

  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 867 Member
    Day 1 of 5 under calorie goal. Today and tomorrow mandatory overtime at work, not much time for snacking which is good. It gets dark so early now, probably won't get my hike in until later this week or weekend. First 2 Muve videos danced to twice.
  • Annampea
    Annampea Posts: 65 Member
    I have managed to get the first two videos done twice today. I apologize for not getting on the stick yesterday, I ended up at the ER Sunday with an infection under my nail bed. I didn't even know that was possible! The end of my finger was swollen like a cherry tomato, got hot and was pulsing. I do NOT recommend this situation at all. I am feeling better today, so I was able to concentrate more and stay under my calorie goal, YEAH!
  • sabreena86
    sabreena86 Posts: 132 Member
    hi guys , how are you all
    we are in the 4th place , but we still have time to advance more , so what suggestions you suggest , i'm sure we can do better , yesterday i was tiered so i didn't go to the gym, instead of that i walk and that is countable as minutes of exercising , it's an example to exchange hard exercises with easier exercises

    if any of you can provide us of exercises that we can do it while we are setting , or laying on back , or doing house work , etc

    we shall motivate each other more , this is the an important factor in team work

    good luck for all of you ;)
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    Annampea wrote: »
    I do NOT recommend this situation at all.

    I am sorry this happened to you @Annampea , but this comment made me laugh! I have finished all videos as I know I have my hiking to do this weekend. I haven't been as active lately, sorry about that! Unfortunately I have a very sick doggie at home. Fingers crossed that that the treatment she is on will help. It's been tough the last 4 days with her.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Kim - that's awesome using exercise to help you feel better....wish I would always have that kind of motivation. It was rough in the morning and still tense but he did end up calling not too long after I got to work and apologized so I apologized for my part.

    Jenilla - I totally wish you could do some hiking for us. Lol. Of course I would not have volunteered to do some jump rope for you because I hated that too! Lol. One of these days, maybe there will be a challenge right up my alley to where I can express the same sentiments!! :D

    Tameika - Amazing job finding a solution to start working on the hike challenge. Just please be super careful getting back into this. It is definitely not worth hurting yourself over. You need to make sure stay healthy, especially for the sake of your little one. One suggestion on the food, try to think of some higher calorie healthy foods that you might be able to add to salads or some other foods. Adding fruits to oatmeal, or black beans, nuts, and avocados to a salad. If I think of other things I'll post them too, but that is still one thing I struggle with is making healthier food choices. Baby steps!! Lol

    Jen - awesome job getting the 4 miles in and not cursing under your breath the whole time. I'm pretty sure it would have been the straw that broke the camels back for me instead of seeing it as an opportunity!! Amazing job having that super attitude and using it to your advantage!!

    Sabreen - great job getting in 3 of the 4 miles and thank you for the pep talk. I have been struggling lately with being so busy and stressed. I will probably have to skip the gym today again too and know I will be super busy tonight and tomorrow night but hopefully I can make it up later. :'(

    Anna - all I can say is YIKES!! Lol. Definitely sorry you are dealing with that. Good job getting back on track though!!

    Joanna - I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. That is such a terrible thing to go through, especially when you know something is wrong but don't know exactly what. I hope the treatments she's getting do help. With our basset, he had gotten bad over a year ago and we thought it would have been the end but we were able to get him on several medicines and a shot every two weeks and got to have him around for another year relatively healthy. Will be thinking about you.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Well I made it under calorie goals 2 days in a row. I wasn't expecting to yesterday after I indulged in chili cheese fries, and a shake. I ended up only drinking 1/4-1/3 of the shake. Then I made sure I did some extra walking in after work. (I let the kids play at the playground after school while I walked.) I even ended up playing tag with them for about 10 minutes. I then had a really light supper, ended up eating more veggies then I normally do. :)

    Today, I am hoping to get in some videos and stay under calorie.

    @sabreena86 I like the idea of what other exercises can we do. I like to add in exercise while I am cooking. If I have things simmering or needing to be stirred on the stove, I will do walking, or incline push ups, maybe even some squats. I will also walk in the living room while watching TV. When I first started doing this, my kids thought I was nuts. Now they ask to see how many steps I have and will follow me back and forth for a few minutes. Sometimes, I will even run up and down the stairs 2-3 times during a commercial break.

