Woefully underprepared



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    So glad you're ok!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Still no power. And other random issues arose. It seems like my list of junk that stresses me out only gets longer.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. I hope things turn around really soon.
  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    @FIT_Goat - any news? Hope you're doing okay!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    No real updates. Still without power. Grilling steak and bacon to get by. Keeping things charged by cycling through my car charger. But, there is a growing puddle of oil coming from the engine block under the car. So, I am avoiding starting it until I am ready to drive it to a mechanic. That is unrelated to the storm, just coincidental with it. Same with everything else. Whole lot of everything happening at once.

    No work for the next few days. Volunteer firefighters aren't being called up for anything at this time, not that I could help with an active shingles rash anyway.

    So, bored, stressed, and just trying to get through. I refuse to open my deep freeze. I had 50 bottles of water frozen on top of all the meat. I am hoping it holds up.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Still thinking of you. Shingles are so awful and with no power, hard to find things to take your mind off it.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Glad your and family/pets are safe! Just a thought.... our house insurance covers loss of food in our deep freeze. Maybe your insurance does too?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Sending all the good thoughts, my friend. Glad you're able to cook up some things to keep them from spoiling... I'm incredible sorry to hear about the rash, but yeah, I can only imagine how that is going... Worries me a bit, as I had about the oddest case of chicken pox ever as a kid (missed school only one day, a Wednesday, but got all my siblings so ill with it that one had it a full week, the other two had it two weeks)...

    Sending up good thoughts for all those working to remedy the hurricane damage, as well as for all those suffering from it...
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    @FIT_Goat Hang in there. Went through something similar years back. I know first hand how stressfuly it can be. One by one, things will turn around.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Power won't be restored today. Maybe not tomorrow. Deep freeze is a total loss. I lost hundreds of dollars in meat. Some I can't replace (goat meat).
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear this!!! Maybe you'll get a good surprise from your insurance company on replacement cost?
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Oh man what a bummer! Last year about a month after coming back from a family vacation, our big stand-up freezer (the size of a refrigerator) decided to top freezing. With some quick thinking we rounded up all the available coolers including borrowing them from neighbors and ended up packing everything into the borrowed coolers. I think we went through 7-10 pounds of ice every day for 1.5 weeks until the new freezer was finally delivered. We did manage to save most of what was in the freezer, but it sure was a pain in the backside to have to load and unload all those coolers every day just so you we could load them up with more ice!! Ugh! You have my complete and utter sympathy!!
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    I'm sorry about the meat, FG, but I'm really glad you seem to be okay. Keep checking in.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    I live in a storm prone area. We lose our power for pretty much 2-3 days every year.

    I found that anything in the deep freeze will be pretty much ok for 2-3 days. The food on the inside of the freezer will last longer.

    House insurance (if you have it) will cover food loss. Take photos of whatever is spoiled.

    Also, ask about money from Government relief funds. We had a MAJOR storm unroof houses and the like here a few years back and the Govt handed out disaster relief cheques. We had no damage but lost food from the freezer and had to clean up the yard. It was just a matter of a short interview with staff to determine what the losses were and we received a cheque which actually more than covered the replacement cost of the food we lost.

    Very glad to hear that the house is ok and no one is hurt. You can't replace people and you have a roof over your head. Fingers crossed the loss is minimal. Take care and stay safe.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Power is finally back on. Called the insurance company about the trees, fence, and food. I think my hurricane deductible is four grand and my damage is probably about that. Had a couple quotes for the trees and it looks like $1,600 just for them to be removed (unless I go with the unlicensed scam company that will do it for $600 cash only). LOL, I don't think so.

    My fence wasn't in great shape, but the tree guy said the insurance company will only consider the fact that it was destroyed by the storm. The valuation and replacement costs might be higher than I think. We will see. Claim has been started and will be looked into within the week.
  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    So glad to hear you have power again! Hopefully you can get back to some semblance of normalcy now. Good luck working through the insurance process and getting everything repaired or replaced!
  • BaconSan2
    BaconSan2 Posts: 260 Member
    Fit_Goat - so sorry to hear bout the deep freeze what a shame : ( !!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    That sucks so much. Sorry. :disappointed:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Glad you are safe and the recovery process has begun!!! Why is the goat meat something that can't be replaced, are there not any goat farms in your area??? We have a ton, it's become more common than cows, and goat used to be my favorite back when I was still a meat eater!!!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Bummer, I hope you get a surprising helpful amount from the insurance company, though. That would be nice...