How to lose fat but not pounds--without working out?

actualspacesloth Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2016 in Social Groups
I'm a rather small girl: age 19, 5-foot-nothing, 105 pounds, around 25% body fat.

A few months ago I was 120 pounds and about 27% body fat, so I decided to embark on a calorie-deficit diet. I didn't actively work out before or during this time. Over those months I managed to lose 15 pounds, which is great! However, I didn't seem to lose much % body fat. I'm afraid that the pounds I lost were mainly muscle. I don't want to lose more pounds (it'd be unsafe for my height), but I'd still like to lose some fat.

Is there a way to ensure I lose only fat--and ideally to gain muscle--without exercise? Dieting is rather easy for me, but working out is timely and inconvenient for my life. I've heard eating more protein can help...? If the answer is no, could anyone recommend exercises that are easy and would tone muscle in a way that flatters my small frame? Thank you!


  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    You are asking for an impossibility, alas--there is no way to lose fat without also losing lean mass. Protein will help the muscles you have recover, but it will not assist you in adding more muscle.

    Enter exercise.

    Many hate it. It's not for everyone. I was fortunate to find running. (Runner's high is the greatest experience on earth. :) ) If you can't find something you love, find something easy. The Hacker Diet requires 15 minutes a day, and will get you results in your abs, arms and legs, provided you don't have much fat in the way to conceal your muscles.

    And don't worry about "bulking up" or looking "buff"--that doesn't happen unless you bodybuild and/or take steroids and other supplements. I have lots of lean muscle and look pretty small.
  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    I dont know any way to gain muscle without exercise, specifically lifting weights...other exercises will tone your muscles. I think what you're looking for is called body "recomp" but it definitely involves exercise.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    You're talking about a recomp. The only way to successfully accomplish that is to incorporate strength training. You have to use your muscles to prevent loss while in a calorie deficit, and you have to progressively overload them to build them back up. Protein provides the fuel for your muscles to recover or grow, but it won't do much without you stimulating your muscles.

    A heavy lifting program will probably yield results the fastest, but if you can't find 45-60 minutes to get to the gym, look for routines you can do at home. Bodyweight programs like You Are Your Own Gym and Convict Conditioning might be worth looking into.
  • Dofflin
    Dofflin Posts: 127 Member
    edited October 2016
    I've been doing bodybuilding-style workouts (progressive overload/4 day split), a small surplus of calories (250) and heaps of protein (1g/lb body weight) for a few months now after hitting my goal weight and I weirdly look smaller than before. My maintenance calories have over time shot up from about 1200 calories a day to 1600 and I barely even do cardio anymore (I used to run heaps). I get my information from I find it's a great resource if you want reliable information on strength training, otherwise I'm pretty sure you can free download free PDF's of books like "The New Rules of Lifting", or even just youtube it. I just made a habit of going to the gym for 45 mins a day and even if I don't have a plan, I do a quick google search of a workout I want to do while warming up and follow one that looks good (getting more organised now though). I mean, if you really want, there's probably apps for that, or even sports you may be able to join - have a look around. Lastly, get excited!!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,634 Member
    edited October 2016
    I"m right there with ya, really don't like to exercise, don't like the gym, but unfortunately we all have to exercise. We can't rely on diet alone. That being said, you can do a whole bunch of great exercises at home with those bands in different thicknesses. You can bang out 2-3 sets of squats while a commercial is on, back or arm exercises while another commercial comes on, etc. This is a great way to get started if you're a non exerciser. From there, you can incorporate more.

    There are some great internet resources for band exercises or even the little book that comes with your set. Good luck!