in Central CA. I'm trying to figure this posting stuff out. So I hope I am not annoying anyone with all these posts. :ohwell:
  • kenj_06
    kenj_06 Posts: 17
    My name is Kendra, live in CO. I am 24 years old. I have 3 kids. I was 145 before I had my first and was 211 at my heaviest after my 3rd. I am currently 192. Just need some motivation to get back to my pre pregnancy weight. My problem is I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am mad, sad, lonely, name it food is my comfort. Typically in my down days is when I tend to just constantly snack. I would like to keep track of my eating and stay out of the red zone. Day 3 and I think this one will be tough.

    For workouts I do Elliptical Training. I started C25K (Couch to 5K) I will just finished up Week 1 Day 1, today I will do Week 1 Day 2 and continue every week Monday, Wednesday, Friday for 9 weeks. My husband is really fit and is bulking up so he also has me weight training and doing circuit training. It works well when I can stick to eating good but I have a tendency to mess that up. So we shall see. Hope to get to know everyone better.
  • kenj_06
    kenj_06 Posts: 17
    Ignore, messed this up lol new to this
  • kenj_06
    kenj_06 Posts: 17
    I forgot what it felt like to have a burn from a morning workout. It feels so good to be back. I did a video workout this morning, and am thinking about getting on the elliptical for maybe a little while just because it would be something to do productive with my time, but do not want to get too sore or I will not be able to work out tomorrow. Hope everyone is feeling just as good.

    Even if you are sore, the more you work out the faster your soreness goes away. I would say get it all done and out of the way in one swoop. I LOVE being sore.
  • swediey
    swediey Posts: 6 Member
    Glad to see all of you interested in loosing weight. Yes i know its tuff to stick to the plan but just lets try all

    I have created new topic to kick start the process . Interested candidates can reply to the post "Lets Doooo it !!"