When you hit goal:



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I guess I'm weird in that I don't have a goal weight. Once you get to the point of becoming and staying morbidly obese for a time, your body will never quite be the same. Medical science is saying that they even need to create new standards of new BMI charts because folks who have gotten to a certain level of fat and or stayed fat for a length of time now have fat cells that will never have the same capacity to achieve the former/traditional BMI expectations due to volume of empty fat cells and such.

    My goals are all health gains and wanting to be off meds and have good labs and such...
  • coloradoartstudio
    coloradoartstudio Posts: 104 Member
    @kpk54 - Congrats on losing the weight and lol on the cheerleading jacket! I also cheered a long time ago and still have one of my practice uniforms packed away somewhere - I think it's a size 00. I'm pretty sure 1 of my current thighs would not even fit in the waistband. :D BTW, I don't aspire to be that thin again, just healthy.

    @Niccidawn092 being a good example for your daughter is wonderful - I try to be very careful about how I speak about my body around my 18 year old daughter.

    @KnitOrMiss I think health gains are my top priority too. I want to age well and be active in my senior years.
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    Hmm. I'm of two minds (as I usually am).

    On the top of my list is being healthy. The heart thing and the T2 diagnosis really scared the bejeebus out of me. So normal bloodsugars and a clean bill of health top my what-I-want-out-of-all-this-effort/focus list.

    After that the list gets more interesting (at least to me). In no particular order except how they occurred to me,

    I want:
    To be able to bend over without my stomach in the way.
    I want my boobs to not try and choke me when I sleep.
    I want to not need the CPAP anymore.
    I want to try on all the "someday I'll fit into this again" clothes and then get rid of them all!
    I want my flexibility back.
    I want my belly not to be in the way during sex.
    I want another sex related goal that I think is TMI to explain. :wink:
    I want a vacation where I wear nothing but a bikini and look good wearing it.
    I want my daughters to see my success and join me in this woe.
    I want my wedding and engagement rings to fit again.
    I want endurance for doing things (housecleaning, shopping, hiking, etc)
    I want to be comfortable wearing a standard 18" chain necklace
    I want to be able to dance again.
    I want to be able to sit in an airplane seat without feeling like I'm crowding the person next to me.
    I want to be the woman my husband deserves.
    and perhaps the biggest one
    I want to live more fully, I want to take advantage of all the opportunities life gives me without trying to accommodate my fat limitations.

    I could prolly come up with more, but that's a start.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Good health. Less pain. Forever.

    And never having back jiggle again. I really disliked back jiggle.
  • triumpet
    triumpet Posts: 29 Member
    I gained weight through the menopause. Then followed hormone driven breast cancer, with no boobs I can see my belly, I would preference to see my toes LOL. I have decided to go low carb as cancer 'loves sugar" so this WOE has to be a permenant life change for me, but so want to lose some LB's
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I want to find the funds for boob and arm surgery, and also for the skin under my chin. Could be pretty expensive... but I really am unhappy with those areas after losing so much weight. Would be so nice to feel really good.