    Hope some of my suggestions help!
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hey teammates! Just started a ‘Keep Myself Accountable For My First Half’ Instagram page. :o I’m probably going to need a lot of encouragement. Haha! If anybody wants to join my little journey…. veronica_is_running
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Think I overdid it a bit on Monday. Yesterday I definitely did not feel good. So I ended up only doing 2 of the videos and a stretch routine. I've decided to break up my 30 minutes walk into two, since I started feeling pain about 18 minutes into it on Monday.

    So, so far today I've done 2 of the videos, a strength routine and 15 minutes walk (0.62 miles). I'll do the other 15 minutes in an hour or so.

    I'm struggling to keep under calorie goal today, but I WILL do it. Fridays and Sundays I tend to be over, so can't afford to go over on any other days.

    Thanks for the advice @jdelaroy, I did that and also added breastfeeding as an exercise.

    Great ideas @lbenson2006! I love all of those.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    jdelaroy wrote: »
    ...I like to add in exercise while I am cooking. If I have things simmering or needing to be stirred on the stove, I will do walking, or incline push ups, maybe even some squats.

    LOL, I do Sumo squats now. I hadn't even heard of them before this challenge, but I thought they were so cool that I just spontaneously do a couple now and then whenever I'm just standing around at home and the thought crosses my mind. I bet I'd be a much better skier (or at least be in less pain) if I kept it up. ;)
  • llmg970
    llmg970 Posts: 257 Member
    Can't believe 3 days under calories done. I have done a mile of walking outside but the weather hasn't been cooperative. Will most likely need to do a hike this weekend
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 867 Member
    Under calorie goal day 2 of 5. Muve video dance challenge complete.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Well, I was planning on doing the last set of videos tomorrow but I am seriously thinking I need to skip my workout and go into work early tomorrow. That makes me so sad. I'm pretty sure I'll have a big fat 0 for tomorrow, then the bulk of the day Friday and Saturday will be spent in a car. As for the calories challenge...I have been stressing eating like you would not believe. Right now I would have to do good the rest of the week...which is pretty unlikely. I feel I am being a pretty bad leader this week. :( Hopefully I can make some of the time up once we get to Florida. Kinda scary that they are already saying no replacements this week, so let's stay 20 strong. We still have some empty spots, so please fill in the spreadsheet as soon as you can and remember to put 0s where applicable. Thanks guys!!!
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    Don't stress it Lesley!! We are all having fun and that's all that counts!!
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    4 out of 4 days under calories. Today was close though ... I ended up with only 20 calories to spare!! :#
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    Hi Team 2. Back to civilization and home sweet home.
    Caught up with logging minutes, working on challenges, hoping to complete all.
    Welcome new members and hope all members are well.
    Life sometimes gets in the way of good health intentions but consistency and what we do in the long run always prevail...
    We must get back on the horse just ONE more time than falling off...
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    How do you all deal with stress and anxiety...I am failing this weeks food challenge as well because adulting is hard and food is comfort (horrible I know)
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I workout to deal with stress and anxiety! I run or cycle or using the punching bag or jump rope!! I find after a good workout I am much more relaxed and can let things go. Also, since I have started Yoga on a regular basis I am able to deal better with the stress and tend to let things go easier and faster! I hope things get better soon for you!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Home today with a sick son, had a fight with the bf that lasted the whole night, and morning. I dealt with it by eating chocolate chip cookies for lunch. Now my youngest 6 is throwing a temper tantrum outside my bedroom window because she has to wash off the marker she used to write on her door. This is the 3rd or 4th time she has done this in the last 3 weeks. Maybe this time she will learn. Going to go heat up leftovers for dinner, and do a bunch of pacing in the living room. If that doesn't help with the stress I will go walk in the snow.

  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 867 Member
    @jdelaroy- sorry about your stressful day. Hope tomorrow is stress free.

    I've been under calorie goal 3 of 5 day goal. Walked outside 2 miles in 30 minutes at moderate pace after work today.