What is your weight goal after completing T25

lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
Hey ...I was wondering how much weight NOT INCHES everyone hopes to lose at the end of T25...I hope to lose 8 1/2 lbs...


  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I'm at goal weight 115# and Maintenance Mode. Due to my illness my doc would like 105-108. I've been stubborn and fighting it since February. I feel good and my illness is fully under control with my new lifestyle without meds. Might be a good time to go for it.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    I'm at goal weight 115# and Maintenance Mode. Due to my illness my doc would like 105-108. I've been stubborn and fighting it since February. I feel good and my illness is fully under control with my new lifestyle without meds. Might be a good time to go for it.

    Hi...sorry to hear of any illness...Just curious how tall are you? Because 105 seems very low to me...
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I'm at goal weight 115# and Maintenance Mode. Due to my illness my doc would like 105-108. I've been stubborn and fighting it since February. I feel good and my illness is fully under control with my new lifestyle without meds. Might be a good time to go for it.

    Hi...sorry to hear of any illness...Just curious how tall are you? Because 105 seems very low to me...

    I'm a Shorty! 4'11" I'm 42, diabetic type 2 and have HBP. I've never been on meds though I got with the program and started my safari lifestyle change. That's why I've been stubborn and haven't gotten on the ball to reach the UGW given.
  • hgaspard83
    hgaspard83 Posts: 66 Member
    my orginal goal weight is 150, my pre baby weight which is about 16 pounds away , but anything after that whould be awsome !!!!
  • jnninn
    jnninn Posts: 34
    I just started on this site and I have 78 lbs to lose. I am hoping by the end of the 10 weeks to lose 20 lbs.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    I'm at goal weight 115# and Maintenance Mode. Due to my illness my doc would like 105-108. I've been stubborn and fighting it since February. I feel good and my illness is fully under control with my new lifestyle without meds. Might be a good time to go for it.

    Hi...sorry to hear of any illness...Just curious how tall are you? Because 105 seems very low to me...

    I'm a Shorty! 4'11" I'm 42, diabetic type 2 and have HBP. I've never been on meds though I got with the program and started my safari lifestyle change. That's why I've been stubborn and haven't gotten on the ball to reach the UGW given.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    I'm at goal weight 115# and Maintenance Mode. Due to my illness my doc would like 105-108. I've been stubborn and fighting it since February. I feel good and my illness is fully under control with my new lifestyle without meds. Might be a good time to go for it.

    Hi...sorry to hear of any illness...Just curious how tall are you? Because 105 seems very low to me...

    I'm a Shorty! 4'11" I'm 42, diabetic type 2 and have HBP. I've never been on meds though I got with the program and started my safari lifestyle change. That's why I've been stubborn and haven't gotten on the ball to reach the UGW given.

    I think it is awesome that you have never had to take the meds...You are doing great...
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    my orginal goal weight is 150, my pre baby weight which is about 16 pounds away , but anything after that whould be awsome !!!!

    You could probably lose the 16 pounds over the summer...Good luck...Keep it going!!!
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    I just started on this site and I have 78 lbs to lose. I am hoping by the end of the 10 weeks to lose 20 lbs.

    You can do it!!!
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I would like to lose at least 10lbs by the end of the 10 weeks (I'm a slow loser) any more would be a welcome bonus!
  • hgaspard83
    hgaspard83 Posts: 66 Member
    looks like everyone has some really good goals !!:heart:
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Fantastic! I think everyone's goals are doable. Keep in mind the suggested calorie intake is 1400-1600 for this program. I'm keeping my macros at 40c/40p/20f as suggested in Body Revolution and Insanity for better results.
  • MireyaUribe
    MireyaUribe Posts: 3 Member
    I hope to lose at least 10# but my total weighloss goal is 20#
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    I hope to lose at least 10# but my total weighloss goal is 20#

    Me too! My goal weight is 20lbs from my current weight, but I have a feeling I'm about to slow down...If I could lose all 20 in the next 60 days I'd love it, but I don't think that's realistic. So we'll say 10lbs is the T25 goal.
  • achnburn
    achnburn Posts: 27 Member
    I have a huge body fat percentage, but am in a healthy weight range - basically this results in losing weight extremely slowly. MFP has me losing 0.4 lbs a week with a 1,200 calorie count - so I guess I can only expect to lose 5 lbs in the 10 weeks. OR, as I found with P90X - nothing at all as I gain in muscle what I lose in fat so the scale stays the same..... My goal is to change my body fat percentage from 35% I have right now at 145.8 lbs to about 18% and whatever weight that goes with that..
  • Ah, thanks for letting us know about the calorie intake! I don't have the nutrition guide so I wasn't sure but saw somewhere online that it said either 1200 or 1600, depending on your weight and acitivity level!
  • adiannen83
    adiannen83 Posts: 32 Member
    I have over 100 lbs to lose, but I'm aiming for about 25 lbs during the 10 weeks. Down 7 so far since Monday!
  • 7 pounds in 4 days, thats incredible!!
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I'm shooting for 20... would like 25 but eh...
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,723 Member
    Just joined to day but started on the 15th.

    Looking to be 10 down by the end of the challenge. This has been a stubborn...yo-yo 10 pounds, I'm tellin' you.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday.
