

  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    I see everyone has accessed the spreadsheet, except for @twitch82 and @Dictorbutt, but they did this challenge last time, so I am not worried. Hey, @Dictorbutt, do you still want someone to input your numbers on the spreadsheet? It closes earlier this time around (9 pm PDT) and I am in bed around 9 pm EDT (6 pm PDT) so get them in early. The only team mate on the west coast? might be @smile_laughter.

    EEK! Ok, thanks for the heads up! :)

    I'm currently attempting a mid week posting with another challenge. Which is kind of good since I typically meet most requirements by about Thur anyway. Save 5 day water and food challenges. Anyway.. Still needs work.
    So, yes, could you or anyone please still post for me?
    To clarify, numbers are due by 9 whatever time zone on Sunday. You are in bed by 6 my time (this should be my goal each week either way. ;) )? Then anything I would get in after that (remember I'm a third shift schedule) would just go on the next day?

    I'm walking in place trying to catch up on everything right now before I get back to the grind.
    I'll try to post what I know off hand and add in later if need be.

    Hello Team! ...and be back in a few to introduce.

  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Morning all.....I have been posting big minutes for me that is on Monday and Tuesday however today is going to be a struggle to get that high because I have some commitments this evening. I am on the treadmill now to of course start my day out right.

    Keep up the good work team....
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Nope not too many neighbors out here! A few within walking distance and my mother in law is about 2 km down the road.

    Nap time resulted in 4 am up call... (and I had crashed in my daughters bed last night ...). Children made pancakes this am and coffee is running through my system just doing chores while I wait for my hubby to get up so I can sweat it up in the bedroom. (Aren't farmers supposed to be up at sunrise? Will remind him of that in a bout 20 min)
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    I got my water in yesterday! I was drinking the last glass in bed when I fell asleep. I woke up (to pee, obviously) and remembered to finish that glass! I thought it wouldn't count but when I checked the time it was still before midnight!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    BJerzy wrote: »
    I got my water in yesterday! I was drinking the last glass in bed when I fell asleep. I woke up (to pee, obviously) and remembered to finish that glass! I thought it wouldn't count but when I checked the time it was still before midnight!

    That's too funny.

    I've been getting up to pee too. My goal for the day is to drink more in the am and not before bed.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning! Yesterday was a busy day - go go go between work and kids activities - was gone from 8:30am-1030pm! Luckily I was up early to exercise!

    Challenge #2 Complete!

    Didn't do so well on the water challenge. :# (Good thing it's only 5/7 days!)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello, Team and @MissionEnforcer. I have come to the conclusion that one of our team mates, mbansal123, values her privacy. She has not accepted any of our friend requests, nor does she have any other MFP friends. Her profile also doesn't include a photo or a hometown. We will respect that.

    @mbansal123, feel free to pop by this team thread and let us know how you're doing. We'd love to hear from you. Regardless, though, keep up the good work! You have put up some great numbers thus far and we are only two days in!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Hey guys we are almost half way there! can't wait to get to Iceland!!! we can do it.

    Water going good over here.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @BJerzy, very funny and very honest!
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    Stats so far.

    3 intro vid's- Complete!

    Challenge 1- Accepted requests.
    - tagged MissionEnforcer (above)
    - gave brief description of Vegas
    Challenge 2- Complete.
    - Viking Chant vid 3X's.
    - Cardio Drumming vid x3/2x's
    ea. Done
    - tried recommended 'Emiliana
    Torrini Jungle Drum. I also went
    for about 44 min to my own
    music. I'm not positive when I
    stopped drumming and just
    broke into dancing but ...
    Challenge 3- 2/5
    100oz water/day /5 days.
    . A special Thank You! To
    whoever put the capon for the
    big guys! :)

    Mon- 142
    Tues- 286

    I have a new kind of rule I try now. Accept for these cpl long ones, I walk in place, do yoga stretches, or calisthenics, while I'm logging on MFP. Also while talking on the phone. I always do things here or there throughout the day but I like this twist. I added another 61 min of cardio today just catching up on reading posts. It got me going. I didn't have an hour of posts to read. Lol Half that tho.

    Did I read correctly there is a 1000 pt cap per person? I can pretty much guarantee that every week. I get closer to 1400. :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hey, @Dictorbutt, the cap is for the team totals, yes, but for the individual power rankings, the sky's the limit! I imagine you want to try to win that title this time around, seeing as you're with us from the start!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hey guys only 30 minutes for me today, which sucks because I've really been shooting for 45 a day during the week. We had to give the PSATs at school and I had a long break so I walked the building for half an hour! But now that I'm home I have a massive headache - why did it have to get warm and mess up my sinuses? Anyway if I try to move to much or even stretch it's going to cause a worse headache. I'm glad I took advantage early and at least got that much in. I did manage to get my water again though so day 3 of 5 done!
  • twitch82
    twitch82 Posts: 119 Member
    Hey everybody. Sorry I have been MIA. Been really busy getting things ready outside for winter while it's still nice out.
    I will enter my numbers later tonight.

    @MissionEnforcer i live in Two Rivers Wisconsin. It is a small city right on Lake Michigan (I can actually see the lake from my front yard).
  • mbansal123
    mbansal123 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. Just relating to the Challenge 1. I am actually underage and for that reason I just wanted to let you know that I will not be accepting any direct friend requests!
    @bjerzy I had the psats too!
  • slgibbs1987
    slgibbs1987 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey team! Did not get my exercise in today, but I did complete day 2 of the water challenge!

    I was wondering, does anybody know of a good water tracker app? I was trying to use MFP's but it was a little glitchy.
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    I ate under my calories today and got 30 minutes in of weight/circuit training. I completed day 3 of water challenge and I'm thinking I might continue to strive for 1/2 my weight in water after this water challenge is completed. I'll get more minutes in tomorrow, weight training and cardio. Good night!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    To ALL TEAMS: I have started to verify Challenge #1. What I am finding is that many people are leaving out the "brief description of where you live". Also, there are some people who are doing a great job, but aren't marking it on the spreadsheet. A few are claiming points, without making any post. I will try and finish tomorrow, as it seems most players have shown up.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Hey, @Dictorbutt, the cap is for the team totals, yes, but for the individual power rankings, the sky's the limit! I imagine you want to try to win that title this time around, seeing as you're with us from the start!

    There's a "title" available. I'm intrigued, inspiring, and in the treadmill now! ;)

    I welcome a challenge that encourages more exercise... To start off the baking and comfort food cooking season. :wink:
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! I get tomorrow off work, so today is my "friday" and I am really happy!! LOL!
    I did well yesterday, like a Hat Trick - I hit all my goals - calorie limit, water, and exercise! ;) LOL!
    @twitch82 - I've been procrastinating about cleaning up outside, but it's getting cooler everyday here. This weekend -must do it - the snow will be here before we know it!

    Have a good day, Team 3!