Weekly Post 16.10.- 22.10.16

KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
I hope no one minds me starting a new weekly post! But it has been so quiet in here, there might not be anyone to comment on it! I know I have been super busy. I really think this time of year is busier than November and December.
I did manage to somehow lose .4 lbs in the last two weeks. Pretty sure that is a true miracle from God. Seriously. I had two breakfasts three days last week. I hope you all have a wonderful week!


  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Thanks Kate! Keeping busy is key, so good for you for maintaining that downward trend! As for being busy, my husband is away so I've been doing all the yard work after a storm swooped through here!! Branches and debris everywhere! Raking, sweeping, scooping..... then I had to tackle the inside of the house! I didn't eat very well today since I was so busy & plain forgot, so figure I'll call it a fast day! I'm hoping I pull off a good healthy fast day during the week! But tomorrow I'm out for lunch again, oh lucky me!! :p
    Have a great week people! B)
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks for starting the new week, Kate. I don't think Flumi cares and she's away for a bit, if I remember correctly. Mama, I LOVE an unexpected fast day, although it can screw up my week a bit. But still...I think it's a win when that happens!

    I had a textbook FD yesterday. We will see if I can do the same on Thursday and how it all translates on the scale. It was sooo tempting to start nibbling while making dinner because I was pretty hungry. I walked and had a pretty intense 1.5 hour dance class, so trust me... I would have eaten the bark off a tree had someone offered it. But I held my ground and considered my trip to Hawaii in 5 weeks. I passed on the garlic bread and beer that seemed to be beckoning. I'm feeling pretty badass, actually. I'll try to carry that feeling until the end of the week!!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    I definitely don't mind, Kate! It's not 'my' thread...I just tend to start it, because I'm one of the oldies in this group and in an earlier time zone than most.

    Good job Flossy!

    Anyway, I've returned from vacation. The weather in England was great. Walked 200000 steps in about 11 days and only gained 2lb (most of which was probably water), then went a bit overboard when I got home. Had a bit of a scale scare Monday morning and hope it helps me get back on track. Had a good fast yesterday and a good normal day today. Cooked a pot of pumpkin sweet potato soup and steamed some veggies to keep me on track this week.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I did 16:8 for a while and decided to change things up to 5:2. It's been a pretty great three weeks, feels less restrictive than a continuous deficit.

    I do notice that it's better to run than do my body weight exercises on fast days. I also seem to go number 2 more after a day of fasting.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,551 Member
    My noble intentions at the beginning of the week degenerated into a puddle of hormones and birthday cake by the end of the week. Oh, well, there's always tomorrow... ooohhh leftover cake!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Haha! hope you enjoyed your cake Kate!! I've been having a lot of "those kinds of days" lately!

    Flumi I love hearing about your vacations... is it just me or do you get a lot of vacation time! And speaking of vacations.... Flossy I'm a little jealous of your Hawaii trip! I hope you continued your badass attitude to finish off your week! I'm feeling a little badass myself in my new runners!!!!! Finally! I'm strutting proudly in my new Hoka Bondi 4's (or what ever the heck they're called) love LOVE them!!

    Cheers to everyone feeling a little badass this coming week!!!