

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Woo hoo day 4/5 for water is complete. Usually I am done by 3:00. Hopefully I am not up peeing all night!
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hi All (and @missionenforcer) - I'm located in central California on the coast. It's beautiful here between ocean and coastal mountains, but we are in serious need of rain! The very mild climate allows outdoor exercise almost always - but I did those drum exercises inside for sure (with everyone out of the house)! We happen to leave two houses away from a bike path that follows a (dry) creekbed. It has been well used by us all the years we've lived here!
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I have to find out how I count this Sunday. I am working at a pumpkin chucking event. I think I will be running around all day 10-4 how do I count that??

  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    lynnbaum wrote: »
    I have to find out how I count this Sunday. I am working at a pumpkin chucking event. I think I will be running around all day 10-4 how do I count that??
    Answered on "Question and Answer" Thread.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Just finished my water. I have completed of all weekly challenges. I had a hard time getting exercise in today, but did my best walking around my store for at least 45 minutes. it is the most incredibly boring thing to do. A couple of weeks, and I won't have to work every day. Counting the seconds...
  • Fitbug92
    Fitbug92 Posts: 53 Member
    It is taking me a bit to get used to how all of this works - the technology. I'm getting there. I have figured out this is easier on my desktop than on my iPhone. I will try to do the Viking Challenge today. You really want me to drink water? O.k. I will try this today. That won't fit the 5 for 7 day gig, but perhaps it will get me going. I get the no Crystal Light - it is pretty sweet. My favorite is good tea with just a wee bit of sweetener to tone the bitterness. Today, I'll try water.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello team. Hopefully you are all just saving up inputting your minutes & your challenges. I am not a fan of last place :persevere:

    I ran already today & if I get home from work & the house is quiet I may do some Yoga again. I really liked that & I think that my hamstrings need a good stretch from running almost every day.
    Have a great day!

    @My_Butt: Thanks for the inspiration. You are exactly right. Perseverance is the key.
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    I really didn't want to get up and walk this morning before my son's ball games. Then I thought of the team and laced up my shoes and logged an hour. I'll go for another walk with my husband tonight. I'm also not a fan of losing.
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    @Fitbug92 and @mckeon11 both need to provide a BRIEF DESCRIPTION of where they live, to count the points.
  • mckeon11
    mckeon11 Posts: 42 Member
    Okay! I'll try again (sorry @MissionEnforcer I swear I know how to read :# ) I am from BEAUTIFUL southwest FL where (right now) it is breezy, sunny, and a total vacation destination! The land is flat and the snowbirds are migrating! I am about 20 min from a multitude of beaches (yet I prefer the pool). During the summer months it is HUMID and disgusting, but October-February are magical (this morning it was 55 and right now its low 70s in the shade).
  • Scherzie
    Scherzie Posts: 1,190 Member

    Team information

    The Race… each minute of exercise = 1 mile in the race. Let me say that one thing I learned from the last race is that, while exercise minutes matter, it is the mini-challenges that matter the most. Our team cheerleader in the last race was kind of a math/stats nut and during one week posted a comparison… it would take the team 7 hours, 48 minutes of exercise to get 10 points; whereas, one person, doing one 30-minute mini challenge, would also earn 10 points. The challenges are designed to accommodate injuries, etc., so we really need everyone to be striving to knock those out!

    Entering your daily minutes, challenges, etc… please, please, please, get your minutes entered daily if at all possible. As with most MFP group challenges, we utilize a Google Sheets spreadsheet. If you don’t have access or use a computer much, you can download Google Sheets for iOS or Android devices. I use an Android phone and have an iPad and don’t have an issue using the spreadsheet on either. If you’re not able to enter into the spreadsheet, then “phone” them in by posting on the Team thread and one of your teammates can enter for you.

    Something that may help us get out of last place ;)
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    I did volunteer work today. 2.5 hours at the fish game and then 12:30-4 doing the little tractors. I am counting this as 1.5 hours because I was pushing little kids around the track, turning around tractors or running down the track to unstuck kids. It really was a ton of work. The kids that couldn't peddle very well wanted to go a lot. I couldn't say "Look kid, I am beat, Get your parent to push you" I had a really good time so I am counting it.