

  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Happy Monday, team! Starting off in Leavenworth, Washington and crossing through Canada and over half of the Atlantic to our destination - Reykjavik, Iceland! That’s 5,621 miles and the longest leg of the race. Assuming we have all 21 of our original teammates and nobody’s dropped out, that will come out to 268 miles [exercise minutes].
    Challenge #1 for 10 points – Let’s Say Hallo in Iceland – Part 1: Friend all of your teammates. Wow, it’s like I knew that was coming! ;) Part 2: Tag MissionEnforcer in a post here and state what town/providence/state/country you’re from and give a brief description of where you live.
    Challenge #2 for 10 points – Drum to a Viking Beat! – Follow along with the Viking Chant in the video three times. Next, do each of the three exercise videos 3 times, or you can try them 2 times and then do a routine of your own.
    Your minutes used on your challenges can always be used for your exercise minutes!
    Challenge #3 for 5 points – Fill Up at the Foss! – Drink half of your body weight in ounces at least 5/7 days this week.

    Again, I cannot stress enough how important the extra credit points are! Almost everyone will make it to the destination each and every week, the extra credit points is what pulls you ahead of the game. You have 7 days to get these done, work them into your schedule and remember each and every one can be modified!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    @MissionEnforcer Challenge #1
    Again, I'm Ashley. I'm from McHenry, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. We've got hot and humid summers and cold and bitter winters. Fall is my favorite time of year, the changing leaves and beginning of crisp weather, leggings, scarves, and boots are my favorite wardrobe choices! It's been unseasonably warm the past couple days and I'm ready for the fall weather to come. Of course shortly after that I'll be shoveling snow off the driveway with my hubby and complaining about the -40 wind chills :s
    I've lived here my entire life and it seems as though it's gone from a quiet town to a busy one with lots of traffic all of the time.
    The most unique part of McHenry is we have one of the few outdoor movie theaters left. We just love going there summer nights with our son and even bringing the puppies along too! It's a great time and I've got memories of being there since I was little.

    And of course - Go Cubbies!!
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Here's the link to the spreadsheet -
    I'd like to ask you to please update the spreadsheet as often as possible so we can see how we're doing for the week and if we need to pick up the pace. Each exercise minute is equal to one mile.
  • carinamenina
    carinamenina Posts: 105 Member
    Hey friends! I just went through and sent a friend request to all those that hadn't already requested me. Don't make me come after you :P @MissionEnforcer

    I grew up in southern California but have lived in northern Utah for nearly 15 years now. It is gorgeous around here this time of year. I've included some pictures below (couldn't choose just one!) from recent runs near my home. My area is a big valley in the shadow of the Wasatch Mountains. It's pretty dry and desert-y but it's home. I work as an office administrator, have been married for ten years, and have two boys, ages 8 and 3. Life is good!

  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    @MissionEnforcer My name is Darci and I live in Colorado. I'm about 20 mins north of Denver in the town I grew grew up in. I've only been back here for about 4 years though. The weather here at this time of the year is bipolar according to my 13yo daughter. I think most would tend to agree. Last week we had days in the high 80s, this week low 60s. I don't watch the news/weather so I'm never quite sure what I'm waking up to. I love being able to see the mountains on my walk but wish I lived a little closer to them. Then again I'm not a huge fan of snow and the closer you are the more snow you get.
  • Lynniebinny76
    Lynniebinny76 Posts: 455 Member
    What's up team 4?!!! I'm Lynn. 40, 2 adorable little boys who are 2 and 3 years old. I live in a suburb of St Paul, MN. But actually only about 10 min north of minneapolis. Lived here my whole life. I absolutely love this state! We have every season imaginable! I don't like the cold, but I can't even complain about it too much. Because we also get days like today where it's mid October, gorgeous, a bit humid, leaves are beautiful colors... seriously. If you haven't visited this state, you need to at some point. Just not July/August because it's like South states humid and hot. And not January/ February because your nose sticks together when you breath it's so cold.
  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    Hello to the newbies and returning members of team 4! My name is Dawn, I'm a 47 year old wife & mother if 3 teenagers ( 18 & 17 boys, 15 girl). This is my 4th challenge and I am very excited to get back on track and be accountable, which really works for me!
    I live in a small rural town in La Salle , Manitoba, Canada, just south of Winnipeg! I have lived here all my life and have watched my small town grow from 1200 to 2200 in the last 5 years! It is a great place to raise my family !
    The upcoming winter season is nicknamed "WinterPeg" ! It gets really cold in the winter with major wind chill and lots of snow! This makes it challenging to do outdoor activities, but also activities like snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, skating, curling can all be fun to do as long as the weather cooperates!
    Cheering on our Winnipeg Jets helps pass the winter months! Go Jets Go!!

  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone
  • cowgoo
    cowgoo Posts: 58 Member

    (How do you tag someone?) My name is Courtlynd. I'm 30 and live in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I'm a full-time student and work part-time. Happy to be on the team.
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    ABOUT CHALLENGE #1:Make sure all of the requirements have been met. All Teams have 21 players; some probably haven't shown up yet. Trying to "friend" them twice means over the period of the week, not the same day and not before the game started (which is today, Monday). There is no need to send a request to anyone who is already a "friend".

    The purpose of this challenge is to start bonding as a team, get to know all of your team members and to get comfortable posting on your team’s thread. Until I can verify that everyone who's going to show up has done so, and enough time has passed to realistically establish those connections, points claimed for this challenge will not be verified. Unverified Points show up as "Red" until accepted. Once accepted they will turn "Black" and the points will appear in the "Totals" column.

    Your post should be made on your particular team’s thread and needs to have @MissionEnforcer appear somewhere within that post (tagging). In this case just stick @MissionEnforcer (no spaces) by itself at the top of your post, or use it in a sentence (uh...maybe not). It doesn't show up as an E-Mail, but instead as a notification on my site.


  • cowgoo
    cowgoo Posts: 58 Member
    Is there a way to complete the spreadsheet on a phone?
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 304 Member
    @MissionEnforcer Challenge #1

    My name is Tara. I also live in southern Ontario. Very close to the border of Detroit. So shopping a great, although our dollar is pretty crap right now. Our weather is unpredictable. Last week I sent my kids to school in fleece long-sleeve, pants and fall coats, today it's 80+. It can snow tomorrow. I love the 4 seasons. Glad to meet new teammates and see old ones back!

    @SmashleyM914 I recently lost my fitbit one. I've had it for 3 years and I miss it. Will be getting another this week. Trying to decide on if I should upgrade to a wrist one. I'm not a big watch fan. So I'll be joining in challenges soon.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    cowgoo wrote: »
    Is there a way to complete the spreadsheet on a phone?
    @cowgoo you'll need to download google sheets.
    @SmashleyM914 I recently lost my fitbit one. I've had it for 3 years and I miss it. Will be getting another this week. Trying to decide on if I should upgrade to a wrist one. I'm not a big watch fan. So I'll be joining in challenges soon.
    @TaraDanielle40 just let me know when you're up and running again!! I'll add you in :D I've got the charge HR and personally love it
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    @MissionEnforcer Challenge #1

    My name is Tara. I also live in southern Ontario. Very close to the border of Detroit. So shopping a great, although our dollar is pretty crap right now. Our weather is unpredictable. Last week I sent my kids to school in fleece long-sleeve, pants and fall coats, today it's 80+. It can snow tomorrow. I love the 4 seasons. Glad to meet new teammates and see old ones back!

    @SmashleyM914 I recently lost my fitbit one. I've had it for 3 years and I miss it. Will be getting another this week. Trying to decide on if I should upgrade to a wrist one. I'm not a big watch fan. So I'll be joining in challenges soon.

    I have the blaze and love it.
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    Whoo hoo! Friends with everyone in the group. We rock. :smiley:
  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi my name is Pam, I'm 49 years old and I am new to this challenge. I live a small town in southeastern Kentucky. We enjoy all of the four seasons, right now it's still like summer here. We've had temps in the 80's this week but in a few days it will be in the 60's. The trees are changing colors and the leaves
  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi my name is Pam, I'm 49 years old and I am new to this challenge. I live a small town in southeastern Kentucky. We enjoy all of the four seasons, right now it's still like summer here. We've had temps in the 80's this week but in a few days it will be in the 60's. The leaves are changing colors and starting to fall
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    edited October 2016
    @MissionEnforcer Hi to all. I am Lynn 56 and new to the challenge but very excited. I think this challenge will give me the push I need to get back on the fitness wagon. We bought a farm house that we are remodeling. I have no children at home but 1 daughter in New York. We live in a smaller town in SE WI which is great for walking. I think it is a 3 mile round trip to the subway or the Library. I love walking but have a desk job which is a bummer on the fitness level. I am also a Jillian Michaels junkie.