What challenges do you want?



  • Sonny71
    Sonny71 Posts: 6 Member
    I do some of the run challenges on strava.. how far you can run in the week or month ...
  • pensafl14
    pensafl14 Posts: 13 Member
    Maybe a burpees challenge?
  • sirena715
    sirena715 Posts: 229
    NOT eating after a 7:00 pm would be a great challenge
  • sirena715
    sirena715 Posts: 229
    what about knee highs / Russian twists / inner leg lifts / glute kickbacks / wall sits / mountain climbers / calf raises / fire hydrants / sideway scissors / arm circles / tricep dips / Drive By Inner Thighs Challenge / What Makes You Bootyful Butt Challenge
    Even just a blank challenge page to put some of the random things people do to work out...
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    I'm going to try the challenges, but as much as I hate to admit it i'm not in good shape so when I see stuff like 500 of this or that --those I will skip, I know i'm not at that point yet...So please remember when doing challenge's make some of them easy for those of us that are just starting or re-starting....I'm going to do what I can and keep smiling cause I know I can do it :happy: